在抖音/快手/微视/instagram/TIKTOK/小红书/微博/今日头条 主页右小角显示视频下载按钮
// ==UserScript== // @name 抖音/快手/微视/instagram/TIKTOK/小红书/微博/今日头条 主页视频下载 // @namespace shortvideo_homepage_downloader // @version 1.3.2 // @description 在抖音/快手/微视/instagram/TIKTOK/小红书/微博/今日头条 主页右小角显示视频下载按钮 // @author hunmer // @match https://pixabay.com/videos/search/* // @match https://www.xinpianchang.com/discover/* // @match https://www.douyin.com/user/* // @match https://www.douyin.com/search/* // @match https://www.douyin.com/video/* // @match https://www.douyin.com/note/* // @match https://www.toutiao.com/c/user/token/* // @match https://www.kuaishou.com/profile/* // @match https://www.kuaishou.com/search/video* // @match1 https://www.youtube.com/@*/shorts // @match https://x.com/*/media // @match https://weibo.com/u/*?tabtype=newVideo* // @match https://isee.weishi.qq.com/ws/app-pages/wspersonal/index.html* // @match https://www.instagram.com/* // @match https://www.xiao####shu.com/user/profile/* // @match https://www.xiao####shu.com/search_r###lt/* // @match https://www.xiao####shu.com/explore* // @match https://www.tiktok.com/@* // @match https://www.tiktok.com/search* // @match https://artlist.io/stock-footage/story/* // @match https://artlist.io/stock-footage/search?* // @icon https://lf1-cdn-tos.bytegoofy.com/goofy/ies/douyin_web/public/favicon.ico // @grant GM_download // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_addElement // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @run-at document-start // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== const $ = selector => document.querySelectorAll('#_dialog '+selector) const ERROR = -1, WAITTING = 0, DOWNLOADING = 1, DOWNLOADED = 2 const VERSION = '1.3.2', RELEASE_DATE = '2025/03/04' const DEBUGING = false const DEBUG = (...args) => DEBUGING && console.log.apply(this, args) const toArr = arr => Array.isArray(arr) ? arr : [arr] const guid = () => { return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8) return v.toString(16) }) } Date.prototype.format = function (fmt) { var o = { "M+": this.getMonth() + 1, "d+": this.getDate(), "h+": this.getHours(), "m+": this.getMinutes(), "s+": this.getSeconds(), "q+": Math.floor((this.getMonth() + 3) / 3), "S": this.getMilliseconds() }; if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) { fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length)) } for (var k in o) { if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) { fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length == 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length))) } } return fmt } const flattenArray = arr => { if(!Array.isArray(arr)) return [] var r###lt = [] for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (Array.isArray(arr[i])) { r###lt = r###lt.concat(flattenArray(arr[i])) } else { r###lt.push(arr[i]) } } return r###lt } const getExtName = name => { switch(name){ case 'video': return 'mp4' case 'image': case 'photo': return 'jpg' } return name ?? 'mp4' } const escapeHTMLPolicy = typeof(trustedTypes) != 'undefined' ? trustedTypes.createPolicy("forceInner", { createHTML: html => html, }) : { createHTML: html => html } const createHTML = html => escapeHTMLPolicy.createHTML(html) const openFileDialog = ({callback, accept = '*'}) => { let input = document.createElement('input') input.type = 'file' input.style.display = 'none' input.accept = accept document.body.appendChild(input) input.addEventListener('change', ev => callback(ev.target.files) & input.remove()) input.click() } const loadRes = (files, callback) => { return new Promise(reslove => { files = [...files] var next = () => { let url = files.shift() if (url == undefined) { callback && callback() return reslove() } let fileref, ext = url.split('.').at(-1) if (ext == 'js') { fileref = GM_addElement('script', { src: url, type: ext == 'js' ? "text/javascript" : 'module' }) } else if (ext == "css") { fileref = GM_addElement('link', { href: url, rel: "stylesheet", type: "text/css" }) } if (fileref != undefined) { let el = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(fileref) el.onload = next, el.onerror = next } else { next() } } next() }) } const cutString = (s_text, s_start, s_end, i_start = 0, fill = false) => { i_start = s_text.indexOf(s_start, i_start) if (i_start === -1) return '' i_start += s_start.length i_end = s_text.indexOf(s_end, i_start) if (i_end === -1) { if (!fill) return '' i_end = s_text.length } return s_text.substr(i_start, i_end - i_start) } const getParent = (el, callback) => { let par = el while(par && !callback(par)){ par = par.parentElement } return par } const chooseObject = (cb, ...objs) => { let callback = typeof(cb) == 'function' ? cb : obj => obj?.[cb] return objs.find(callback) } // 样式 GM_addStyle(` ._dialog { input[type=checkbox] { -webkit-appearance: auto !important; } color: white !important; font-size: large !important; font-family: unset !important; input { color: white; border: 1px solid; } table tr td, table tr th { vertical-align: middle; } input[type=text], button { color: white !important; background-color: unset !important; } table input[type=checkbox] { width: 20px; height: 20px; transform: scale(1.5); -webkit-appearance: checkbox; } } body:has(dialog[open]) { overflow: hidden; } `); unsafeWindow._downloader = _downloader = { loadRes, resources: [], running: false, downloads: {}, options: Object.assign({ threads: 8, firstRun: true, autoRename: false, alert_done: true, douyin_host: 1, // 抖音默认第二个线路 timeout: 1000 * 60, retry_max: 60, autoScroll: true, aria2c_port: 6800, aria2c_saveTo: './downloads' }, GM_getValue('config', {})), saveOptions(opts = {}){ opts = Object.assign(this.options, opts) GM_setValue('config', opts) }, _aria_callbacks: [], bindAria2Event(method, gid, callback){ this._aria_callbacks.push({ method: 'aria2.' + method, gid, callback }) }, enableAria2c(enable){ if(enable){ if(!this.aria2c){ loadRes(['https://www.unpkg.com/[email protected]/bundle.js', 'https://www.unpkg.com/[email protected]/bundle.js'], () => { this.writeLog('正在连接aria2,请等待连接成功后再开始下载!!!', 'ARIA2C') var aria2 = this.aria2c = new unsafeWindow.Aria2({ host: 'localhost', port: this.options.aria2c_port, secure: false, secret: '', path: '/jsonrpc', jsonp: false }) aria2.open().then(() => { aria2.opening = true this.writeLog('aria2成功连接!', 'ARIA2C') $('[data-for="useAria2c"]')[0].checked = true }) aria2.onclose = () => { aria2.opening = false this.writeLog('aria2失去连接!', 'ARIA2C') $('[data-for="useAria2c"]')[0].checked = false } aria2.onmessage = ({ method: _method, id, r###lt, params }) => { console.log({_method, r###lt, params}) switch (_method) { // case 'aria2.onDownloadError': // 下载完成了还莫名触发? case 'aria2.onDownloadComplete': for (let i = this._aria_callbacks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let { gid, method, callback } = this._aria_callbacks[i] if (gid == params[0].gid) { if (method == _method) { // 如果gid有任何一个事件成功了则删除其他事件绑定 callback() } this._aria_callbacks.splice(i, 1) } } return } } }) } }else{ if(this.aria2c){ this.aria2c.close() this.aria2c = undefined } } }, addDownload(opts){ console.log(opts) let _id = guid() var {id, url, name, error, success, download, downloadTool} = opts if(download){ // 命名规则 let {ext, type, title} = download ext ||= getExtName(type) name = this.safeFileName(this.getDownloadName(id) ?? title) + (ext != '' ? '.' + ext : '') } const callback = (status, msg) => { let cb = opts[status] cb && cb(msg) this.removeDownload(_id) } var abort, timer var headers = this.getHeaders(url) if(downloadTool == 'm3u8dl'){ let base64 = new Base64().encode(`"${url}" --workDir "${this.options.aria2c_saveTo}" --saveName "${name}" --enableDelAfterDone --headers "Referer:https://artlist.io/" --maxThreads "6" --downloadRange "0-1"`) unsafeWindow.open(`m3u8dl://`+base64, '_blank') return callback('success', '下载完成...') } if(this.aria2c){ var _guid this.aria2c.send("addUri", [url], { dir: this.options.aria2c_saveTo, header: Object.entries(headers).map(([k, v]) => `${k}: ${v}`), out: name, }).then(guid => { _guid = guid this.bindAria2Event('onDownloadComplete', guid, () => callback('success', '下载完成...')) this.bindAria2Event('onDownloadError', guid, () => callback('error', '下载失败')) }) abort = () => _guid && this.aria2c.send("remove", [_guid]) }else{ var fileStream abort = () => fileStream.abort() timer = setTimeout(() => { callback('error', '超时') this.removeDownload(_id, true) }, this.options.timeout) const writeStream = readableStream => { if (unsafeWindow.WritableStream && readableStream.pipeTo) { return readableStream.pipeTo(fileStream).then(() => callback('success', '下载完成...')).catch(err => callback('error', '下载失败')) } } let isTiktok = location.host == 'www.tiktok.com' if(isTiktok) headers.Referer = url GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url, headers, redirect: 'follow', responseType: 'blob', method: "GET", onload: ({response, status}) => { console.log({response, status}) // BUG 不知为啥tiktok无法使用流保存 if(isTiktok || typeof(streamSaver) == 'undefined'){ return unsafeWindow.saveAs(response, name) & callback('success', '下载完成...') } let res = new Response(response).clone() fileStream = streamSaver.createWriteStream(name, {size: response.size}) writeStream(res.body) //writeStream(response.stream()) } }) } return this.downloads[_id] = {abort, timer} }, removeDownload(id, cancel = false){ let {timer, abort} = this.downloads[id] ?? {} if(timer) clearTimeout(timer) cancel && abort() delete this.downloads[id] }, setBadge(html){ let fv = document.querySelector('#_ftb') if(!fv){ fv = document.createElement('div') fv.id = '_ftb' fv.style.cssText = `position: fixed;bottom: 50px;right: 50px;border-radius: 20px;background-color: #fe2c55;color: white;z-index: 999;cursor: pointer;padding: 5px;` fv.onclick = () => this.showList() fv.oncontextmenu = ev => { this.setList([], false) fv.remove() ev.stopPropagation(true) & ev.preventDefault() } document.body.append(fv) } fv.innerHTML = createHTML(html) }, init(){ // 初始化 const parseDouyinList = data => { let {video, desc, images} = data let author = data.author ?? data.authorInfo let aweme_id = data.aweme_id ?? data.awemeId let create_time = data.create_time ?? data.createTime //let {uri, height} = video.play_addr || {} let xl = this.options.douyin_host return { status: WAITTING, id: aweme_id, url: 'https://www.douyin.com/video/'+aweme_id, cover: (video?.cover?.url_list || video?.coverUrlList)[0], author_name: author.nickname, create_time: create_time * 1000, urls: images ? images.map(({height, width, download_url_list, downloadUrlList}, index) => { return {url: (download_url_list ?? downloadUrlList)[0], type: 'photo'} }) : video.play_addr.url_list.at(xl), title: desc, data } } this.HOSTS = { // 网站规则 'x.com': { title: '推特', id: 'twitter', rules: [ { url: 'https://x.com/i/api/graphql/(.*?)/UserMedia', type: 'network', parseList: json => json?.data?.user?.r###lt?.timeline_v2?.timeline?.instructions?.[0]?.moduleItems, parseItem: data => { let {legacy, user_r###lts, core, views: {count: view_count}} = data.item.itemContent.tweet_r###lts.r###lt let {description: author_desc, name: author_name, id: author_id,} = core.user_r###lts.r###lt let {created_at, full_text: title, lang, extended_entities, favorite_count, bookmark_count, quote_count, reply_count, retweet_count, id_str: id} = legacy if(extended_entities?.media) return extended_entities.media.map(({type, media_url_https: url, original_info: {height, width}}, index) => { return { status: WAITTING, url: 'https://x.com/pentarouX/status/'+id, cover: url+'?format=jpg&name=360x360', id: id, author_name, urls: [{url, type}], title, index, create_time: created_at, data } }) } } ] }, 'www.youtube.com': { title: '油管', id: 'youtube', getVideoURL: item => new Promise(reslove => { fetch(item.url).then(resp => resp.text()).then(text => { let json = JSON.parse(cutString(text, '"noteDetailMap":', ',"serverRequestInfo":')) let meta = item.meta = json[item.id] reslove(meta.note.video.media.stream.h264[0].masterUrl) }) }), rules: [ { url: 'https://www.youtube.com/youtubei/v1/browse', type: 'fetch', parseList: json => json?.onResponseReceivedActions[0].appendContinuationItemsAction.continuationItems, parseItem: data => { if(!data.richItemRenderer) return let {videoId, headline, thumbnail} = data.richItemRenderer.content.reelItemRenderer return { status: WAITTING, id: videoId, url: 'https://www.youtube.com/shorts/'+videoId, cover: thumbnail.thumbnails[0].url, author_name: '', urls: '', title: headline.simpleText, data } } } ] }, 'pixabay.com': { title: 'pixabay', id: 'pixabay', rules: [ { type: 'object', getObject: window => window?.