DeviantArt - Download multi-image deviations. Download largest resampled media file (useful if no original download is available). Fix timeout of original image download. Download filenames are prefixed with artist's name.
// ==UserScript== // @name DeviantArt - media download helper // @namespace deviantart_mediadownloadhelper // @version 2.1 // @license GNU AGPLv3 // @description DeviantArt - Download multi-image deviations. Download largest resampled media file (useful if no original download is available). Fix timeout of original image download. Download filenames are prefixed with artist's name. // @author marp // @homepageURL // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_download // @connect // @connect // @match*/art/* // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== // jshint esversion:11 (function() { 'use strict'; // Download symbol, downwards arrow with one horizontal lines below arrow // the horizontal line is slightly wider and much thicker than original DA download symbol const extraDownload1Svg = '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">' + '<path d="m 19.913,18 c 1.333333,0 1.333333,5 0,5 h -16 c -1.3333328,0 -1.3333328,-5 0,-5 z ' + 'm -4,-17 c 0.507356,-4.4041e-4 0.934639,0.379128 0.994,0.883 L 16.913,2 v 6 h 3.414 ' + 'c 0.853894,-5.62e-5 1.315031,1.0010965 0.76,1.65 l -0.088,0.09 -8.413,7.648 ' + 'c -0.345621,0.314527 -0.862993,0.347745 -1.246,0.08 L 11.24,17.388 2.828,9.74 ' + 'C 2.1934191,9.1629397 2.5321441,8.1071654 3.384,8.007 L 3.5,8 H 6.913 V 2 ' + 'C 6.9131264,1.4926858 7.2931105,1.0658484 7.797,1.007 L 7.913,1 Z ' + 'm -1,2 h -6 v 7 H 6.086 L 11.913,15.297 17.74,10 H 14.914 V 3 Z" ' + 'fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg>'; // Download symbol, downwards arrow with two horizontal lines below arrow // the two horizontal lines are slightly wider than original DA download symbol const extraDownload2Svg = '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">' + '<path d="m 19.913,21 c 1.333333,0 1.333333,2 0,2 h -16 c -1.3333328,0 -1.3333328,-2 0,-2 z ' + 'm 0,-3 c 1.333333,0 1.333333,2 0,2 h -16 c -1.3333328,0 -1.3333328,-2 0,-2 z ' + 'm -4,-17 c 0.507356,-4.4041e-4 0.934639,0.379128 0.994,0.883 L 16.913,2 v 6 h 3.414 ' + 'c 0.853894,-5.62e-5 1.315031,1.0010965 0.76,1.65 l -0.088,0.09 -8.413,7.648 ' + 'c -0.345621,0.314527 -0.862993,0.347745 -1.246,0.08 L 11.24,17.388 2.828,9.74 ' + 'C 2.1934191,9.1629397 2.5321441,8.1071654 3.384,8.007 L 3.5,8 H 6.913 V 2 ' + 'C 6.9131264,1.4926858 7.2931105,1.0658484 7.797,1.007 L 7.913,1 Z ' + 'm -1,2 h -6 v 7 H 6.086 L 11.913,15.297 17.74,10 H 14.914 V 3 Z" ' + 'fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg>'; const logPrefix = "TamperMonkey userscript " + + ": "; // This recreates "__INITIAL_STATE__", "__INITIAL_I18N__" and few other JSON objects that normally exist on the global window object. // The "initials" variable acts as container, replacing the default global window object. // The global window object is not accessed nor changed in any way. var initials = getInitials(document); const i18nKeyFreeDownload = "actionbar.freeDownload"; const i18nKeyPrivateColl = "actionbar.collectPrivately.label"; const i18nKeyMoreActions = "deviationview.overlay.moreActions"; const ariaFreeDownload = initials.__INITIAL_I18N__.resources[i18nKeyFreeDownload]; // for "en": "Free download" const ariaPrivateColl = initials.__INITIAL_I18N__.resources[i18nKeyPrivateColl]; // for "en": "Add to Private Collection" const ariaMoreActions = initials.__INITIAL_I18N__.resources[i18nKeyMoreActions]; // for "en": "More Actions" const idExtraOriginalDownload = GM_info.script.namespace + "_extraOriginalDownload"; const ariaExtraOriginalDownload = "download original media"; const idExtraResampledDownload = GM_info.script.namespace + "_extraResampledDownload"; const ariaExtraResampledDownload = "download resampled media"; var deviationId; var deviationJson; var deviationExtendedJson; var deviationAuthorJson; var deviationOriginalInfos; // array of structs created by parseInitials and sub-functions var deviationResampledInfos; // array of structs created by parseInitials and sub-functions var numDeviations; // size of array var deviationsShown; // array of indices of deviations shown (length = 1 except for MultiImage deviations in "Scroll view" mode) var linkOriginalDownload; // anchor ("a") element with the sub-hierarchy created by insertExtraDownloadButton var linkResampledDownload; // anchor ("a") element with the sub-hierarchy created by insertExtraDownloadButton var observerMain; var observerMultiImage; var multinode; // Mamespace resolver for use with document.evaluate to search for "svg" tags // Must use "svg:svg" in XPath to locate "svg" tags in document function nsResolver(prefix) { if (prefix === 'svg') { return ''; } else { return null; } } // Creates a new html element using an HTML source code snippet. // This approach via a "template" element requires a new-ish browser. function createElementFromHtml(aDocument, html) { const template = aDocument.