Block dead keys in Overleaf to allow for typing of accented letters. It also allows typing ß. It blocks undesired key combinations.
This script is designed for macOS users working in Overleaf who encounter issues with typing accented letters due to dead keys. For more information on how to use dead keys to type accented characters on a Mac, please refer to the official Apple guide (
- It blocks dead key events to allow proper input of accented characters when using dead keys. To install this script in Greasemonkey (for Firefox) or Violentmonkey (for Chrome/Firefox/Edge), simply copy and paste it into a new userscript in your userscript manager.
- The script also blocks some nagging behavior of Overleaf when ALT+ARROWUP/ARROWDOWN is pressed.
- It allows entering characters such € and ß which are otherwise blocked by Overleaf.