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Heise.de Forum: all comments on one page

All comments on one page, iReply, quick-vote, user-scores.

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name          Heise.de Forum: all comments on one page
// @namespace     Vorticon
// @author        marrr, edited by commander_keen
// @version       1.0
// @description   All comments on one page, iReply, quick-vote, user-scores.
// @include       http://*heise.de/*/foren/*
// @include       http://*heise.de/foren/*
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_log
// ==/UserScript==
var overviewPagePostCount  = 16;
var maxJoinedPosts         = overviewPagePostCount * 10; // in overview, add x posts * y pages
var maxJoinedPostsInThread = 80;
// user score is scaled by this value and then fitted into 0-10
var posterScoreScaleFactor = 0.3;
// here you can enable joining on different overview levels
var joinTopLevelForen = 1;
var joinSubLevelForen = 1;
var enableThreadView = 1;
// reply stuff
var enableIReply    = 1;
var enableAutoQuote = 1;
var enableQuickVote = 1;
// "plain" for disabling colored bar indentation
var displayMode = "colored";
// defines the colors used for colored indentation
var branchBorderStyle = "1px dashed";
function getBranchColor(lvl) {
switch(lvl % 8) {
case 0:  return "#999999";
case 1:  return "#445599";
case 2:  return "#995544";
case 3:  return "#449955";
case 4:  return "#994455";
case 5:  return "#554499";
case 6:  return "#CC77CC";
case 7:  return "#554499";
function getQuoteColor(lvl) {
switch(lvl) {
case 2:  return "#668811";
case 3:  return "#445599";
case 4:  return "#995544";
case 5:  return "#449955";
case 6:  return "#994455";
case 7:  return "#554499";
case 8:  return "#CC77CC";
case 9:  return "#554499";
// ...
default: return "";
function isOpera() {
return typeof(opera) != "undefined";
function isSafari() {
return typeof(safari) != "undefined" || /apple/i.test(navigator.vendor) || /safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
function isChrome() {
return typeof(chrome) != "undefined";
function log(msg) {
if (isOpera()) opera.postError(msg);
// else if (isChrome()) console.log(msg); // chrome supports GM_log
else if(isSafari())
// according to the docs, GM_log is supported
if(typeof(GM_log) != undefined)
else GM_log(msg);
function requestHTML(fileUrl, callback, nr, div) {
fileUrl = ensureAbsoluteUrl(fileUrl);
if (isOpera() || isSafari()) {
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttp.open('GET', fileUrl, true);
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4 &&
xmlHttp.status     == 200)
callback(xmlHttp.responseText, nr, div, fileUrl);
else { // maybe the opera way works here, but this one contains more GM_s
method: 'GET',
url: fileUrl,
onload: function(resp) {
if(resp.status == 200)
callback(resp.responseText, nr, div, fileUrl);
// TODO: this is limited to simple values, yet sufficient
function setLocalValue(name, val) {
if (isOpera() || isChrome() || isSafari()) {
var lifeTime = 31536000;
document.cookie = escape(name) + "=" + escape(val) +
";expires=" + (new Date((new Date()).getTime() + (1000 * lifeTime))).toGMTString() + ";path=/";
GM_setValue(name, val);
function getLocalValue(name, def ) {
if(isOpera() || isChrome() || isSafari()) {
var cookieJar = document.cookie.split("; ");
for(var x = 0; x < cookieJar.length; x++) {
var oneCookie = cookieJar[x].split( "=" );
if( oneCookie[0] == escape(name) ) {
try {
eval('var footm = '+unescape(oneCookie[1]));
return footm;
} catch(e) { return def; }
return def;
return GM_getValue(name, def);
var baseUrl = 'http://' + document.location.host;
var postingRegExp = /((<div class="vote_posting">[\s\S]*?)?(?=(<div class="posting_date">))\3[\s\S]*?(?=(<div class="tovote_links">))\4[\s\S]*?<\/div>)/;
var searchUrl = baseUrl + '/foren/suche?q=';
function xpath(xp, root)
if(root === undefined) root = document;
return document.evaluate(xp, root, null, XPathR###lt.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
function xpath1(xp, root)
var res = xpath(xp, root);
return (res.snapshotLength > 0) ? res.snapshotItem(0) : null;
function ensureAbsoluteUrl(url)
url = baseUrl + url;
return url;
function defineScriptInPageContext(code)
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "application/javascript";
script.innerHTML = code;
function getElementsByClassName(oElm, strTagName, strClassName) {
var arrElements = (strTagName == "*" && document.all) ?