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = html; return template.content.firstElementChild; } // This ASYNC method returns a promise to retrieve the supplied URL via HTTP GET. // async function urlGetPromise(aUrl, aResponseType) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: aUrl, responseType: (aResponseType) ? aResponseType : undefined, onload: function(response) { if ((response.readyState >= 2) && (response.status == 200)) { resolve(response); } else { reject(response); } }, ontimeout: function(response) { reject(response); }, onerror: function(response) { reject(response); } }); }); } // Downloads a file from aUrl and triggers browser download save with filename aFilename // Performs the worse the larger the file (downloads entire file before triggering browser download/SaveAs dialog) function blobDownload(aDocument, aUrl, aFilename) { // internally download the media file as a blob (worse/slower the larger the file is -> !DELAY!) urlGetPromise(aUrl, "blob").then( // SUCCESS -> DONE, trigger browser download (result) => { const tmpAnchor = aDocument.createElement('a'); const blob = new Blob([result.response], { type : 'application/octet-stream' }); const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); tmpAnchor.href = blobUrl; = (aFilename?.length > 0) ? aFilename : "";; URL.revokeObjectURL(blobUrl); }, // FAILURE -> log error (errorresult) => { console.error(logPrefix + "blobDownload - blob download of media file failed.", { cause: errorresult }); } ); } // // function eventHandlerClickDownload(aEvent) { const el = aEvent.currentTarget; const doc = (el.ownerDocument) ? el.ownerDocument : document; // simple sanity-check if this is triggered on the correct element if (el?.tagName == "A" && el?.href == "javascript:;" && el?.getAttribute("num") >= 1) { aEvent.preventDefault(); // never let the link click be handled by the browser itself const num = el.getAttribute("num"); for (var i=0; (i<num); i++) { const download = el.getAttribute("download"+i); const href = el.getAttribute("href"+i); const timeout = el.getAttribute("timeout"+i); // if time-out (plus 30sec buffer time) has elapsed -> refresh href url // Such a timeout href URL is currently only offered by DA for the original download of the first/main deviation // -> refresh mechanism is hard-coded here to extract exactly only this one URL from reloaded deviation page // -> If there's ever more than one line to be refreshed like this -> then this most be re-designed ENTIRELY (use of multiple promises/async) if (timeout && ( (Number.parseInt(timeout) - 30) < ( / 1000)) ) { const refreshinddex = i; // use const for async, using i directly is unsafe urlGetPromise(doc.URL).then( // SUCCESS -> DONE, now extract new url with new timeout from document HTML source (result) => { const rt = result.responseText; // the whole deviation page contains only one direct download link -> find it var start = rt.indexOf('href="'); if (start > 0) { start = start + 6; // skip href=" const end = rt.indexOf('"', start); // find closing " // rt is HTML-stringified - here, this only means "&" -> "&" const newhref = rt.substring(start, end).replaceAll("&", "&"); el.setAttribute("href"+refreshinddex, newhref); el.setAttribute("timeout"+refreshinddex, Number.parseInt(newhref.substring(newhref.indexOf("&ts=")+4)));; // click and trigger this event handler again (NOTE: this is within an async method from urlGetPromise) // -> This is one part that needs to be REDESIGNED if ever more than one link to refresh } else { console.error(logPrefix + "triggerDownload - old URL has timed out, could not find new download url in document HTML"); } }, // FAILURE -> log error (errorresult) => { console.error(logPrefix + "triggerDownload - old URL has timed out, download of document with new URL failed.", { cause: errorresult }); } ); return; // finish event, do nothing else, ABORT FOR LOOP. After refresh promise is done, a new link click will be executed (see above) } // -> if not same-origin, the suggested filename is ignored if (GM_info?.downloadMode == "native") { // TamperMonkey with download mode "native", or ViolentMonkey (which has only native mode) + "eventHandlerClickDownload - using (hopefully) more efficient GM_download method"); GM_download(href, (download?.length > 0) ? download : undefined); } else { // TamperMonkey with download mode "Browser API" or "disabled" // GM_download doesn't help in this case -> ugly workaround via Blob download (can cause delays) + "eventHandlerClickDownload - using inefficient blob download method"); // internally download the media file as a blob (worse the larger the file is -> !DELAY!) blobDownload(doc, href, download); } } // for } // if (sanity check) } // Creates a new sub-hierarchy with a download link ("a" element) and an inline