Add links to IMDB in rutracker thread list. Also fetches IMDB rating and poster.
// ==UserScript== // @name Rutracker add links to IMDB // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @match // @match // @version 1.0.2 // @author szq2 // @description Add links to IMDB in rutracker thread list. Also fetches IMDB rating and poster. // @license MIT // @run-at document-idle // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @connect // @connect // ==/UserScript== setTimeout(function () { 'use strict'; // function fetchJSON(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: url, responseType: 'json', anonymous: true, onload: response => resolve(response.response), onerror: err => reject(err), }); }); } function fetchHTML(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: url, responseType: 'document', anonymous: true, onload: response => resolve(response.response), onerror: err => reject(err), }); }); } const randTime = 1000; // randomization time for requests to imdb, in ms // match all elements of a specific class (in this case topics) for (const topic of document.querySelectorAll(".tt-text")) { // find all topics that match that regex const regex = /^(?:[^/[\]]*\s+\/\s+)+([^()/[\]]+)\s+[[(]/; // "ABC / DEF (GHI, ...)" --> "DEF" const match = topic.innerText.match(regex); if (!match) continue; // grab movie title from regex const title = match[1]; if (!title) continue; //console.log(title); // create new div element and append it after the topic element let imdblink = document.createElement('div'); // add imdb link imdblink.innerHTML = `<a href="${encodeURIComponent(title)}&s=tt&exact=true" title="${title}" referrerpolicy="noreferrer" target="_blank">IMDB</a>`; topic.parentNode.insertBefore(imdblink, topic.nextSibling); //append after topic let searchrutrackerlink = document.createElement('span'); searchrutrackerlink.innerHTML = `<a href="${encodeURIComponent(title)}" target="_blank" title="Search for ${title} on Rutracker">🔎</a>`; topic.parentNode.insertBefore(searchrutrackerlink, topic.nextSibling); //append after topic // advanced fetching (poster then rating) // endpoints were extracted from setTimeout(() => { // try to fetch json // const url = `${encodeURIComponent(title)}.json?includeVideos=0`; fetchJSON(url) .then(data => { // Handle the downloaded JSON data here for (const r###lt of data.d) { if (["movie", "tvSeries", "tvMovie"].indexOf(r###lt.qid) == -1) continue; const imdbUrl = `${}`; const title = `${r###lt.l} (${r###lt.y})`; // update the link imdblink.innerHTML = `<details><summary><a href="${imdbUrl}" title="${title}" referrerpolicy="noreferrer" target="_blank">IMDB|${r###lt.rank}</a></summary><img src="${r###lt.i.imageUrl}" referrerpolicy="noreferrer" width="600" loading="lazy" /></details>`; setTimeout(() => { fetchHTML(imdbUrl) // .then(doc => JSON.parse(doc.querySelector('script[type="application/ld+json"]').innerText)) .then(schema => { // update the link imdblink.querySelector('a').outerHTML = `<a href="${imdbUrl}" title="${title}" referrerpolicy="noreferrer" target="_blank">☆${schema.aggregateRating.ratingValue.toFixed(1)}|${r###lt.rank}</a>`; }) .catch(error => { // Handle any errors that occurred during the title download console.error('Error downloading HTML:', error); }); }, Math.random() * randTime); break; } }) .catch(error => { // Handle any errors that occurred during the download console.error('Error:', error); }); }, Math.random() * randTime); } }, 500);