Generate a button in the top left corner of the page to check the available country and remaining keys.
// ==UserScript== // @name Alienware Arena Giveaway Keys Checker // @name:ja Alienware Arena ギブアウェイキー チェッカー // @name:zh-CN Alienware Arena 赠品密钥检查器 // @name:zh-TW Alienware Arena 贈品密鑰檢查器 // @license GPL-3.0 // @namespace // @version 1.9.3 // @description Generate a button in the top left corner of the page to check the available country and remaining keys. // @description:ja ページの左上に、利用可能な国と残りのキーを確認するためのボタンを生成します。 // @description:zh-CN 在页面左上角生成一个按钮,用于检查可用的国家/地区和剩余密钥。 // @description:zh-TW 在頁面左上角產生一個按鈕,以查看可用的國家/地區和剩餘的密鑰。 // @author Saulios & Misha // @match *://**/Giveaway/* // @match *://* // @icon ###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###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###7HyYdmGvThhBDR68JutTs1h3K+6qIyKtAxGQMCAwom+HmzAKr6ooYdi80m69kp85TP6tnLTnyDw+mqnIRWDwSs5axLCJLt/rr3/lcRw1mjFC2BwMya4+IJKWeNQk8P9FE8IL48RP/iwN1nF+v9De7fyf+hnje4cwq/L/zkw4vY0WlfZC36ofPLm9+qChJfiTbzrU+KbTHqYFRGQAHxLRT59CURVc0dRaw1zw+KpcVLk01/jz70wZ6a0V4v8YPOUKRDF9s5l0HD36/kyHYojf2KrN++/qgF3wdSp4WUojZOFTqOdxXThPjKAPOqPH6IcJR0WOf2+bAAAA== // @grant none // @run-at document-idle // @supportURL // @homepageURL's%20US/AWA%20GA%20Keys%20Checker/ // @contributionURL // @contributionAmount 1¥ // @compatible Chrome // @compatible Edge // @compatible Firefox // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // ボタンのテキストを設定する関数 function getButtonText() { const lang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage; switch (lang) { case 'ja': return '残りのキーを確認'; case 'zh-CN': return '检查剩余密钥'; case 'zh-TW': return '檢查剩餘密鑰'; default: return 'Check Keys'; } } // メッセージのテキストを設定する関数 function getMessageText(type) { const lang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage; const messages = { 'withKeys': { 'ja': 'キーがある国:', 'zh-CN': '有密钥的国家:', 'zh-TW': '有密鑰的國家:', 'en': 'Countries with keys:' }, 'withoutKeys': { 'ja': 'キーがない国:', 'zh-CN': '没有密钥的国家:', 'zh-TW': '沒有密鑰的國家:', 'en': 'Countries without keys:' }, 'allOut': { 'ja': 'すべて終了!このギブアウェイにはもうキーが残っていません!', 'zh-CN': '全部派完了!本次赠送活动中的密钥被抢光了!', 'zh-TW': '全部發完了!本次贈送活動中的密鑰壹個都不剩了!', 'en': 'All out! There are no more keys left in this giveaway!' }, 'everyCountry': { 'ja': 'すべての国にキーがあります!', 'zh-CN': '所有的国家都有密钥!', 'zh-TW': '每個國家都有密鑰!', 'en': 'Every country has keys available!' }, 'keyAvailability': { 'ja': 'キー在庫状況:', 'zh-CN': '密钥库存情况:', 'zh-TW': '密鑰庫存狀況:', 'en': 'Key Availability:' } }; return messages[type][lang] || messages[type]['en']; } // ボタンを作成してスタイルを設定 const button = document.createElement('button'); button.textContent = getButtonText(); = 'fixed'; = '100px'; = '100px'; = '10px 20px'; = '#007bff'; = '#fff'; = 'none'; = '5px'; = 'pointer'; = '1000'; = 'pre-wrap'; // 多行表示のサポート // 閉じるボタンを作成してスタイルを設定 const closeButton = document.createElement('button'); closeButton.textContent = '×'; = 'fixed'; = '100px'; = `calc(${} - 30px)`; // メインボタンの左側 = '10px'; = '#dc3545'; = '#fff'; = 'none'; = '5px'; = 'pointer'; = '1000'; // ボタンをクリックしたときに実行する関数 let originalText = getButtonText(); button.onclick = function() { if (button.textContent === originalText) { var country_with_keys = []; var country_without_keys = []; var countries = new function () { var list = [{ code: "AF", name: "Afghanistan"}, { code: "AX", name: "Aland Islands"}, { code: "AL", name: "Albania"}, { code: "DZ", name: "Algeria"}, { code: "AS", name: "American Samoa"}, { code: "AD", name: "Andorra"}, { code: "AO", name: "Angola"}, { code: "AI", name: "Anguilla"}, { code: "AQ", name: "Antarctica"}, { code: "AG", name: "Antigua and