__BOOTSTRAP__?.page?.r###lts, parseList: json => json, parseItem: data => { let {id, description, href , user, uploadDate, name, sources} = data return { status: WAITTING,id, url: 'https://pixabay.com'+href, cover: sources.thumbnail, author_name: user.username, urls: sources.mp4.replace('_tiny', ''), title: `【${name}】${description}`, create_time: uploadDate, data } } } ] }, 'weibo.com': { title: '微博', id: 'weibo', rules: [ { url: 'https://weibo.com/ajax/profile/getWaterFallContent', type: 'network', parseList: json => json?.data?.list, parseItem: data => { let {page_info, created_at, text_raw} = data let {short_url, object_id, media_info, page_pic} = page_info return { status: WAITTING, id: object_id, url: short_url, cover: page_pic, author_name: media_info.author_name, urls: media_info.playback_list[0].play_info.url, title: text_raw, create_time: created_at, data } } } ] }, 'www.xinpianchang.com': { title: '新片场', id: 'xinpianchang', runAtWindowLoaded: false, getVideoURL: item => new Promise(reslove => { fetch(`https://mod-api.xinpianchang.com/mod/api/v2/media/${item.media_id}?appKey=61a2f329348b3bf77&extend=userInfo%2CuserStatus`).then(resp => resp.json()).then(json => { reslove(json.data.resource.progressive.find(({url}) => url != '').url) }) }), rules: [ { url: 'https://www.xinpianchang.com/_next/data/', type: 'json', parseList: json => { return flattenArray((json?.pageProps?.squareData?.section || []).map(({articles}) => articles || [])) }, parseItem: data => { console.log(data) let {author, content, cover, media_id, title, web_url, publish_time, id} = data return { status: WAITTING,id, url: web_url, cover, title, media_id, author_name: author.userinfo.username, create_time: publish_time, data } } } ] }, 'www.xiao####shu.com': { title: '小红书', id: 'xhs', getVideoURL: item => new Promise(reslove => { fetch(item.url).then(resp => resp.text()).then(text => { let json = JSON.parse(cutString(text, '"noteDetailMap":', ',"serverRequestInfo":')) let note = json[item.id].note Object.assign(item, {create_time: note.time, meta: note}) console.log(note) reslove(note.type == 'video' ? {url: note.video.media.stream.h265[0].masterUrl, type: 'video'} : note.imageList.map(({urlDefault}) => { return {url: urlDefault, type: 'photo'} })) }) }), rules: [ { type: 'object', getObject: window => location.href.startsWith('https://www.xiao####shu.com/explore/') ? window?.__INITIAL_STATE__?.note?.noteDetailMap : {}, parseList: json => { let list = Object.values(json).filter(({note}) => note).map(({note}) => note) return list }, parseItem: data => { let { desc, imageList = [], noteId: id, time, user, xsecToken, title, type, video} = data let images = imageList.map(({urlDefault}) => { return {url: urlDefault, type: 'photo'} }) let urls = type == 'normal' ? images : video.media.stream.h265[0].masterUrl return { status: WAITTING, author_name: user.nickname, id, url: 'https://www.xiao####shu.com/explore/'+id, urls, cover: images[0].url, title: desc, data } } }, { type: 'object', getObject: window => chooseObject(obj => flattenArray(obj).length > 0, window?.__INITIAL_STATE__?.user.notes?._rawValue, window?.__INITIAL_STATE__?.search.feeds?._rawValue, window?.__INITIAL_STATE__?.feed.feeds?._rawValue), parseList: json => { let list = Array.isArray(json) ? (json.length == 4 ? json[0] : json) : [] return list }, parseItem: data => { let { cover, displayTitle, noteId, type, user, xsecToken} = data?.noteCard || {} let id = noteId ?? data.id xsecToken ??= data.xsecToken if(xsecToken) { return { status: WAITTING, author_name: user.nickname, id, url: `https://www.xiao####shu.com/explore/${id}?source=webshare&xhsshare=pc_web&xsec_token=${xsecToken.slice(0, -1)}=&xsec_source=pc_share`, // +'?xsec_token='+xsecToken+'=&xsec_source=pc_user', cover: cover.urlDefault, title: (displayTitle ?? '').replaceAll('🥹', ''), data } } } } ] }, 'isee.weishi.qq.com': { title: '微视', id: 'weishi', rules: [ { url: 'https://api.weishi.qq.com/trpc.weishi.weishi_h5_proxy.weishi_h5_proxy/GetPersonalFeedList', type: 'network', parseList: json => json?.rsp_body?.feeds, parseItem: data => { let {feed_desc, id, poster, publishtime, urls, video_cover, createtime } = data return { status: WAITTING, author_name: poster?.nick, id, url: 'https://isee.weishi.qq.com/ws/app-pages/share/index.html?id='+id, cover: video_cover.static_cover.url, urls, title: feed_desc, create_time: createtime * 1000, data } } } ] }, 'www.kuaishou.com': { title: '快手', id: 'kuaishou', rules: [ { url: 'https://www.kuaishou.com/graphql', type: 'json', parseList: json => { let href = location.href if(href.startsWith('https://www.kuaishou.com/profile/')){ return json?.data?.visionProfileLikePhotoList?.feeds || json?.data?.visionProfilePhotoList?.feeds } if(href.startsWith('https://www.kuaishou.com/search/')){ return json?.data?.visionSearchPhoto?.feeds } }, parseItem: data => { let {photo, author} = data return { status: WAITTING, author_name: author.name, id: photo.id, url: 'https://www.kuaishou.com/short-video/'+photo.id, cover: photo.coverUrl, urls: photo.photoUrl, create_time: photo.timestamp, // urls: photo.videoResource.h264.adaptationSet[0].representation[0].url, title: photo.originCaption, data } } } ], }, 'www.toutiao.com': { title: '今日头条短视频', id: 'toutiao', rules: [ { url: 'https://www.toutiao.com/api/pc/list/user/feed', type: 'json', parseList: json => json?.data, parseItem: data => { let {video, title, id, user, thumb_image_list, create_time} = data return { status: WAITTING, id, title, data, url: 'https://www.toutiao.com/video/'+id, cover: thumb_image_list[0].url, author_name: user.info.name, create_time: create_time * 1000, urls: video.download_addr.url_list[0], } } } ], }, 'www.douyin.com': { title: '抖音', id: 'douyin', scrollContainer: { 'https://www.douyin.com/user/': '.route-scroll-container' }, hosts: [0, 1, 2], // 3个线路 runAtWindowLoaded: false, bindVideoElement: { initElement: node => { let par = getParent(node, el => el?.dataset?.e2eVid) if(par) return {id: par.dataset.e2eVid} let id = cutString(location.href + '?', '/video/', '?') if(id) return {id} } }, timeout: { '/user/': 500, '/note/': 500, '/video/': 500, '/search/': 500, }, rules: [ { type: 'object', getObject: window => { let noteId = cutString(window.location.href + '#', '/note/', '#') if(noteId){ let raw = cutString((window?.self?.__pace_f ?? []).filter(arr => arr.length == 2).map(([k, v]) => v || '').join(''), '"aweme":{', ',"comment').replaceAll(`\\"`, '') if(raw.at(-1) == '}'){ let json = JSON.parse("{"+raw) if(json.detail.awemeId == noteId) return json } } }, parseList: json => { return json ? [json.detail] : [] }, parseItem: parseDouyinList }, { // 个人喜欢 url: 'https://www.douyin.com/aweme/v1/web/aweme/favorite/', type: 'network', parseList: json => location.href == 'https://www.douyin.com/user/self?from_tab_name=main&showTab=like' ? json?.aweme_list : [], parseItem: parseDouyinList, }, { // 个人收藏 url: 'https://www.douyin.com/aweme/v1/web/aweme/listcollection/', type: 'network', parseList: json => location.href == 'https://www.douyin.com/user/self?from_tab_name=main&showTab=favorite_collection' ? json?.aweme_list : [], parseItem: parseDouyinList, }, { url: 'https://(.*?).douyin.com/aweme/v1/web/aweme/post/', type: 'network', parseList: json => location.href.startsWith('https://www.douyin.com/user/') ? json?.aweme_list : [], parseItem: parseDouyinList }, { url: 'https://www.douyin.com/aweme/v1/web/general/search/single/', type: 'network', parseList: json => json?.data, parseItem: data => parseDouyinList(data.aweme_info) },{ url: 'https://www.douyin.com/aweme/v1/web/aweme/detail/', type: 'network', parseList: json => location.href.startsWith('https://www.douyin.com/video/') ? [json.aweme_detail] : [], parseItem: parseDouyinList }, ] }, 'www.tiktok.com': { title: '国际版抖音', id: 'tiktok', rules: [ { url: 'https://www.tiktok.com/api/post/item_list/', type: 'respone.json', parseList: json => json?.itemList, parseItem: data => { let {video, desc, author, id, createTime} = data return { status: WAITTING, id, url: 'https://www.tiktok.com/@'+ author.uniqueId +'/video/'+id, cover: video.originCover, author_name: author.nickname, create_time: createTime * 1000, //urls: video.downloadAddr, urls: video?.bitrateInfo?.[0]?.PlayAddr.UrlList[0], title: desc, data } } }, { url: 'https://www.tiktok.com/api/search/general/full/', type: 'respone.json', parseList: json => json?.data, parseItem: data => { let {video, desc, author, id, createTime} = data.item return { status: WAITTING, id, url: 'https://www.tiktok.com/@'+ author.uniqueId +'/video/'+id, cover: video.originCover, author_name: author.nickname, create_time: createTime * 1000, urls: video?.bitrateInfo?.[0]?.PlayAddr.UrlList?.at(-1), title: desc, data } } } ] }, 'www.instagram.com': { title: 'INS', id: 'instagram', rules: [ { url: 'https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query', type: 'network', parseList: json => json?.data?.xdt_api__v1__feed__user_timeline_graphql_connection?.edges, parseItem: data => { // media_type == 2 let {code, owner, product_type, image_versions2, video_versions, caption } = data.node if(product_type == "clips") return { // owner.id status: WAITTING, id: code, url: 'https://www.instagram.com/reel/'+code+'/', cover: image_versions2.candidates[0].url, author_name: owner.username, urls: video_versions[0].url, create_time: caption.created_at * 1000, title: caption.text, data } } } ] }, 'artlist.io': { title: 'artlist', id: 'artlist', rules: [ { // url: 'https://search-api.artlist.io/v1/graphql', type: 'json', parseList: json => { return json?.data?.story?.clips || json?.data?.clipList?.exactR###lts }, parseItem: data => { let {thumbnailUrl, clipPath, clipName, orientation, id, clipNameForUrl, storyNameForURL } = data return { status: WAITTING, id, downloadTool: 'm3u8dl', url: 'https://artlist.io/stock-footage/clip/'+clipNameForUrl+'/'+id, cover: thumbnailUrl, author_name: storyNameForURL, urls: [{url: clipPath.replace('playlist', '1080p'), type: ""}], title: clipName, data } } } ] } } let DETAIL = this.DETAIL = this.HOSTS[location.host] if(!DETAIL) return console.log(DETAIL) var originalParse, originalSend, originalFetch, originalResponseJson const initFun = () => { originalParse = JSON.parse, originalSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send, originalFetch = unsafeWindow._fetch = unsafeWindow.fetch, originalResponseJson = Response.prototype.json if(this.options.firstRun){ this.options.firstRun = false this.saveOptions() alert("欢迎使用此视频批量下载脚本,以下是常见问题:\n【1】.Q:为什么没有显示下载入口?A:当前网址不支持\n【2】Q:为什么捕获不到视频?A:试着滚动视频列表,让他进行加载\n【3】Q:为什么抖音主页显示用户未找到?A:多刷新几次【4】Q:提示下载失败怎么办?A:可以批量导出链接用第三方软件进行下载(如IDM)") } this.setBadge("等待滚动捕获数据中...") } var resources = this.resources, object_callbacks = [] const hook = () => { let json_callbacks = [], network_callbacks = [], fetch_callbacks = [], respone_json_callbacks = [] DETAIL.rules.forEach(({type, parseList, parseItem, url, getObject, match}, rule_index) => { const callback = json => { // console.log(json) try { // TODO sort let cnt = resources.push(...