document.all : oElm.getElementsByTagName(strTagName);
var arrReturnElements = new Array();
strClassName = strClassName.replace(/\-/g, "\\-");
var oRegExp = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + strClassName + "(\\s|$)");
for(var i = 0; i < arrElements.length; i++) {
var oElement = arrElements[i];
return (arrReturnElements);
function grepTitleLinkURL(html)
var res = html.match(/<a[^>]*? href="([\s\S]*?)"[^>]*? title=(["'])[\s\S]*?\2>/i);
if(!res) return null;
return res[1];
function joinThreadPosts()
// do it this way to respect priorities
var rootPostDiv = xpath1("//div[@class='forum_content']");
if(rootPostDiv == null)
rootPostDiv = xpath1("//div[@id='mitte_forum']");
if(rootPostDiv == null)
rootPostDiv = xpath1("//div[@id='mitte']");
if(rootPostDiv == null)
rootPostDiv = xpath1("//td[@class='f-content']");
if(rootPostDiv == null)
log("Root div not found!");
var rootPostText = xpath1("p[@class='posting_text']", rootPostDiv);
appendReplyFrame(rootPostText, -1, rootPostDiv);
var replyLinkA = xpath1(".//a[text() = 'Beantworten']", rootPostDiv);
var replyLink = replyLinkA == null ? "" : replyLinkA.href;
processMessageDiv(rootPostDiv, document.location.href, replyLink);
var threadsList = xpath1("//ul[@class='thread_tree']");
if(threadsList == null)
log("Thread tree not found - activate it!");
var divStack  = new Array();
divStack.peek = function() { return this[this.length - 1]; }
var answerDiv = document.createElement('div');
threadsList.parentNode.insertBefore(answerDiv, threadsList);
var threadMsgs = xpath(".//div[@class='thread_title']", threadsList);
var maxJoinCnt  = Math.min(threadMsgs.snapshotLength, maxJoinedPostsInThread);
var afterActive = 0;
var cntJoined   = 0;
var rootAbsoluteDepth = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < threadMsgs.snapshotLength && cntJoined <= maxJoinCnt; i++) {
var msgDiv   = threadMsgs.snapshotItem(i);
var isActive = 0;
// search the currently selected beitrag
if(msgDiv.innerHTML.match("beitrag_aktiv") ||
msgDiv.innerHTML.match("active_post")) {
afterActive = 1;
isActive = 1;
rootAbsoluteDepth = countLevel(msgDiv);
else if(afterActive == 0) continue;
// count the number of next_levels upwards
var curRelativeDepth = countLevel(msgDiv) - rootAbsoluteDepth;
// only show current subnode
if(curRelativeDepth <= 0) break;
// find the URL
var url = grepTitleLinkURL(msgDiv.innerHTML);
if(!url) {
log("Error parsing: " + msgDiv.innerHTML);
// create div for the branch
var divBranch = document.createElement('div');
divBranch.style.marginLeft = "20px";
if(displayMode == "colored")
divBranch.style.borderLeft = branchBorderStyle + " " + getBranchColor(curRelativeDepth);
//		divBranch.innerHTML = '<a style="display: block; font-size: 6px">^^^</a>';
// create div for the post
var divPost = document.createElement('div');
divPost.style.border = "1px dashed #DDDDDD";
divPost.style.marginLeft = "8px"; // some space from the border
// decend down to current level
while(curRelativeDepth < divStack.length) divStack.pop();
// add it
// create the ireply frame
appendReplyFrame(divBranch, cntJoined, divPost);
// remember current branch
// grep it
requestHTML(url, callbackThread, i, divPost);
if(afterActive == 0) {
log("found no active post!");
function appendReplyFrame(div, id, divPost)
if(div == null)
log("div to attach reply frame to is null");
var iReplyFrame = document.createElement('iframe');
iReplyFrame.id = "reply" + id;
iReplyFrame.style.display = 'none';
iReplyFrame.style.width   = '100%';
iReplyFrame.style.height  = '35em';
divPost.setAttribute("replyFrameID", iReplyFrame.id);
var divReply = document.createElement('div');
divReply.style.marginLeft = divPost.style.marginLeft;
function callbackThread(txt, nr, div, url)
// pre-check the posting for performance issues
// else match can lock up
if(txt.indexOf('<div class="posting_date">') == -1 ||
txt.indexOf('<div class="tovote_links">') == -1) {
log("No known posting: " + url);
var mtchs = txt.match(postingRegExp);
if(mtchs == null) {
div.innerHTML = "<i>Could not load comment</i>";
var html = mtchs[1];
div.innerHTML = html;
var replyLinks = txt.match(/<a href="([^"]*)"\s*>Beantworten<\/a>/);
