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IWRPG - Skilling - Add more info to estiamtes

Adding level up and materials left timers

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         IWRPG - Skilling - Add more info to estiamtes
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      2024-07-12
// @description  Adding level up and materials left timers
// @author       Grotok
// @match        https://ironwoodrpg.com/*
// @icon         https://ironwoodrpg.com/assets/items/raw-bass.png
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Function to add new rows
function addNewRow() {
// Check if there's a button with the text "Estimates"
var estimatesButton = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.tabs .tab')).find(button => button.textContent.trim() === 'Estimates');
if (!estimatesButton) {
console.error('Estimates button not found');
// Find the 'Actions' row
var actionsRow = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.card .row')).find(row => row.querySelector('.name').textContent.trim() === 'Actions');
if (!actionsRow) {
console.error('Actions row not found');
// Get the dynamic attribute name from the 'Actions' row
var dynamicAttr = Array.from(actionsRow.attributes).find(attr => attr.name.startsWith('_ngcontent')).name;
// Create a new div element for the new row
var newRow = document.createElement('div');
newRow.setAttribute(dynamicAttr, '');
newRow.className = 'row ng-star-inserted level-up'; // Add the level-up class
// Create the 'name' div
var nameDiv = document.createElement('div');
nameDiv.setAttribute(dynamicAttr, '');
nameDiv.className = 'name';
nameDiv.textContent = 'Level up';
// Create the 'value' div
var valueDiv = document.createElement('div');
valueDiv.setAttribute(dynamicAttr, '');
valueDiv.className = 'value';
valueDiv.textContent = 'Calculating...';  // Placeholder text
// Append the 'name' and 'value' divs to the new row
// Insert the new row after the 'Actions' row
actionsRow.parentNode.insertBefore(newRow, actionsRow.nextSibling);
// Call the function to calculate the XP difference and update the value every 5 seconds
setInterval(() => updateXPDifference(dynamicAttr), 5000);
// Function to calculate XP difference and update the "Level up" row
function updateXPDifference(dynamicAttr) {
// Find the 'skill' element
var skillElement = document.querySelector('.skill');
if (!skillElement) {
console.error('Skill element not found');
// Extract the XP values
var xpText = skillElement.querySelector('.exp').textContent.trim();
var xpValues = xpText.split(' / ');
var xpA = parseInt(xpValues[0].replace(',', ''));
var xpB = parseInt(xpValues[1].replace(',', ''));
// Calculate the difference
var xpDifference = xpB - xpA;
// Find the XP Gained per hour value
var xpGainedText = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.card .row')).find(row => row.querySelector('.name').textContent.trim() === 'XP Gained').querySelector('.value').textContent.trim();
var xpGainedPerHour = parseInt(xpGainedText.split(' ')[0].replace(',', ''));
// Calculate the time to level up (in hours) based on XP difference and XP gained per hour
var hoursToLevelUp = xpDifference / xpGainedPerHour;
// Convert hours to seconds
var secondsToLevelUp = hoursToLevelUp * 3600;
// Convert remaining time to hours, minutes, and seconds format
var formattedTime = formatTime(secondsToLevelUp);
// Update the "Level up" row's value
var levelUpValueDiv = document.querySelector(`.level-up .value[${dynamicAttr}]`);
if (levelUpValueDiv) {
levelUpValueDiv.textContent = formattedTime;
} else {
console.error('Level up row not found');
// Update the materials consumption rows
// Function to update materials consumption rows
function updateMaterials(dynamicAttr) {
// Find the active-link element and extract the timer value
var activeLinkElement = document.querySelector('.active-link');
if (!activeLinkElement) {
console.error('Active link element not found');
var timerText = activeLinkElement.querySelector('.interval span').textContent.trim();
var timerValue = parseFloat(timerText.replace('s', ''));
// Calculate the actions per hour based on the timer value
var actionsPerHour = 3600 / timerValue;
// Find all cards and select the one with the header name 'Materials'
var cards = document.querySelectorAll('.card');
var materialsCard = Array.from(cards).find(card => card.querySelector('.header .name').textContent.trim() === 'Materials');
if (!materialsCard) {
console.error('Materials card not found');
// Extract all material rows
var materialRows = materialsCard.querySelectorAll('.row.ng-star-inserted');
// Track existing materials
var existingMaterials = new Set();
// Iterate over each material row and calculate the remaining time
materialRows.forEach(materialRow => {
var materialName = materialRow.querySelector('.name').textContent.trim();
var materialValueText = materialRow.querySelector('.value').textContent.trim();
var materialValues = materialValueText.split(' / ');
var materialX = parseInt(materialValues[0].replace(',', ''));
var materialY = parseInt(materialValues[1].replace(',', ''));
// Calculate the remaining amount
var remainingAmount = materialX / materialY;
// Calculate the time until the material runs out (in seconds)
var timeUntilOutOfMaterial = remainingAmount / actionsPerHour * 3600;
// Convert remaining time to hours, minutes, and seconds format
var formattedMaterialTime = formatTime(timeUntilOutOfMaterial);
// Check if the material row already exists
var existingMaterialRow = document.querySelector(`.material-time[data-material="${materialName}"]`);
if (existingMaterialRow) {
// Update the existing material row's value
var materialValueDiv = existingMaterialRow.querySelector('.value');
materialValueDiv.textContent = formattedMaterialTime;
} else {
// Create a new div element for the material row
var newMaterialRow = document.createElement('div');
newMaterialRow.setAttribute(dynamicAttr, '');
newMaterialRow.className = 'row ng-star-inserted material-time'; // Add the material-time class
newMaterialRow.setAttribute('data-material', materialName); // Add a data attribute for the material name
// Create the 'name' div
var materialNameDiv = document.createElement('div');
materialNameDiv.setAttribute(dynamicAttr, '');
materialNameDiv.className = 'name';
materialNameDiv.textContent = `${materialName} remaining`;
// Create the 'value' div
var materialValueDiv = document.createElement('div');
materialValueDiv.setAttribute(dynamicAttr, '');
materialValueDiv.className = 'value';
materialValueDiv.textContent = formattedMaterialTime;
// Append the 'name' and 'value' divs to the new material row
// Insert the new material row under the "Level up" row
var levelUpRow = document.querySelector('.level-up');
if (levelUpRow && levelUpRow.parentNode) {
levelUpRow.parentNode.insertBefore(newMaterialRow, levelUpRow.nextSibling);
// Remove material rows that no longer exist
var materialTimeRows = document.querySelectorAll('.material-time');
materialTimeRows.forEach(row => {
var materialName = row.getAttribute('data-material');
if (!existingMaterials.has(materialName)) {
// Helper function to format time in hours, minutes, and seconds
function formatTime(seconds) {
var h = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
var m = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60);
var s = Math.floor(seconds % 60);
return `${h}h ${m}m ${s}s`;
// Function to ensure rows are present and add them if missing
function ensureRowsExist() {
var levelUpRow = document.querySelector('.level-up');
if (!levelUpRow) {
} else {
var dynamicAttr = Array.from(levelUpRow.attributes).find(attr => attr.name.startsWith('_ngcontent')).name;
// Call the function to add the new row after a 2-second delay
setTimeout(addNewRow, 2000);
// Set an interval to ensure rows are present every few seconds
setInterval(ensureRowsExist, 5000);