SVG as download symbol. // It creates this new hierarchy based on an existing template structure. // The existing hierarchy must start with a "span" and must contain a "button" element with a unique "aria-label" and an SVG symbol // The "button" element is replaced by an anchor "a" element (but keeping all children of the "button", including the SVG. // RETURNS the "a" element, i.e. *NOT* the root of the newly created hierarchy. function insertExtraDownloadButton(aDocument, aAriaLabelLocator, aId, aAria, aSvg, aInfos) { var template = aDocument.evaluate("./main//section//span[./div//button[@aria-label='" + aAriaLabelLocator + "']//svg:svg]", aDocument.body, nsResolver, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; if (template === null) { // given aria label for existing hierarchy not found - fall back to secondary aria label template = aDocument.evaluate("./main//section//span[./div//button[@aria-label='" + ariaMoreActions + "']//svg:svg]", aDocument.body, nsResolver, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; if (template === null) { // secondary aria label also not found -> error throw new Error(logPrefix + "insertExtraDownloadButton - template structure not found by aria-label: " + aAriaLabelLocator); } } // use existing sub-hierarchy containing button with specified aria-label as template for our own, i.e.: clone entire structure const clone = template.cloneNode(true); = aId + "_top"; // check if this already exists -> delete old structure, if yes const old = aDocument.getElementById(; if (old) old.remove(); // old link should be deleted as child of overall old - but better safe than sorry... const oldlink = aDocument.getElementById(aId); if (oldlink) oldlink.remove(); // the "button" from the template needs to be replaced with an "a" anchor const buttons = clone.getElementsByTagName("button"); // there must be only one single button in sub-hierarchy identified by aAriaLabelLocator if (buttons.length !== 1) { throw new Error(logPrefix + "insertExtraDownloadButton - template structure does not contain single button element", { cause: template }); } const button = buttons[0]; // prepare to replace "button" element with "a" element (but keeping/bringing along its children) const newLink = aDocument.createElement("a"); newLink.className = button.className; newLink.ariaLabel = aAria; newLink.title = (aInfos.length > 1) ? "Download multiple media files" : (aInfos[0].description) ? aInfos[0].description : aAria; = aId; = "_blank"; newLink.href = "javascript:;"; for (var i=0, j=0; (i<aInfos.length); i++) { if (!(aInfos[i].url?.length > 0)) continue; newLink.setAttribute("href"+j, aInfos[i].url); newLink.setAttribute("download"+j, (aInfos[i].filename) ? aInfos[i].filename : ""); if (aInfos[i].timeout > 0) { newLink.setAttribute("timeout"+j, aInfos[i].timeout); } j++; } newLink.setAttribute("num", j); // event handler for downloading -> the anchor link itself ignores suggested download name (it's not same-origin) newLink.addEventListener("click", eventHandlerClickDownload); // there is always at least one child (the svg element) while (button.hasChildNodes()) { newLink.appendChild(button.firstChild); } // replace the "button" with new "a" element button.parentNode.replaceChild(newLink, button); // replace the "svg" element with our own const svgs = clone.getElementsByTagName("svg"); if (svgs.length !== 1) { throw new Error(logPrefix + "insertExtraDownloadButton - template structure does not contain single button element", { cause: template }); } const newSvg = createElementFromHtml(aDocument, aSvg); svgs[0].parentNode.replaceChild(newSvg, svgs[0]); // insert the newly created sub-hierarchy into the DOM template.before(clone); return newLink; } // Returns the "span" element that forms the beginning of the DA original "Free Download" link button. // Returns "null" if the button is not found (e.g.: if the deviation has download of original image file disabled). function getFreeDownloadSpan(aDocument) { return aDocument.evaluate("./main//section//span[./div//a[@aria-label='" + ariaFreeDownload + "' and contains(@href,'&ts=') and contains(@href,'')]//svg:svg]", aDocument.body, nsResolver, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; } // DA UI uses react, and common way to initialize React with data is to use a JSON "window.__INITIAL_STATE__" global object. // It contains info this script needs - however, this object is deleted right after it is initially used by React. // To get at the contained data, we thus need to recreate it, i.e. rerun the inline script that originally creates it. // However, we don't want to contaminate the page's global scope, so we must rerun the script with a changed scope. // Here, we use a local target "window" var, and we enable strict mode to prevent any other vars from leaking into global scope. // This also return "window.