Barbuda"}, { code: "AR", name: "Argentina"}, { code: "AM", name: "Armenia"}, { code: "AW", name: "Aruba"}, { code: "AU", name: "Australia"}, { code: "AT", name: "Austria"}, { code: "AZ", name: "Azerbaijan"}, { code: "BS", name: "Bahamas"}, { code: "BH", name: "Bahrain"}, { code: "BD", name: "Bangladesh"}, { code: "BB", name: "Barbados"}, { code: "BY", name: "Belarus"}, { code: "BE", name: "Belgium"}, { code: "BZ", name: "Belize"}, { code: "BJ", name: "Benin"}, { code: "BM", name: "Bermuda"}, { code: "BT", name: "Bhutan"}, { code: "BO", name: "Bolivia"}, { code: "BQ", name: "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba"}, { code: "BA", name: "Bosnia and Herzegovina"}, { code: "BW", name: "Botswana"}, { code: "BV", name: "Bouvet Island"}, { code: "BR", name: "Brazil"}, { code: "IO", name: "British Indian Ocean Territory"}, { code: "BN", name: "Brunei Darussalam"}, { code: "BG", name: "Bulgaria"}, { code: "BF", name: "Burkina Faso"}, { code: "BI", name: "Burundi"}, { code: "CV", name: "Cabo Verde"}, { code: "KH", name: "Cambodia"}, { code: "CM", name: "Cameroon"}, { code: "CA", name: "Canada"}, { code: "KY", name: "Cayman Islands"}, { code: "CF", name: "Central African Republic"}, { code: "TD", name: "Chad"}, { code: "CL", name: "Chile"}, { code: "CN", name: "#####"}, { code: "CX", name: "Christmas Island"}, { code: "CC", name: "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"}, { code: "CO", name: "Colombia"}, { code: "KM", name: "Comoros"}, { code: "CG", name: "Congo"}, { code: "CD", name: "Congo"}, { code: "CK", name: "Cook Islands"}, { code: "CR", name: "Costa Rica"}, { code: "CI", name: "Côte d\"Ivoire"}, { code: "HR", name: "Croatia"}, { code: "CU", name: "Cuba"}, { code: "CW", name: "Curaçao"}, { code: "CY", name: "Cyprus"}, { code: "CZ", name: "Czech Republic"}, { code: "DK", name: "Denmark"}, { code: "DJ", name: "Djibouti"}, { code: "DM", name: "Dominica"}, { code: "DO", name: "Dominican Republic"}, { code: "EC", name: "Ecuador"}, { code: "EG", name: "Egypt"}, { code: "SV", name: "El Salvador"}, { code: "GQ", name: "Equatorial Guinea"}, { code: "ER", name: "Eritrea"}, { code: "EE", name: "Estonia"}, { code: "ET", name: "Ethiopia"}, { code: "FK", name: "Falkland Islands"}, { code: "FO", name: "Faroe Islands"}, { code: "FJ", name: "Fiji"}, { code: "FI", name: "Finland"}, { code: "FR", name: "France"}, { code: "GF", name: "French Guiana"}, { code: "PF", name: "French Polynesia"}, { code: "TF", name: "French Southern Territories"}, { code: "GA", name: "Gabon"}, { code: "GM", name: "Gambia"}, { code: "GE", name: "Georgia"}, { code: "DE", name: "Germany"}, { code: "GH", name: "Ghana"}, { code: "GI", name: "Gibraltar"}, { code: "GR", name: "Greece"}, { code: "GL", name: "Greenland"}, { code: "GD", name: "Grenada"}, { code: "GP", name: "Guadeloupe"}, { code: "GU", name: "Guam"}, { code: "GT", name: "Guatemala"}, { code: "GG", name: "Guernsey"}, { code: "GN", name: "Guinea"}, { code: "GW", name: "Guinea-Bissau"}, { code: "GY", name: "Guyana"}, { code: "HT", name: "Haiti"}, { code: "HM", name: "Heard Island and McDonald Islands"}, { code: "VA", name: "Holy See"}, { code: "HN", name: "Honduras"}, { code: "HK", name: "#### Kong"}, { code: "HU", name: "Hungary"}, { code: "IS", name: "Iceland"}, { code: "IN", name: "India"}, { code: "ID", name: "Indonesia"}, { code: "IR", name: "Iran"}, { code: "IQ", name: "Iraq"}, { code: "IE", name: "Ireland"}, { code: "IM", name: "Isle of Man"}, { code: "IL", name: "Israel"}, { code: "IT", name: "Italy"}, { code: "JM", name: "Jamaica"}, { code: "JP", name: "Japan"}, { code: "JE", name: "Jersey"}, { code: "JO", name: "Jordan"}, { code: "KZ", name: "Kazakhstan"}, { code: "KE", name: "Kenya"}, { code: "KI", name: "Kiribati"}, { code: "KP", name: "Korea"}, { code: "KR", name: "Korea"}, { code: "KW", name: "Kuwait"}, { code: "KG", name: "Kyrgyzstan"}, { code: "LA", name: "Lao"}, { code: "LV", name: "Latvia"}, { code: "LB", name: "Lebanon"}, { code: "LS", name: "Lesotho"}, { code: "LR", name: "Liberia"}, { code: "LY", name: "Libya"}, { code: "LI", name: "Liechtenstein"}, { code: "LT", name: "Lithuania"}, { code: "LU", name: "Luxembourg"}, { code: "MO", name: "Macao"}, { code: "MK", name: "Macedonia"}, { code: "MG", name: "Madagascar"}, { code: "MW", name: "Malawi"}, { code: "MY", name: "Malaysia"}, { code: "MV", name: "Maldives"}, { code: "ML", name: "Mali"}, { code: "MT", name: "Malta"}, { code: "MH", name: "Marshall Islands"}, { code: "MQ", name: "Martinique"}, { code: "MR", name: "Mauritania"}, { code: "MU", name: "Mauritius"}, { code: "YT", name: "Mayotte"}, { code: "MX", name: "Mexico"}, { code: "FM", name: "Micronesia"}, { code: "MD", name: "Moldova"}, { code: "MC", name: "Monaco"}, { code: "MN", name: "Mongolia"}, { code: "ME", name: "Montenegro"}, { code: "MS", name: "Montserrat"}, { code: "MA", name: "Morocco"}, { code: "MZ", name: "Mozambique"}, { code: "MM", name: "Myanmar"}, { code: "NA", name: "Namibia"}, { code: "NR", name: "Nauru"}, { code: "NP", name: "Nepal"}, { code: "NL", name: "Netherlands"}, { code: "NC", name: "New Caledonia"}, { code: "NZ", name: "New Zealand"}, { code: "NI", name: "Nicaragua"}, { code: "NE", name: "Niger"}, { code: "NG", name: "Nigeria"}, { code: "NU", name: "Niue"}, { code: "NF", name: "Norfolk Island"}, { code: "MP", name: "Northern Mariana Islands"}, { code: "NO", name: "Norway"}, { code: "OM", name: "Oman"}, { code: "PK", name: "Pakistan"}, { code: "PW", name: "Palau"}, { code: "PS", name: "Palestine"}, { code: "PA", name: "Panama"}, { code: "PG", name: "Papua New Guinea"}, { code: "PY", name: "Paraguay"}, { code: "PE", name: "Peru"}, { code: "PH", name: "Philippines"}, { code: "PN", name: "Pitcairn"}, { code: "PL", name: "Poland"}, { code: "PT", name: "Portugal"}, { code: "PR", name: "Puerto Rico"}, { code: "QA", name: "Qatar"}, { code: "RE", name: "Réunion"}, { code: "RO", name: "Romania"}, { code: "RU", name: "Russia"}, { code: "RW", name: "Rwanda"}, { code: "BL", name: "Saint Barthélemy"}, { code: "SH", name: "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha"}, { code: "KN", name: "Saint Kitts and Nevis"}, { code: "LC", name: "Saint Lucia"}, { code: "MF", name: "Saint Martin"}, { code: "PM", name: "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"}, { code: "VC", name: "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"}, { code: "WS", name: "Samoa"}, { code: "SM", name: "San Marino"}, { code: "ST", name: "Sao Tome and Principe"}, { code: "SA", name: "Saudi Arabia"}, { code: "SN", name: "Senegal"}, { code: "RS", name: "Serbia"}, { code: "SC", name: "Seychelles"}, { code: "SL", name: "Sierra Leone"}, { code: "SG", name: "Singapore"}, { code: "SX", name: "Sint Maarten"}, { code: "SK", name: "Slovakia"}, { code: "SI", name: "Slovenia"}, { code: "SB", name: "Solomon Islands"}, { code: "SO", name: "Somalia"}, { code: "ZA", name: "South Africa"}, { code: "GS", name: "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"}, { code: "SS", name: "South Sudan"}, { code: "ES", name: "Spain"}, { code: "LK", name: "Sri Lanka"}, { code: "SD", name: "Sudan"}, { code: "SR", name: "Suriname"}, { code: "SJ", name: "Svalbard and Jan Mayen"}, { code: "SZ", name: "Swaziland"}, { code: "SE", name: "Sweden"}, { code: "CH", name: "Switzerland"}, { code: "SY", name: "Syrian Arab Republic"}, { code: "TW", name: "######"}, { code: "TJ", name: "Tajikistan"}, { code: "TZ", name: "Tanzania"}, { code: "TH", name: "Thailand"}, { code: "TL", name: "Timor-Leste"}, { code: "TG", name: "Togo"}, { code: "TK", name: "Tokelau"}, { code: "TO", name: "Tonga"}, { code: "TT", name: "Trinidad and Tobago"}, { code: "TN", name: "Tunisia"}, { code: "TR", name: "Turkey"}, { code: "TM", name: "Turkmenistan"}, { code: "TC", name: "Turks and Caicos Islands"}, { code: "TV", name: "Tuvalu"}, { code: "UG", name: "Uganda"}, { code: "UA", name: "Ukraine"}, { code: "AE", name: "United Arab Emirates"}, { code: "GB", name: "United Kingdom"}, { code: "US", name: "United States of America"}, { code: "UM", name: "United States Minor Outlying Islands"}, { code: "UY", name: "Uruguay"}, { code: "UZ", name: "Uzbekistan"}, { code: "VU", name: "Vanuatu"}, { code: "VE", name: "Venezuela"}, { code: "VN", name: "Vietnam"}, { code: "VG", name: "Virgin Islands (British)"}, { code: "VI", name: "Virgin Islands (U.S.)"}, { code: "WF", name: "Wallis and Futuna"}, { code: "EH", name: "Western Sahara"}, { code: "YE", name: "Yemen"}, { code: "ZM", name: "Zambia"}, { code: "ZW", name: "Zimbabwe"}, { code: "AN", name: "Netherlands Antilles"}, { code: "CS", name: "Serbia and Montenegro"}, { code: "AC", name: "Ascension Island"}, { code: "CP", name: "Clipperton Island"}, { code: "DG", name: "Diego Garcia"}, { code: "EA", name: "Ceuta, Melilla"}, { code: "EU", name: "European Union"}, { code: "IC", name: "Canary Islands"}, { code: "TA", name: "Tristan da Cunha"}, { code: "QO", name: "Outlying Oceania"} ]; var codes = {}; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { var entry = list[i]; codes[entry.code] = entry; } this.getEntry = function (code) { return codes[code]; }; }; for (var country in countryKeys) { var get_country = countries.getEntry(country); var get_country_name = if (countryKeys[country].length === 0) { country_without_keys.push(" " + get_country_name); } else { country_with_keys.push(" " + get_country_name); } }; country_with_keys.sort(); country_without_keys.sort(); if (country_with_keys.length !== 0) { country_with_keys[0] = country_with_keys[0].split(" ").join(""); } if (country_without_keys.length !== 0) { country_without_keys[0] = country_without_keys[0].split(" ").join(""); } let content = ''; if (country_without_keys.length !== 0 && country_with_keys.length !== 0) { content += `${getMessageText('withKeys')}\n${country_with_keys.toString()}\n`; } else if (country_with_keys.length === 0) { content += `${getMessageText('allOut')}\n`; = '#dc3545'; // すべてのキーが配布されると、ボタンは赤色で表示されます。 } else { content += `${getMessageText('everyCountry')}\n`; } for (var country in countryKeys) { if (countryKeys[country].length === 0) { continue }; for (var level in countryKeys[country]) { content += `${getMessageText('keyAvailability')}\nTier: ${level} - Keys: ${countryKeys[country][level]}\n`; }; break }; if (country_without_keys.length !== 0 && country_with_keys.length !== 0) { content += `${getMessageText('withoutKeys')}\n${country_without_keys.toString()}\n`; } button.textContent = content; if (country_with_keys.length !== 0) { = '#28a745'; // 変更後の背景色 } } else { button.textContent = originalText; = '#007bff'; // 元の背景色 } }; // 閉じるボタンをクリックしたときに実行する関数 closeButton.onclick = function() { document.body.removeChild(button); document.body.removeChild(closeButton); }; // ボタンをページに追加 document.body.appendChild(button); document.body.appendChild(closeButton); })();