(flattenArray((parseList(json) || []).map(item => toArr(parseItem(item)).map(_item => Object.assign(_item || {}, {rule_index})))).filter(item => item.id && !resources.find(({id, index}) => id == item.id && index == item.index)))) if(cnt <= 0) return this.tryAutoRenameAll() this.setBadge(`下载 ${cnt} 个视频`) } catch(err){ console.error(err) } } switch(type){ case 'object': let obj = getObject(unsafeWindow) return callback(obj) case 'json': return json_callbacks.push(json => callback(Object.assign({}, json))) case 'network': return network_callbacks.push({url, callback}) case 'fetch': return fetch_callbacks.push({url, callback}) case 'respone.json': return respone_json_callbacks.push(json => callback(Object.assign({}, json))) } }) if(json_callbacks.length){ JSON.parse = function(...args) { let json = originalParse.apply(JSON, args) json_callbacks.forEach(cb => cb(json)) return json } } if(respone_json_callbacks.length){ Object.defineProperty(Response.prototype, 'json', { value: function() { let ret = originalResponseJson.apply(this, arguments) ret.then(json => respone_json_callbacks.forEach(cb => cb(json))) return ret }, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); } const cb = (callbacks, {fullURL, raw}) => { callbacks.forEach(({url, callback}) => { if(new RegExp(url).test(fullURL) && typeof(raw) == 'string' && (raw.startsWith('{') && raw.endsWith('}') || raw.startsWith('[') && raw.endsWith(']'))){ callback(JSON.parse(raw)) } }) } if(network_callbacks.length){ XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function() { this.addEventListener('load', function() { if(['', 'text'].includes(this.responseType)) cb(network_callbacks ,{fullURL: this.responseURL, raw: this.responseText}) }) originalSend.apply(this, arguments) } } if(fetch_callbacks.length){ unsafeWindow.fetch = function() { return originalFetch.apply(this, arguments).then(response => { if (response.status == 200) { response.clone().text().then(raw => { cb(fetch_callbacks, {fullURL: response.url, raw}) }) } return response }) } } } let timeout = Object.entries(DETAIL.timeout || {}).find(([path, ms]) => (unsafeWindow.location.pathname || '').startsWith(path))?.[1] || 0 const start = () => { if(!this.inited){ this.inited = true setTimeout(() => initFun() & hook() & setInterval(() => hook(), 250), timeout) } } if(!DETAIL.runAtWindowLoaded) start() window.onload = () => start() & (DETAIL.bindVideoElement && this.bindVideoElement(DETAIL.bindVideoElement)) & this.initAction() }, tryAutoRenameAll(){ if(this.options.autoRename && this.isShowing()){ if(!this.initedRename){ this.initedRename = true let lastName = this.options.lastRename if(typeof(lastName) == 'string') $('#_filename')[0].value = lastName } this.applyRenameAll() } }, autoScroll_timer: -1, autoScroll: false, switchAutoScroll(enable){ if(this.autoScroll_timer){ clearInterval(this.autoScroll_timer) this.autoScroll_timer = -1 } if(this.autoScroll = enable ?? !this.autoScroll){ let auto_download = confirm('捕获结束后是否开启自动下载?(不要最小化浏览器窗口!!!)') var auto_rename = false if(auto_download) auto_rename = confirm('下载前是否应用名称更改?') this.writeLog(`开启自动滚动捕获,自动下载【${auto_download ? '开' : '关'}】`) let _max = 10, _retry = 0 const next = () => { let scrollContainer = Object.entries(this.DETAIL.scrollContainer ?? {}).find(([host, selector]) => new RegExp(host).test(location.href)) if(scrollContainer){ let container = document.querySelectorAll(scrollContainer[1])[0] if(container) container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight }else{ unsafeWindow.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight) } let _old = this.resources.length setTimeout(() => { let _new = this.resources.length if(_old == _new){ this.writeLog(`没有捕获到视频,将会在重试${_max - _retry}次后结束`) if(_max - _retry++ <= 0){ this.writeLog('成功捕获所有的视频') this.switchAutoScroll(false) if(auto_download){ auto_rename && this.applyRenameAll() this.switchRunning(true) } return } }else{ this.writeLog(`捕获到${_new - _old}个视频,当前视频总数${_new}`) this.updateTable() } setTimeout(() => next(), 500) }, 2000) } next() }else{ this.writeLog(`开启关闭滚动捕获`) } }, setList(list, refresh = true){ this.resources = list refresh && this.refresh() }, refresh(){ this.showList() document.querySelector('#_ftb').innerHTML = createHTML(`下载 ${this.resources.length} 个视频`) }, bindVideoElement({callback, initElement}){ return const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { for (const mutation of mutations) { if (mutation.type !== 'childList') return mutation.addedNodes.forEach((node) => { if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.nodeName == 'VIDEO') { let {id} = initElement(node) || {} let item = this.findItem(id) if(!item) return let url = item.urls || node.currentSrc || node.querySelector('source')?.src // if(!url || url.startsWith('blob')){ } if(!node.querySelector('._btn_download')){ let el = document.createElement('div') el.classList.className = '_btn_download' el.style.cssText = 'width: 30px;margin: 5px;background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);color: white;cursor: pointer;position: relative;left: 0;top: 0;z-index: 9999;' el.onclick = ev => { const onError = () => false && alert(`下载失败`) GM_download({ url, name: this.safeFileName(item.title) + '.mp4', headers: this.getHeaders(url), onload: ({status}) => { if(status == 502 || status == 404){ onError() } }, ontimeout: onError, onerror: onError, }) el.remove() & ev.stopPropagation(true) & ev.preventDefault() } el.innerHTML = createHTML('下载') el.title = '点击下载' node.before(el) } } }) } }) observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, // 观察子节点的增减 subtree: true // 观察后代节点 }) }, getHeaders(url){ return { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', // 'Referer': url, 'Range': 'bytes=0-', 'Referer': location.protocol+'//'+ location.host } }, showList(){ // 展示主界面 let threads = this.options['threads'] this.showDialog({ id: '_dialog', html: ` <div style="display: inline-flex;flex-wrap: wrap;width: 100%;justify-content: space-around;height: 5%;min-height: 30px;"> <div> <button id="_selectAll">全选</button> <button id="_reverSelectAll">反选</button> <button id="_clear_log">清空日志</button> </div> <div> 命名规则: <input type="text" id="_filename" value="【{发布者}】{标题}({id})" title="允许的变量:{发布者} {标题} {id}"> <button id="_apply_filename">应用</button> <button id="_apply_filename_help">帮助</button> </div> <div> 下载线程数: <input id="_threads" type="range" value=${threads} step=1 min=1 max=32> <span id="_threads_span">${threads}</span> <span style="margin-right: 10px;">Aria2下载</span><input type="checkbox" data-for="useAria2c" ${this.options.useAria2c ? 