__INITIAL_I18N__" - which does exist in the page's global scope window element. // However, accessing the page's window from a userscript is unsafe, so better via this method, in same manner like "window.__INITIAL_STATE__". function getInitials(aDocument) { const scriptnode = aDocument.evaluate("//script[contains(.,'window.__INITIAL_STATE__ = JSON.parse(') and contains(.,'window.__URL_CONFIG__ = JSON.parse(')]", aDocument, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; if (scriptnode === null) return null; // create and run the script code as a function body. // pass in a fake "window" object as a parameter to redirect from the originally intended global scope window object to our own Object. const windowHolder = {}; Function("window", "'use strict'; " + scriptnode.textContent)(windowHolder); if (Object.hasOwn(windowHolder, "__INITIAL_STATE__") && Object.hasOwn(windowHolder, "__INITIAL_I18N__")) { return windowHolder; } else { throw new Error (logPrefix + "getInitials - Unable to extract __INITIAL_STATE__ or __INITIAL_I18N__ JSON objects", { cause: scriptnode }); } } function getSizeText(sizeInBytes) { if (sizeInBytes == null) { return ""; } if (sizeInBytes >= 1048576) { return (sizeInBytes / 1048576).toFixed(1) + " MB"; } else if (sizeInBytes >= 1024) { return (sizeInBytes / 1024).toFixed(0) + " KB"; } else { return sizeInBytes.toFixed(0) + " B"; } } // Determines the best resampled image (mediatype with "c" field). // Non-resampled media (original, video, etc.) are ignored (items without "c" field") // IMPORTANT: The WIX image resampling converts animated images (GIF, etc) into static JPEGs :-( // NOTE: this function "pre-selects" the media type "preview" over other types with equal height/resolution // The reason is to derive a nicer proposed filename: "...-preview.jpg" instead of "...-300w-2x.jpg" // aMediaTokens can be undefined (e.g.: video deviations use no tokens at all, not even for WIX transformations) // returns an object struct with members: // keyString - a string that is unique to this media, allowing to identify it when analyzing HTML snippet (used for MultiImage deviations) // url - the download url // filename - proposed filename (or empty string) - to be used with "download" attrib of anchor ("a" ) element // description - proposed description for display as hover pop with "title" attrib // original - always FALSE for this function - boolean indicating if this is the original (non-resampled) media file function findBestResampledImageInfo(aMediaTypes, aMediaBaseUri, aPrettyName, aMediaTokens) { if (!aMediaBaseUri || !aPrettyName || !aMediaTypes) { throw new Error(logPrefix + "findBestResampledImageInfo - some required parameters are not set"); } if (!(aMediaTypes.length > 0)) { throw new Error(logPrefix + "findBestResampledImageInfo - aMediaTypes is empty or wrong type"); } var bestHeight = -1; var bestWidth = -1; var bestC = null; // WIX image transformation/resampling URI path (like "/v1/fill/w_1063,h_752,q_70,strp/<prettyName>-pre.jpg") var bestT = null; // name/type of media ("fullview", "preview", etc.) var bestR = -1; // URL protection token // Media type with "c" field uses a WIX image transformation URL -> and the proposed filename pattern is part of the URL. // This pattern is extracted - as browser-based download won't honor non-same-origin "download" attribute // Instead, we need to process the pattern (replace "<prettyName>" placeholder with actual name). // File size information in "f" attrib is *INCORRECT* (it's the size of the original file, not the transformed one). // ADDITIONALLY: // There can be a larger transformation image nested inside this type (typically "-2x", within "ss" array). // However, this is not always the case: (a) nested "ss" array might not be there, or (b) nested inside might be exact same size. // these "sub-types" use the same access token as the "outer" media type (token index in attrib "r") for (var i = 0; (i < aMediaTypes.length); i++) { const mediatype = aMediaTypes[i]; var r = mediatype.r; // URL protection token if (!(r >=0)) continue; // skip if not protected by a token (like static placeholder or error image) const t = mediatype.t; // name/type of media ("fullview", "preview", etc.) var c = mediatype.c; // WIX image transformation/resampling URI path (like "/v1/fill/w_1063,h_752,q_70,strp/<prettyName>-pre.jpg") if (c === undefined) continue; // skip if this is not a resampled media if (c.includes("/v1/crop/") || c.includes("/v1/fit/")) continue; // skip types that crop image or reduce in size var h = mediatype.h; // height if ((h > bestHeight) || ((h === bestHeight) && ((t == "preview") || (t == "fullview")))) { bestHeight = h; bestWidth = mediatype.w; bestC = c; bestT = t; bestR = r; } var ss =; //check for additional media variants (like "/v1/fill/w_1063,h_752,q_70,strp/<prettyName>-pre-2x.jpg") for (var j = 0; (j < ss?.length); j++) { const mediatypess = ss[j]; h = mediatypess.h; if (h > bestHeight) { bestHeight = h; bestWidth = mediatypess.w; bestC = mediatypess.c; bestT = t; bestR = r; } } } // Note: image size info for resampled media is either wrong (it's the size of the original file) or missing entirely if (bestHeight > 0) { return { keyString: aMediaBaseUri, filename: bestC.substring(bestC.indexOf("<prettyName>")).replaceAll("<prettyName>", aPrettyName), description: "" + bestWidth + "x" + bestHeight + // width and height " - " + bestC.substring(bestC.lastIndexOf(".")