Click on elements and copy links to clipboard with user confirmation and success message, and download links as a .txt file
// ==UserScript==// @name Tidal Special// @namespace @version 0.3// @description Click on elements and copy links to clipboard with user confirmation and success message, and download links as a .txt file// @author You// @match*// @match*// @icon @grant none// @license MIT// @run-at document-end// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';// Function to read text from the clipboardasync function readClipboard() {try {const text = await navigator.clipboard.readText();return text;} catch (err) {console.error('Failed to read clipboard:', err);}}function createLoader() {// Check if the loader already existsif (document.querySelector('.loader-overlay')) {return; // Exit if the loader is already present}// Create the overlay divconst overlay = document.createElement('div');overlay.className = 'loader-overlay'; // Add a class for easy = 'fixed'; = '0'; = '0'; = '100vw'; = '100vh'; = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)'; // Black background with slight = '#fff'; // White text = 'flex'; = 'column'; // Stack items = 'center'; = 'center'; = '1.5em'; = '9999'; // Ensure it's on top of other content// Add the loading textconst loadingText = document.createElement('div');loadingText.className = 'loader-text';loadingText.innerHTML = '<h1>STAY ON PAGE </h1>'; = "center";overlay.appendChild(loadingText);// Create the buttonconst button = document.createElement('button');button.textContent = 'Start Extraction'; = '20px'; // Space between text and = '10px 20px'; = 'pointer';// Attach the click event handler to the buttonbutton.addEventListener('click', () => {handleClick()button.hidden = true});// Add the button to the overlayoverlay.appendChild(button);// Append the overlay to the bodydocument.body.appendChild(overlay);}function updateLoaderMessage(message) {const loadingText = document.querySelector('.loader-text');if (loadingText) {loadingText.textContent = message;}}function removeLoader() {// Find the overlay by its class name and remove itconst overlay = document.querySelector('.loader-overlay');if (overlay) {document.body.removeChild(overlay);}}function downloadLinks(links) {const blob = new Blob([links.join('\n')], { type: 'text/plain' });const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);const a = document.createElement('a');a.href = url; = 'links.txt';document.body.appendChild(a);;document.body.removeChild(a);URL.revokeObjectURL(url);}// Collect all linkslet collectedLinks = [];async function handleClick() {updateLoaderMessage('Starting extraction...');// Click on all elements with class "track-options"let trackOptions = document.querySelectorAll('.track-options');let index = 0;function processNext() {if (index >= trackOptions.length) {updateLoaderMessage('All links collected!');setTimeout(() => {updateLoaderMessage('Downloading links...');downloadLinks(collectedLinks);updateLoaderMessage('Success! All links have been collected and downloaded.');setTimeout(removeLoader, 3000); // Show success message for a few seconds before removing the loader}, 1000); // Adjust the delay for the success message as neededreturn;}let element = trackOptions[index++];;// Wait for the modal to appear and then click the buttonsetTimeout(async () => {let copyButton = document.querySelector('#__layout > div > div.font-weight-bold.modal-wrapper-mobile-only > div > ul > li:nth-child(4) > button');if (copyButton) {;// Assuming there's a delay before the link is copiedsetTimeout(async () => {// Use a way to obtain the copied link if possible or retrieve it from modallet link = await readClipboard();if (link) {collectedLinks.push(link);updateLoaderMessage(`Collected ${collectedLinks.length} links...`);} else {console.warn('No link was copied.');}processNext();}, 10); // Adjust the delay as needed} else {console.error('Copy button not found');processNext();}}, 10); // Adjust the delay as needed}processNext();}if ( == "") {createLoader();}if ( == "") {// ==UserScript==// @name Pixel Drain Auto Audio Downloader// @namespace @version 0.2// @description Automatically download audio files from Pixel Drain// @author Your Name// @match*// @grant none// @run-at document-end// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';function autoDownloadAudio() {// Select all audio elementsconst audioElements = document.querySelectorAll('audio.player');audioElements.forEach(audio => {// Find the source elementconst source = audio.querySelector('source');if (!source) return;// Check if the file is already downloaded or notif (source.dataset.downloaded) return;// Mark the file as downloaded to avoid multiple downloadssource.dataset.downloaded = 'true';// Construct the absolute URLconst audioUrl = source.src;const absoluteUrl = new URL(audioUrl, window.location.origin).href;// Create a temporary anchor element to trigger downloadconst a = document.createElement('a');a.href = absoluteUrl; = ''; // Use the filename if needed, e.g., `source.src.split('/').pop()`document.body.appendChild(a);;document.body.removeChild(a);});}// Run the function when the page is loadedwindow.addEventListener('load', autoDownloadAudio);// Also check for dynamically loaded contentconst observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {mutations.forEach(() => {autoDownloadAudio();});});observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });})();}})();