Features currently include:
- Sorting threads in the sidebar by: 🔽 Comment count (High to low). 📅 Creation date (Newest to oldest). 💬 Default (newest activity first [kind of]).
- Fetching extra threads in the sidebar (and a choice to select which ones you wish to fetch).
- Ability to remove news and matches from the forums sidebar.
- Ability to change the color of upvoted comments to green, so it doesn't ##### as much with the orange given to highly upvoted comments.
- Different coloring of threads to distinguish them a bit more. Off-Topic: red, Counter-Strike: #ffae00, Fantasy: #633da0, Betting: darkgreen, Hardware & Tweaks: silver, Bugs & Suggestions: #3d6ea0
Click on the yellow cogwheel in the top right when visiting hltv.org to adjust settings.
Disclaimer: Will work on most pages, but may not work on some.