+1).toUpperCase() + // file type extension " - " + bestT + // sample t: "fullview" " - download resampled media", url: aMediaBaseUri + bestC.replaceAll("<prettyName>", aPrettyName) + ((bestR >= 0) ? "?token=" + aMediaTokens[bestR] : ""), original: false }; } else { return { keyString: null, filename: "", description: "no resampled media found", url: "", original: false }; } } // Determines the best media file that is NOT a resampled image (no WIX image transformation) // This should only be one of the following: Either an original image, or a video/document. // aMediaTokens can be undefined (e.g.: video deviations use no tokens at all, not even for WIX transformations) // aOrigHeight can be undefined if it is not known // returns an object struct with members: // keyString - a string that is unique to this media, allowing to identify it when analyzing HTML snippet (used for MultiImage deviations) // url - the download url // filename - proposed filename (or empty string) - to be used with "download" attrib of anchor ("a" ) element // description - proposed description for display as hover pop with "title" attrib // original - boolean indicating if this is the original (non-resampled) media file (videos need aOrigHeight to determine) function findBestOtherInfo(aMediaTypes, aMediaBaseUri, aPrettyName, aIsVideo, aIsDoc, aFileType, aMediaTokens, aOrigHeight) { if (!aMediaBaseUri || !aPrettyName || !aMediaTypes) { throw new Error(logPrefix + "findBestOtherInfo - some required parameters are not set"); } if (!(aMediaTypes.length > 0)) { throw new Error(logPrefix + "findBestOtherInfo - aMediaTypes is empty or wrong type"); } var bestHeight = -1; var bestWidth = -1; var bestB = null; // video URL (if exist) var bestS = null; // document URL (if exist) var bestT = null; // name/type of media ("fullview", "preview", etc.) var bestR = -1; // URL protection token var bestF = -1; // file size for (var i = 0; (i < aMediaTypes.length); i++) { const mediatype = aMediaTypes[i]; if (mediatype.c) continue; // ignore WIX image transformations if (!aIsDoc && mediatype.s) continue; // ignore static images (like error images) if (aIsVideo && (mediatype.t != "video")) continue; // only use "video" types if (aIsDoc && (mediatype.t != aFileType)) continue; // only use document types const h = mediatype.h; // height if (h > bestHeight) { bestHeight = h; bestWidth = mediatype.w; bestB = mediatype.b; bestS = mediatype.s; bestT = mediatype.t; bestR = mediatype.r; bestF = mediatype.f; } } if (bestHeight >= 0) { if (bestB) { // this media type uses a URL independent of the baseUri but specific to the deviation - this is used for videos const filetype = bestB.substring(bestB.lastIndexOf(".")+1); // !! ASSUMPTION !! // => If height here is same a height of orig file, then we have original video here, as well. // !! ASSUMPTION !! const orig = (aOrigHeight > 0) ? ((bestHeight == aOrigHeight) ? "original " : "resampled ") : ""; return { keyString: aMediaBaseUri, // not using bestB - there will always be a video thumbnail using aMediaBaseUri - but likely NOT always the URI of the largest video variant filename: aPrettyName + "_" + bestHeight + "p." + filetype, description: "" + bestWidth + "x" + bestHeight + ((bestF > 0) ? " (" + getSizeText(Number.parseInt(bestF)) + ") - " : " - ") + filetype.toUpperCase() + " - " + bestT + " - download " + orig + "media file", url: bestB + ((bestR >= 0) ? "?token=" + aMediaTokens[bestR] : ""), original: (bestHeight == aOrigHeight) }; } else if (aIsDoc && bestS) { // this media type uses a static URL independent of the baseUri - this is used for documents return { keyString: aMediaBaseUri, // not using bestS - there will always be a document thumbnail using aMediaBaseUri filename: aPrettyName + "." + aFileType, description: "" + ((bestF > 0) ? " (" + getSizeText(Number.parseInt(bestF)) + ") - " : " - ") + aFileType.toUpperCase() + " - " + bestT + " - download original file", url: bestS, original: true }; } else { // this media type does not use WIX image transformations, and it is not a static URL (like used for "social_preview" media type) // this means it is the original full size media, without any transformation - and with a URL that does NOT time-out quickly :-) // but the URL will be with a cryptic GUID-like filename - so we must suggest better filename const filetype = aMediaBaseUri.substring(aMediaBaseUri.lastIndexOf(".")