When on the Plan to Watch page, goes through and deletes every single entry until there's none left. Should work with the majority of list styles, but could break if the default modern style isn't used. Make sure to disable this script after you're done using it.
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How to use:
1. Enable script.
2. Visit your Plan to Watch page while logged in.
3. Let the script do its thing.
4. Every five minutes or so, MAL will pop-up with a 'prove your humanity captcha', you need to do them.
5. Once you no longer wish to delete more Plan to Watch entries, disable or uninstall the script.
This script should work with the majority of list styles, but could break if the default modern style isn't used.
The tab must be open for the script to work, but you can drag it out so it's in a separate open window and continue doing things in your browser as normal.
It takes the script about 6 seconds to delete each entry, so to calculate the time it will take, just multiply the amount of entries on your Plan to Watch list with 6, and that's how many seconds it will take, give or take. Maybe add 15 extra seconds for each 300 seconds to account for the captchas.