'checked': ''}> </div> <div> <button id="_settings">设置</button> <button id="_autoScroll">滚动捕获</button> <button id="_clearDownloads">清空已下载</button> <button id="_reDownloads">重新下载</button> <button id="_switchRunning" disabled>开始</button> </div> </div> <div style="height: 70%;overflow-y: scroll;"> <table width="90%" border="2" style="margin: 0 auto;"></table> </div> <div style="height: 25%; width: 100%;border-top: 2px solid white;"> <div style="position: relative;height: 100%;"> <div style="position: absolute;right: 0;top: 0;padding: 10px;"><span style="margin-right: 10px;">自动滚动</span><input type="checkbox" data-for="autoScroll" ${this.options.autoScroll ? 'checked': ''}></div> <pre id="_log" style="background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .2);color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);overflow-y: scroll;height: 90%;"></pre> </div> </div>`, callback: dialog => { if(!this.aria2c) this.enableAria2c(this.options.useAria2c) this.initInputs(dialog) & this.updateTable() this.tryAutoRenameAll() }, onClose: () => this.resources.forEach(item => item.status = WAITTING) }) & this.bindEvents() & [ `欢迎使用本脚本!当前版本: ${VERSION} 发布日期: ${RELEASE_DATE}`, `此脚本仅供学习交流使用!!请勿用于非法用途!` ].forEach(msg => this.writeLog(msg, '声明')) & this.loadDownloader() }, loadDownloader(){ this.writeLog('正在加载下载功能模块...') loadRes(['https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/ponyfill.min.js', 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/StreamSaver.min.js', 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/FileSaver.min.js'], () => { this.writeLog('加载下载功能模块成功!') $('#_switchRunning')[0].disabled = false /*unsafeWindow.onunload = () => { writableStream.abort() writer.abort() } unsafeWindow.onbeforeunload = evt => { if (!done) { evt.returnValue = `Are you sure you want to leave?`; } }*/ }) }, updateTable(){ $('table')[0].innerHTML = createHTML(` <tr align="center"> <th>编号</th> <th>选中</th> <th>封面</th> <th>标题</th> <th>状态</th> </tr> ${this.resources.map((item, index) => { let {urls, title, cover, url, id} = item || {} return ` <tr align="center" data-id="${id}"> <td style="width: 50px;">${index+1}<p><a href="#" data-action="addDownload" style="color:blue">下载</a></p></td> <td style="width: 50px;"><input type="checkbox" style="transform: scale(1.5);" checked></td> <td style="width: 100px;"><a href="${url}" target="_blank"><img loading="lazy" src="${cover}" style="width: 100px;min-height: 100px;"></a></td> <td contenteditable style="width: 400px;max-width: 400px;">${title}</td> <td style="width: 100px;">等待中...</td> </tr>` }).join('')}`) }, getDialog(id){ return document.querySelector('#'+id) }, isShowing(id = '_dialog'){ return this.getDialog(id) !== null }, showDialog({html, id, callback, onClose}){ // 弹窗 let dialog = this.getDialog(id) dialog && dialog.remove() document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', createHTML(` <dialog class="_dialog" id="${id}" style="top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;position: fixed;z-index: 9999;background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);color: #fff;padding: 10px;overflow: auto; overscroll-behavior: contain;" open> <a href="#" style="position: absolute;right: 20px;top: 20px;padding: 10px;background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .4);" class="_dialog_close">X</a> ${html} <dialog>`)) setTimeout(() => { let dialog = this.getDialog(id) dialog.querySelector('._dialog_close').onclick = () => dialog.remove() & (onClose && onClose()) callback && callback(dialog) }, 500) }, applyRenameAll(){ let format = $('#_filename')[0].value this.saveOptions({lastRename: format}) for(let tr of $('table tr[data-id]')){ this.applyRename(tr.dataset.id, tr, format) } }, applyRename(tid, tr, format){ tr ??= this.findElement(tid) if(!tr) return let item = this.findItem(tid) if(!item) return format ??= $('#_filename')[0].value if(typeof(format) != 'string' || format == '') return let {title, author_name, id, create_time} = Object.assign(item, {renamed: true}) let s = format.replace('{标题}', title ?? '').replace('{id}', id).replace('{发布者}', author_name ?? '') if(create_time){ s = new Date(create_time).format(s) } tr.querySelector('td[contenteditable]').innerHTML = createHTML(s) }, bindEvents(){ // 绑定DOM事件 $('#_threads')[0].oninput = function(ev){ $('#_threads_span')[0].innerHTML = createHTML(this.value) } $('#_apply_filename')[0].onclick = () => this.applyRenameAll() & (['www.xiao####shu.com'].includes(location.host) && alert("请注意:小红书网站上日期规则预览不会立刻生效,只有在开始下载的时候才会生效!")) $('#_apply_filename_help')[0].onclick = () => this.showDialog({ id: '_dialog_rename_help', html: ` <p> <h1>变量<h1> <h3>{标题} {id} {发布者} yyyy年MM月dd日_hh时mm分ss秒<h3> </p> <p> <h1>常见问题<h1> <h3> <pre> 为什么没有显示入口按钮?(可能是脚本插入时机慢了,可以多滚动或者多刷新几次) 为什么下载显示失败(常见于抖音,抖音每个视频有三个线路,但并不是每个线路都是有视频存在的。所以目前的解决是 每个线路都尝试下载一次) 为什么捕获的数量不等于主页作品数量(目前只能捕获视频作品,而非图文作品) 为什么只能下载一个文件?