+1); return { keyString: aMediaBaseUri, filename: aPrettyName + "." + filetype, description: "" + bestWidth + "x" + bestHeight + ((bestF > 0) ? " (" + getSizeText(Number.parseInt(bestF)) + ") - " : " - ") + filetype.toUpperCase() + " - " + bestT + " - download original media file", url: aMediaBaseUri + ((bestR >= 0) ? "?token=" + aMediaTokens[bestR] : ""), original: true }; } } else { return { keyString: null, filename: "", description: "no non-resampled media found", url: "", original: false }; } } // Parses the JSON object "initials.__INITIAL_STATE__" from the "initials" parameter as created by "getInitials()". // Nearly all page information that this script needs, comes from __INITIAL_STATE__ -> thus this function is rather large... function parseInitials(initials) { 'use strict'; // make double sure that this function uses strict mode (strict mode on should be inherited, anyway). try { const entities = initials.__INITIAL_STATE__["@@entities"];"TEST-entities: ", entities); var tmpVal; // extra info about deviation author tmpVal = Object.keys(entities.user).at(0); // has only one child, with node name being the authors ID deviationAuthorJson = entities.user[tmpVal]; const authorId = deviationAuthorJson.userId; console.assert(authorId == tmpVal, logPrefix + "entities.user JSON key ("+tmpVal+") and userId ("+authorId+") should be identical", entities); const authorName = deviationAuthorJson.username; // extract info about deviation basics tmpVal = Object.keys(entities.deviation).at(0); // has only one child, with node name being the authors ID deviationJson = entities.deviation[tmpVal]; deviationId = deviationJson.deviationId; console.assert(deviationId == tmpVal, logPrefix + "entities.deviation JSON key ("+tmpVal+") and deviationId ("+deviationId+") should be identical", entities); tmpVal =; console.assert(authorId == tmpVal, logPrefix + "user.userId ("+authorId+") and ("+tmpVal+") should be identical", entities); // extract extended info (info about original file) tmpVal = Object.keys(entities.deviationExtended).at(0); // has only one child, with node name being the authors ID deviationExtendedJson = entities.deviationExtended[tmpVal]; console.assert(deviationId == tmpVal, logPrefix + "entities.deviationExtended JSON key ("+tmpVal+") and deviationId ("+deviationId+") should be identical", entities); const isDownloadable = deviationJson.isDownloadable; const isAiGenerated = deviationJson.isAiGenerated; // isLocked indicates that the deviation is inaccessible - all available images will be blurred const isLocked = (deviationJson.tierAccess == "locked") || (deviationJson.premiumFolderData?.hasAccess == false); const isVideo = deviationJson.isVideo; const fileType = deviationJson.type; const isDoc = !isVideo && ((fileType == "pdf") || (deviationJson.canBeMultiImage == false)); const isMultiImage = deviationJson.isMultiImage; const deviationAdditionalMedia = (isMultiImage) ? deviationExtendedJson.additionalMedia : null; console.assert((!isMultiImage) || (deviationAdditionalMedia?.length > 0), logPrefix + "MultiImage deviations should have additionalMedia array within deviationExtended JSON", entities); // prep global variables numDeviations = (deviationAdditionalMedia?.length > 0) ? deviationAdditionalMedia.length + 1 : 1; deviationOriginalInfos = new Array(numDeviations); deviationResampledInfos = new Array(numDeviations); // ***** // ***** parse the FIRST/MAIN deviation media - if this is multi-image, additional media must be parsed, as well // ***** // extract info about file name and media types const media =; const mediaPrettyName = media.prettyName; // deviation basic filename without extension // modify filename to my preference: // -> prefix author name and additional "AI" prefix if "AI generated" flag is set const myPrettyName = authorName.toLowerCase() + ((isAiGenerated) ? "_AI_" : "_") + mediaPrettyName; // extract info about full size and/or preview media file const mediaBaseUri = media.baseUri; // sample: "<guid>/<otherguid>.jpg" const mediaTokens = media.token; // optional tokens to access media types - if present, baseUri alone will result in access denied error // extract info about original file // results in deviationOriginalInfos[0] either set or null, never undefined const download =; if (download) { console.assert(isDownloadable, logPrefix + "download info is available but isDownloadable is false. Ignoring.", entities); const downloadType = download.url.match(/\.([^.?]