var replyLink  = (replyLinks != null) ? replyLinks[1] : "";
processMessageDiv(div, url, replyLink);
log('Error processing post: ' + e);
function processMessageDiv(div, messageUrl, replyLink) {
// link username to search
var userI = xpath1(".//div[@class='user_info']/i", div);
var userName;
if(userI != null)
userName = userI.innerHTML.replace(/^(.*?),&nbsp;.*$/, "$1");
userI.innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + searchUrl + escape(userName) + "\">" + userI.innerHTML + "</a>";
userI.innerHTML += getPosterScoreBarCode(userName);
userName = "?";
log("Could not find username div!");
// colorize quote
var quotes = xpath(".//p/span[@class='quote']", div);
for(var i = 0; i < quotes.snapshotLength; i++) {
var e = quotes.snapshotItem(i);
var patternLength = 10;
var m = e.innerHTML.match(/^((?:&gt;&nbsp;)+)/);
if(m != null) {
var color = getQuoteColor(m[0].length / patternLength);
if(color != "")
e.innerHTML = "<span style=\"color: " + color + "\">" + e.innerHTML + "</span>";
// set the reply links
if(replyLink != "") {
replyLink       = ensureAbsoluteUrl(replyLink);
replyLinkInline = "<a style=\"color: #6673DD\" onclick=\"iReply('" + div.getAttribute ("replyFrameID") +
"', '" + replyLink + "')\">iReply</a>";
replyLink       = "<a href=\"" + replyLink + "\">Beantworten</a>";
if(userI != null)
userI.innerHTML += " --- " + replyLink + (enableIReply ? " / " + replyLinkInline : "");
// link posting title to posting
var postingSubject = xpath1(".//h3[@class='posting_subject']", div);
if(postingSubject != null)
postingSubject.innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + messageUrl + "\">" + postingSubject.innerHTML + "</a>";
log("Posting subject not found!");
// relink voting buttons
if(enableQuickVote) {
var voteLinks = xpath(".//div[@class='tovote_links']/a", div);
for(var i = 0; i < voteLinks.snapshotLength; i++) {
var voteLink = voteLinks.snapshotItem(i);
var url = voteLink.href;
quickVoteFunctionBuilder(voteLink, url, userName), true);
voteLink.setAttribute("onclick", "sendVote(this, '" + url + "');");
function quickVoteFunctionBuilder(voteLink, url, author) {
return function() {
log("voted for author: " + author);
// mark as voted
voteLink.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
// extract score
var matches = url.match(/postvote-(-?\d)/);
if(!matches) return;
var score = parseInt(matches[1]);
log("score: " + score);
// score the author
scorePoster(author, score);
function getPosterScoreBarCode(author) {
var absScore = getPosterScore(author);
if (absScore === undefined) return "";
// TODO: think about making it logarithmical
var score = absScore * posterScoreScaleFactor;
score += 5;
if(score >= 4 && score <= 6) return "";
score = Math.min(score, 10);
score = Math.max(score, 0);
score += 1;
score = Math.round(score);
return "&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=\"/icons/forum/wertung_" + score + ".gif\" title=\"User-Score: " + absScore + "\"/>";
function getPosterScore(author) {
return getLocalValue("score_" + author, 0);
function scorePoster(author, score) {
var oldScore = getPosterScore(author);
setLocalValue("score_" + author, oldScore + score);
function countLevel(el)
var lvl = 1;
// limit loop, just to be sure
for(var i=0; i < 10000; i++) {
var par = el.parentNode;
el = par;
if(par == null) break;
if(par.className == "thread_tree") break;
if(par.className == "nextlevel" ||
par.className == "nextlevel_line")
return lvl;
function insertPostStart(url, nr)
var eall = "";
if(document.location.href.match(/\/e-all/)) eall = "/e-all";
return url.replace(/(\/(list|foren)\/hs)-\d+/, "$1-" + nr + eall);
function extractPostStart(url)
var matches = url.match(/\/hs-(\d+)/);
if(!matches) return -1;
return parseInt(matches[1]);
function joinOverviewPages()
var pageNrUls   = getElementsByClassName(document, "ul", "forum_navi");
var threadTrees = getElementsByClassName(document, "ul", "thread_tree");
if(threadTrees.length == 0)
threadTrees = getElementsByClassName(document, "ul", "fora_list");
if(pageNrUls.length   == 0 ||
threadTrees.length == 0) {
log("no forum_navi or thread_tree");
var firstPageURL = "";
var lastPageURL  = "";