(请检查网站是否有开启允许同时下载多个文件选项) 为什么只能捕获一页的数据/翻页不了(有些不常用的站点可能存在这些问题待修复) </pre> <h3> </p> <p> <h1>测试页面<h1> <h3> <pre> https://isee.weishi.qq.com/ws/app-pages/wspersonal/index.html?id=1538201906643006 https://www.douyin.com/user/MS4wLjABAAAANfnAjG-xB__cCOB4hTXFBvG6yZFWNl-FkgCWvpwGN2M https://www.douyin.com/search/%E6%88%91%E4%BB%AC https://www.kuaishou.com/profile/3xqyyjytuef8nsq https://www.tiktok.com/@simonboyyyyyyy https://www.xiao####shu.com/user/profile/60f0ecec0000000001004874 https://www.instagram.com/rohman__oficial/ https://weibo.com/u/2328516855?tabtype=newVideo https://x.com/pentarouX/media https://www.toutiao.com/c/user/token/MS4wLjABAAAAzCbyoWKVhqhvIgUd49i5o43v4-YcICXye1glC0Xefok/?entrance_gid=7417305773065929267&log_from=f6060c90895cc_1727227709729&tab=video </pre> <h3> </p> <p> <h1>使用Aria2c下载<h1> <h3> <pre> 如何安装? 从https://wwas.lanzouj.com/b032c68ozc 密码:36yz 下载解压,双击bat文件开启 </pre> <h3> </p> `, }) $('#_selectAll')[0].onclick = () => $('table input[type=checkbox]').forEach(el => el.checked = true) $('#_reverSelectAll')[0].onclick = () => $('table input[type=checkbox]').forEach(el => el.checked = !el.checked) $('#_clear_log')[0].onclick = () => $('#_log')[0].innerHTML = createHTML('') $('#_switchRunning')[0].onclick = () => this.switchRunning() $('#_autoScroll')[0].onclick = () => this.switchAutoScroll() $('#_settings')[0].onclick = () => { this.showDialog({ id: '_dialog_settings', html: ` <div style="display: flex;width: 100%;gap: 20px;"> <div> <h3>线路设置</h3> ${Object.values(this.HOSTS).map(({hosts, title, id}) => { hosts ??= [] let html = `${title}线路: <select data-for="${id}">${hosts.map(host => `<option ${this.options[id+'_host'] == host ? 'selected' : ''}>${host}</option>`).join('')}</select>` return hosts.length ? html : ''}).join('')} </div> <div> <h3>下载设置</h3> <div>下载结束提示<input type="checkbox" data-for="alert_done" ${this.options.alert_done ? 'checked': ''}></div> <div>自动重命名<input type="checkbox" data-for="autoRename" ${this.options.autoRename ? 'checked': ''}></div> <div>超时时间(毫秒): <input type="number" value="${this.options.timeout}" data-for="timeout"></div> <div>重试次数: <input type="number" value="${this.options.retry_max}" data-for="retry_max"></div> </div> <div> <h3>数据设置</h3> <div> <button data-action="exportData">导出数据</button> <button data-action="exportUrls">导出视频链接</button> <button data-action="importData">导入数据</button> </div> </div> <div> <h3>Aria2c设置</h3> <div> <div>端口: <input type="number" value="${this.options.aria2c_port}" data-for="aria2c_port"></div> <div>保存目录: <input type="text" value="${this.options.aria2c_saveTo}" data-for="aria2c_saveTo"></div> </div> </div> </div> `, callback: dialog => this.initInputs(dialog), onClose: () => this.resources = this.resources.map(item => this.DETAIL.rules[item.rule_index].parseItem(item.data)) }) } $('#_clearDownloads')[0].onclick = () => this.clearDownloads() $('#_reDownloads')[0].onclick = () => this.reDownloads() }, initAction(){ const onEvent = ev => { let {srcElement} = ev let {action} = srcElement.dataset switch(action){ case 'addDownload': let par = getParent(srcElement, el => el?.dataset?.id) if(par){ this.downloadItem(this.findItem(par.dataset.id), true) } return case 'exportUrls': return this.addDownload({ url: URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([flattenArray(this.resources.map(({urls}) => Array.isArray(urls) ? urls.map(({url}) => url) : urls)).join("\r\n")])), name: '导出链接.txt' }) case 'exportData': // todo csv if(!this.resources.length) return alert('没有任何数据') return this.addDownload({ url: URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([JSON.stringify(this.resources)])), name: '导出数据.txt' }) case 'importData': return openFileDialog({ accept: '.txt', callback: files => { let reader = new FileReader() reader.readAsText(files[0]) reader.onload = e => { try { json = JSON.parse(reader.r###lt) let cnt = json.length if(cnt){ if(confirm(`发现${cnt}条数据!是否重置下载状态?`)) json = json.map(item => Object.assign(item, {status: WAITTING})) this.setList(json) & this.writeLog('成功导入数据') } } catch (err) { alert(err.toString()) } } } }) default: return } ev.stopPropagation(true) & ev.preventDefault() } document.body.addEventListener('click', onEvent) }, initInputs(dialog){ const self = this for(let select of dialog.querySelectorAll('select')) select.onchange = function(){ self.saveOptions({[`${this.dataset.for}_host`]: this.value}) } for(let input of dialog.querySelectorAll('input')) input.onchange = function(){ let value, key = this.dataset.for switch(this.type){ case 'checkbox': case 'switch': value = this.checked break default: value = this.value } self.saveOptions({[key]: value}) if(key == 'useAria2c') self.enableAria2c(value) } }, clearDownloads(){ this.eachItems(DOWNLOADED, ({tr, item, index}) => { this.resources.splice(index, 1) tr && tr.remove() }) }, reDownloads(){ this.cancelDownloads() let cnt = this.eachItems([DOWNLOADING, ERROR], ({tr, item}) => { if(tr){ let td = tr.querySelectorAll('td') td[4].style.backgroundColor = 'unset' td[4].innerHTML = createHTML('等待中...') } item.status = WAITTING }).length cnt ? this.writeLog(`重新下载${cnt}个视频`) & this.switchRunning(true) : alert('没有需要重新下载的任务') }, cancelDownloads(){ Object.keys(this.downloads).forEach(id => this.removeDownload(id)) this.writeLog(`成功取消所有下载`) }, eachItems(status_id, callback){ let ret = [] status_id = toArr(status_id) for(let i=this.resources.length-1;i>=0;i--){ let item = this.resources[i] ret.push(item) let {status, id} = item if(status_id.includes(status)){ let tr = this.findElement(id) callback({tr, item, index: i}) } } return ret }, checkFinishTimer: -1, switchRunning(running){ // 切换运行状态 this.running = running ??= !this.running $('#_switchRunning')[0].innerHTML = createHTML(running ? '暂停' : '运行') if(running){ let threads = parseInt($('#_threads')[0].value) let cnt = threads - this.getItems(DOWNLOADING).length if(cnt){ this.writeLog('开始线程下载:'+cnt) this.saveOptions({threads}) for(let i=0;i<cnt;i++) this.nextDownload() } } }, getItems(_status){ // 获取指定状态任务 return this.resources.filter(({status}) => status == _status) }, getDownloadName(id){ let tr = this.findElement(id) if(tr){ let td = tr.querySelectorAll('td') return td[3].outerText } return null }, downloadItem(item, checked){ let {status, id, urls, rule_index, downloadTool} = item if(status == WAITTING){ let tr = this.findElement(id) if(!tr) return let td = tr.querySelectorAll('td') checked ??