+)\?token/i)[1]; // extract file extension from url (not the same as download.type) deviationOriginalInfos[0] = { keyString: mediaBaseUri, filename: myPrettyName + "." + downloadType, description: "" + download.width + "x" + download.height + " (" + getSizeText(Number.parseInt(download.filesize)) + ") - " + downloadType.toUpperCase() + " - download original media file", url: download.url, original: true, timeout: Number.parseInt(download.url.substring(download.url.indexOf("&ts=")+4)) }; } else { console.assert(!isDownloadable, logPrefix + "isDownloadable is true but no download info is available. Ignoring.", entities); deviationOriginalInfos[0] = null; } const origFile = deviationExtendedJson.originalFile; const origFileSize = origFile?.filesize; const origWidth = origFile?.width; const origHeight = origFile?.height; // decide which of the available downloads / media types to use for Original (if any) and for Resampled if (!isLocked) { if (!isVideo && !isDoc) { deviationResampledInfos[0] = findBestResampledImageInfo(media.types, mediaBaseUri, myPrettyName, mediaTokens); if (!deviationOriginalInfos[0]) { // no download url (the one that times out) -> try to find original in mediaTypes const bestOther = findBestOtherInfo(media.types, mediaBaseUri, myPrettyName, isVideo, isDoc, fileType, mediaTokens, origHeight); deviationOriginalInfos[0] = (bestOther?.original) ? bestOther : null; } } else // isVideo == true { const bestOther = findBestOtherInfo(media.types, mediaBaseUri, myPrettyName, isVideo, isDoc, fileType, mediaTokens, origHeight); if (bestOther?.original) { deviationOriginalInfos[0] = bestOther; deviationResampledInfos[0] = null; } else { deviationOriginalInfos[0] = null; deviationResampledInfos[0] = bestOther; } } } else { // nothing we can do if the deviation is locked deviationResampledInfos[0] = null; } // ***** // ***** If MultiImage -> parse additional media // ***** for (var mediaindex = 0; (mediaindex < (numDeviations-1)); mediaindex++) { const additionalMedia = deviationAdditionalMedia[mediaindex]; const origFileSize = additionalMedia.filesize; const origWidth = additionalMedia.width; const origHeight = additionalMedia.height; const media =; const mediaPrettyName = media.prettyName; // deviation basic filename without extension // modify filename of MultiImage items to my preference: // -> MultiImage deviations often seem to include the file extension as part of the pretty name - try to detect and remove // -> prefix the ENTIRE pretty name of the first/main deviation (this will also "inherit" the author and potential AI prefixes) const myMultiPrettyName = myPrettyName + "_" + mediaPrettyName.replace(/\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/, ""); // extract info about full size and/or preview media file const mediaBaseUri = media.baseUri; // sample: "<guid>/<otherguid>.jpg" const mediaTokens = media.token; // optional tokens to access media types - if present, baseUri alone will result in access denied error if (!isLocked) { if (!isVideo && !isDoc) { deviationResampledInfos[mediaindex+1] = findBestResampledImageInfo(media.types, mediaBaseUri, myMultiPrettyName, mediaTokens); const bestOther = findBestOtherInfo(media.types, mediaBaseUri, myMultiPrettyName, isVideo, isDoc, fileType, mediaTokens, origHeight); deviationOriginalInfos[mediaindex+1] = (bestOther?.original) ? bestOther : null; } else // there should be no videos in MuiltiImage deviations - but who knows... better safe than sorry... { const bestOther = findBestOtherInfo(media.types, mediaBaseUri, myMultiPrettyName, isVideo, isDoc, fileType, mediaTokens, origHeight); if (bestOther?.original) { deviationOriginalInfos[mediaindex+1] = bestOther; deviationResampledInfos[mediaindex+1] = null; } else { deviationOriginalInfos[mediaindex+1] = null; deviationResampledInfos[mediaindex+1] = bestOther; } } } else { // nothing we can do if the deviation is locked deviationResampledInfos[mediaindex+1] = null; } } } catch (e) { throw new Error(logPrefix + "parseInitials - Failure parsing __INITIAL_STATE__", { cause: e }); } } function determineDeviationIndex(aDocument) { var newDeviationsShown = []; if (!multinode || !(numDeviations > 0)) { return newDeviationsShown; } if (numDeviations == 1) { newDeviationsShown = [0]; return newDeviationsShown; } for (var i=0; (i < numDeviations); i++) { // if the below "keys" occur in the target DOM, then this identifies which deviation is currently being shown const keyResampled = deviationResampledInfos[i]?.keyString; const keyOriginal = deviationOriginalInfos[i]?.keyString; var matchR = null; if (keyResampled?.length > 0) { matchR = aDocument.evaluate(".//figure//img[not(ancestor::button) and (contains(@src,'" + keyResampled + "') or contains(@srcset,'" + keyResampled + "'))]" + " | " + ".//div[contains(@style, '" + keyResampled + "')]", // for video thumbnail overlay: style='... background-image: url("https:/ ...' multinode, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; } var matchO = null; if (keyOriginal?.length > 0) { matchO = aDocument.evaluate(".//figure//img[not(ancestor::button) and (contains(@src,'" + keyOriginal + "') or contains(@srcset,'" + keyOriginal + "'))]" + " | " + ".