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No toolbars for slack lists (Toggleable), aka Fullscreen Lists

Hides toolbars for any given Slack List, toggleable with Command + . Useful when combined with Chrome's ability to turn any webpage into an App.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         No toolbars for slack lists (Toggleable), aka Fullscreen Lists
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.6
// @description  Hides toolbars for any given Slack List, toggleable with Command + . Useful when combined with Chrome's ability to turn any webpage into an App.
// @author       Tim Kersten
// @match        https://app.slack.com/client/*/lists
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @homepageURL  https://gist.github.com/io41/7ff3dfa815dd7566237234f7b699a529
// ==/UserScript==
/* Changelog:
* v0.6 - Fix opening item width. Open links in new tab/window to prevent navigating away from the list.
* v0.5 - Style fixes after Slack update.
(function() {
'use strict';
// Custom CSS styles to override page styles
const customCSS = `
.p-ia4_client.p-ia4_client--narrow-feature-on .p-client_workspace_wrapper:not(.p-client_workspace_wrapper--with-split-view) {
grid-template-columns: 0 auto !important;
.p-client_workspace__layout {
grid-template-columns: 0 auto !important;
.p-ia4_client--narrow-feature-on .p-tab_rail {
width: 0 !important;
.p-ia4_client .p-ia4_top_nav {
height: 0 !important;
.p-flexpane {
min-width: 700px !important;
// Create a style element
const styleElement = document.createElement('style');
styleElement.id = 'slackListToolbarToggleStyle';
styleElement.textContent = customCSS;
// Function to toggle the style
function toggleStyle() {
if (styleElement.parentNode) {
} else {
// Event listener for the key combination
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
// Check if the pressed key is '.' and the Command key is held down
if (event.key === '.' && event.metaKey) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default action
// Function to update a link to open in a new tab
function updateLink(link) {
if (link.tagName === 'A') {
link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
link.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
// Prevent SPA navigation
}, true);
// Function to disable button actions if it contains a link with class "c-timestamp"
function disableButton(button) {
if (button.tagName === 'BUTTON') {
let timestampLink = button.querySelector('a.c-timestamp');
if (timestampLink) {
button.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
// Prevent any action and open the link in a new tab
window.open(timestampLink.href, '_blank');
}, true);
// Initial update of all links and disable certain buttons
// Set up a MutationObserver to detect new links and buttons
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function(node) {
if (node.nodeType === 1) { // Check if the added node is an element
if (node.tagName === 'A') {
} else if (node.tagName === 'BUTTON') {
} else {
// Configure the observer to watch for changes in the child list and subtree
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// Handle the case where the SPA modifies existing links or buttons without adding new ones
var observerConfig = { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['href'], subtree: true };
var attributeObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if (mutation.target.tagName === 'A') {
} else if (mutation.target.tagName === 'BUTTON') {
attributeObserver.observe(document.body, observerConfig);
// Initially add the style