Checks how long ago incomplete works were last updated and displays a warning if longer than user set time period.
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name AO3: Incomplete. Continue?
- // @version 1.0
- // @description Checks how long ago incomplete works were last updated and displays a warning if longer than user set time period.
- // @author sharkcat
- // @namespace
- // @match*
- // @icon
- // @license GNU GPLv3
- // ==/UserScript==
- // note: months are pr###med at 30 days so worst case, warnings are gonna be off by a couple days here and there
- // == START Settings ==
- const maxTimeAllowed = 6; // months
- // == END Settings ==
- const chapters = document.querySelector("dd.chapters").innerText;
- // if not matching chapter count
- if (chapters.match(/\S+(?=\/)/g)[0] != chapters.match(/(?<=\/)\S+/g)[0]) {
- // get dates
- const currentDate = new Date();
- const lastUpdated = new Date(document.querySelector("dd.status").innerText);
- // do maths
- const diffTime = currentDate - lastUpdated;
- const timeSinceUpdateDays = diffTime / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
- const timeSinceUpdateYears = timeSinceUpdateDays / (30 * 12);
- const roundedDays = Math.round(timeSinceUpdateDays);
- const roundedYears = timeSinceUpdateYears.toFixed(2);
- // find date of okay update time
- const updateLimit = currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() - (maxTimeAllowed * 30));
- // see if warning needed
- if (updateLimit > lastUpdated) {
- const message = "This work is currently marked incomplete and was last updated " + roundedDays + " days or " + roundedYears + " years ago. Are you sure you wish to continue?";
- const subject = document.querySelector("#inner");
- subject.insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterbegin', '<div style="border: 2px solid red; background: #ffb5b5; color: black; padding: 10px 30px; max-width: max-content; margin: 0 auto;">'+ message + '</div>' );
- }
- }