//div[contains(@style, '" + keyOriginal + "')]", // for video thumbnail overlay: style='... background-image: url("https:/ ...' multinode, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; } if (matchR || matchO) newDeviationsShown.push(i); } return newDeviationsShown; } // Inserts up to two extra download buttons, requires that __INITIAL_STATE__ has been parsed and processed // - button "original" will be present if media download in original, non-resampled quality is available // - button "resampled" will be present if a resampled media download is available // Also checks if previously inserted buttons need to be updated (needed for MultiImage deviations) function insertUpdateExtraButtons(aDocument) { var newDeviationsShown = determineDeviationIndex(aDocument); // only continue if no buttons inserted or if devinationsShown has changed // CAREFUL: likely endless loop otherwise, as observer includes this DOM area if (linkResampledDownload || linkOriginalDownload) { if (deviationsShown && newDeviationsShown.length === deviationsShown?.length && newDeviationsShown.every((e, i) => e === deviationsShown[i])) { return; } } deviationsShown = newDeviationsShown; const resampledInfos = []; const originalInfos = []; for (var i=0; (i<deviationsShown?.length); i++) { const oi = deviationOriginalInfos[deviationsShown[i]]; const ri = deviationResampledInfos[deviationsShown[i]]; if (oi?.url?.length > 0) { originalInfos.push(oi); } if (ri?.url?.length > 0) { resampledInfos.push(ri); } } if (linkResampledDownload) { linkResampledDownload.remove(); linkResampledDownload = null; } if (resampledInfos.length > 0) { linkResampledDownload = insertExtraDownloadButton( aDocument, ariaPrivateColl, idExtraResampledDownload, ariaExtraResampledDownload, extraDownload2Svg, resampledInfos); } if (linkOriginalDownload) { linkOriginalDownload.remove(); linkOriginalDownload = null; } if (originalInfos.length > 0) { linkOriginalDownload = insertExtraDownloadButton( aDocument, ariaPrivateColl, idExtraOriginalDownload, ariaExtraOriginalDownload, extraDownload1Svg, originalInfos); } } function installMultiObserver(aDocument) { // this observer is to deal multi image deviations - it must be re-initialized after full-screen zoom (observer node gets removed on full-screen zoom) observerMultiImage = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { // don't need to iterate over added or removed nodes! // instead, the below function checks globally by ID (fast! simple!) if extra buttons already exist or not insertUpdateExtraButtons(aDocument); }); // Configuration of the observer // look at everything below a certain div that encapsulates both the deviation and the button panel below (where the extra buttons are) // It is removed from DOM when switching to full-screen. // It's descendants structure is different for image deviations and video deviations // It's descendants structure and/or descendant attributes change for MultiImage deviation when navigating images and/or when switching between single image and all image display modes const multiconfig = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: false, subtree: true }; multinode = aDocument.evaluate("(./main/div[1])[preceding-sibling::header]/div[child::section]", aDocument.body, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; if (multinode) { observerMultiImage.observe(multinode, multiconfig); } else { observerMultiImage = null; } } function installObservers(aDocument) { // create an observer instances to check if extra buttons need to be re-added or modified (override React-based re-rendering of DOM) // this observer is to deal with zoom/full-screen display modes - it only looks at direct children of <main> observerMain = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { if (!(multinode?.connected == true)) { if (observerMultiImage) { observerMultiImage.disconnect(); } installMultiObserver(aDocument); } // don't need to iterate over added or removed nodes! // instead, the below function checks globally by ID (fast! simple!) if extra buttons already exist or not insertUpdateExtraButtons(aDocument); }); // Configuration of the observer // "main" node is the start of React managed hierarchy. // It changes in major way when switching to full-screen. // Fortunately, it is sufficient to just observe direct children - all sub-hierarchy elements get added/removed right along with them const mainconfig = { attributes: false, childList: true, characterData: false, subtree: false }; const mainnode = aDocument.evaluate("./main", aDocument.body, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; observerMain.observe(mainnode, mainconfig); } // // ***** START OF USER SCRIPT ***** // // extract all info needed for extra download button fROM __INITIAL_STATE__ object ("initials" itself is already initialized) parseInitials(initials); // process already loaded nodes (the initial posts before scrolling down for the first time) insertUpdateExtraButtons(document); // mutation observer to re-create extra download buttons if React re-renders DOM (e.g. expanding to and exiting from full-screen view). installMultiObserver(document); installObservers(document); })();