= td[1].querySelector('input[type=checkbox]').checked if(checked){ item.status = DOWNLOADING const log = ({msg, color, next = true, status}) => { this.writeLog(msg, `<a href="${item.url}" target="_blank" style="color: white;">${this.safeFileName(item.title)}</a>`, color) status ??= {success: DOWNLOADED, error: ERROR}[color] this.setItemStatus({id, color, msg, el: tr, item, status}) if(next) this.nextDownload() } log({msg: '正在下载', color: 'primary', next: false}) // 预先下载并尝试重试(多线程下需要重试才能正常下载) let retry = 0 const httpRequest = url => { toArr(url).forEach(download => { if(typeof(download) == 'string') download = {url: download, type: 'video', title: item.title} var {url} = download const done = (url, headers) => this.addDownload({ download, url, id, headers, downloadTool, error: msg => log({msg, color: 'error'}), success: msg => log({msg, color: 'success'}), }) return done(url) /* if(this.aria2c){ done(url) }else{ GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url, headers: this.getHeaders(url), redirect: 'follow', //responseType: "blob", timeout: this.options.timeout, anonymous: true, onload: ({status, response, finalUrl}) => { console.log({status, finalUrl, response}) if (status === 200) { if(!response){ if(!finalUrl) return log({msg: `请求错误`, color: 'error'}) done(finalUrl) }else{ done(blobUrl) } }else if(retry++ < this.options.retry_max){ // console.log('下载失败,重试中...', urls) setTimeout(() => httpRequest(), 500) }else{ log({msg: `重试下载错误`, color: 'error'}) } }, onerror: err => console.error({msg: '获取链接失败', err}) & done(url) }) }*/ }) } if(!urls){ let getVideoURL = this.DETAIL[rule_index]?.getVideoURL || this.DETAIL.getVideoURL if(!getVideoURL) return log({msg: `无下载地址`, color: 'error'}) getVideoURL(item).then(urls => { if(item.renamed){ // 获取详细信息后再改变名称 delete item.renamed this.applyRename(item.id) } httpRequest(Object.assign(item, {urls}).urls) }) }else{ httpRequest(urls) } return true } } }, nextDownload(){ // 进行下一次下载 if(!this.running) return let {resources} = this if(!resources.some(item => this.downloadItem(item))){ if(this.running){ clearInterval(this.checkFinishTimer) this.checkFinishTimer = setInterval(() => { if(this.getItems(WAITTING).length == 0 && this.getItems(DOWNLOADING).length == 0){ clearInterval(this.checkFinishTimer) this.switchRunning(false) let msg = '所有任务下载完成!' this.writeLog(msg) & (this.options.alert_done && alert(msg)) } }, 1000) } } }, findElement: id => $(`tr[data-id="${id}"]`)[0], // 根据Id查找dom writeLog(msg, prefix = '提示', color = 'info'){ // 输出日志 let div = $('#_log')[0] div.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', createHTML(`<p style="color: ${this.getColor(color)}">【${prefix}】 ${msg}</p>`)) if(this.options.autoScroll) div.scrollTop = div.scrollHeight }, getColor: color => ({success: '#8bc34a', error: '#a31545', info: '#fff', primary: '#3fa9fa' })[color] || color, setItemStatus({id, color, msg, el, item, status}){ item ??= this.findItem(id) if(!item) return if(status !== undefined) item.status = status if(el === false) return el ??= this.findElement(id) let td = el.querySelectorAll('td') if(td[4]){ td[4].style.backgroundColor = this.getColor(color) td[4].innerHTML = createHTML(msg) } }, findItem(id, method = 'find'){ // 根据Item查找资源信息 return this.resources[method](_item => _item.id == id) }, safeFileName: str => str.replaceAll('\n', ' ').replaceAll('(', '(').replaceAll(')', ')').replaceAll(':', ':').replaceAll('*', '*').replaceAll('?', '?').replaceAll('"', '"').replaceAll('<', '<').replaceAll('>', '>').replaceAll("|", "|").replaceAll('\\', '\').replaceAll('/', '/') } _downloader.init() function Base64() { // private property _keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; // public method for encoding this.encode = function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = _utf8_encode(input); while (i < input.length) { chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++); enc1 = chr1 >> 2; enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); enc4 = chr3 & 63; if (isNaN(chr2)) { enc3 = enc4 = 64; } else if (isNaN(chr3)) { enc4 = 64; } output = output + _keyStr.charAt(enc1) + _keyStr.charAt(enc2) + _keyStr.charAt(enc3) + _keyStr.charAt(enc4); } return output; } // public method for decoding this.decode = function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); while (i < input.length) { enc1 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } output = _utf8_decode(output); return output; } // private method for UTF-8 encoding _utf8_encode = function (string) { string = string.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n"); var utftext = ""; for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) { var c = string.charCodeAt(n); if (c < 128) { utftext += String.fromCharCode(c); } else if((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } else { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224); utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } } return utftext; } // private method for UTF-8 decoding _utf8_decode = function (utftext) { var string = ""; var i = 0; var c = c1 = c2 = 0; while ( i < utftext.length ) { c = utftext.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 128) { string += String.fromCharCode(c); i++; } else if((c > 191) && (c < 224)) { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); i += 2; } else { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1); c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+2); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63)); i += 3; } } return string; } }