// find the first and last of the page URLs
var pageLinks = pageNrUls[0].getElementsByTagName("li");
for(var i = 0; i < pageLinks.length; i++) {
var pageLink = pageLinks[i];
if(pageLink.innerHTML.match(/>Neuere</)) break;
if(pageLink.innerHTML.match(/^\d+$/))    firstPageURL = "";
// find the URL
var url = grepTitleLinkURL(pageLink.innerHTML);
if(!url) continue;
if(firstPageURL == "")
firstPageURL = url;
lastPageURL = url;
if(firstPageURL == "" || lastPageURL == "") {
log("found no page URLs");
// extract the post numbers
var firstPostNr = extractPostStart(firstPageURL);
var lastPostNr  = extractPostStart(lastPageURL);
if(firstPostNr == -1 || lastPostNr == -1) {
log("found no post numbers");
// limit pages to users setting
var limited = false;
if(lastPostNr - firstPostNr > maxJoinedPosts) {
lastPostNr = firstPostNr + maxJoinedPosts;
limited = true;
// add list items and load the overview pages into them
var threadTree = threadTrees[0];
for(var j = firstPostNr; j <= lastPostNr; j += overviewPagePostCount) {
var url = ensureAbsoluteUrl(insertPostStart(lastPageURL, j));
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.innerHTML = "<b>Beitr&auml;ge ab Nr. " + j + "</b>";
li = document.createElement('li');
li.innerHTML = "<i>Lade...</i>";
requestHTML(url, callbackOverviewPage, j, li);
// add links to navigate
if(firstPostNr > overviewPagePostCount) {
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + ensureAbsoluteUrl(insertPostStart(lastPageURL, firstPostNr - maxJoinedPosts - 3 * overviewPagePostCount)) + "\"><b>Vorwärts...</b></a>";
threadTree.insertBefore(li, threadTree.childNodes[0]);
if(limited) {
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + ensureAbsoluteUrl(insertPostStart(lastPageURL, lastPostNr + overviewPagePostCount)) + "\"><b>Weiter...</b></a>";
function callbackOverviewPage(txt, nr, startli, url)
var matches = txt.match(/<ul class=\"(thread_tree|fora_list)\">([\s\S]*)<\/ul>[\s\S]*?<ul class="forum_navi">/i);
if(!matches) {
startli.innerHTML = "<b><i>Fehler beim Laden</i></b>";
var lis = matches[2];
lis = lis.replace(/\/read(?!\/showthread-1)/g, "/read/showthread-1");
startli.innerHTML = "<ul style=\"padding-left: 0px; list-style-type: none\">" + lis + "</ul>";
function showOverviewPosterScores(root) {
var userdivs = xpath(".//div[@class='thread_user']", root);
for(var i = 0; i < userdivs.snapshotLength; i++) {
var div = userdivs.snapshotItem(i);
div.innerHTML += getPosterScoreBarCode(div.innerHTML.trim());
function cleanUpReplyPage()
if(enableAutoQuote && document.getElementsByName("message")[0].value == "") {
// select the right button the ultra hacky way
var form = xpath1("//div[@class='forum_content' or @id='mitte_forum']");
var html = form.innerHTML;
// messy but working
html = html.replace(/(Unsere Foren|Dieses Forum)[\s\S]*<textarea/i, "<textarea");
html = html.replace(/<i>\([^)]+\)<\/i>/ig, "");
document.body.innerHTML = html;
function isWriteUrl(url)
return url.match(/\/write\/$/);
function ensureShowThreadLinks()
var links = xpath("//a");
// we need the tree enabled on all links
for (var i = 0; i < links.snapshotLength; i++) {
var link = links.snapshotItem(i);
link.href = link.href.replace(/\/read\/(?!showthread-1)/, "/read/showthread-1/");
function main()
String.prototype.trim = function() {
a = this.replace(/^\s+/, '');
return a.replace(/\s+$/, '');
if(enableIReply) {
'function iReply(frameId, replyUrl) {' +
'var frm = document.getElementById(frameId);' +
'frm.src = replyUrl;' +
'frm.style.display = ""' +
// is reply page?
if((isWriteUrl(document.location.href) || document.body.innerHTML.match(/<textarea name="message"/i)) &&
(top === undefined || !isWriteUrl(top.location.href))) {
if(enableQuickVote) {
'function sendVote(target, voteUrl) {' +
'var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();' +
'xmlHttp.open(\'GET\', voteUrl, true);' +
'xmlHttp.send(null);' +
'target.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";' +
// is board overview?
if(joinSubLevelForen == 1 && document.location.href.match(/\/forum-\d+\/list/) ||
joinTopLevelForen == 1 && document.location.href.match(/\/foren\/(hs-\d+\/)?$/)) {
// else must be a thread view