Redirect YouTube Watch Later video links to their original video and open in a new tab.
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube 稍后再看重定向 // @name:en YouTube Watch Later Redirect // @name:zh-CN YouTube 稍后再看重定向 // @name:zh-TW YouTube 稍後再看重定向 // @namespace // @version 1.1.20250312 // @author JerryYang // @description 重定向YouTube稍后再看的视频链接到原始视频链接,并在新标签页中打开视频。 // @description:en Redirect YouTube Watch Later video links to their original video and open in a new tab. // @description:zh-CN 重定向YouTube稍后再看的视频链接到原始视频链接,并在新标签页中打开视频。 // @description:zh-TW 重定向YouTube稍後再看的影片連結到原始影片,並在新標籤頁中開啟影片。 // @license GPL-3.0 License // @homepage // @supportURL // @match* // @icon // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @run-at document-idle // ==/UserScript== /* 支持多语言 */ // 语言支持:英语 (en), 简体中文 (zh-CN), 繁体中文 (zh-TW) const userLanguage = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage; // 多语言翻译资源 const translations = { "en": { "notificationMessage": "All videos have been successfully redirected!", "enableNotification": "Enable Notification", "disableNotification": "Disable Notification", "adjustNotificationStyle": "Adjust Notification Style", "resetDefaults": "Reset to Default Settings", "confirmSave": "Are you sure you want to save the changes?", "confirmReset": "Are you sure you want to reset to default settings? This action cannot be undone!", "savedMessage": "Settings saved, click OK to refresh the page.", "resetMessage": "Default settings restored, click OK to refresh the page.", "enableNotificationMessage": "Notification has been enabled, click OK to refresh for changes to take effect.", "disableNotificationMessage": "Notification has been disabled, click OK to refresh for changes to take effect.", "adjustPanelH2Title": "Adjust the style of the prompt box(leave blank to not modify)", "adjustPanelPosition": "Select prompt box location", "adjustPanelWidth": "Prompt box width (can also be auto)", "adjustPanelHeight": "Prompt box length (can also be auto)", "adjustPanelHideAfter": "The display time of the prompt box (milliseconds, just enter the number)", "adjustPanelCustomMessage": "Custom prompt words", "adjustPanelSave": "Save", "adjustPanelCancel": "Cancel", "adjustPanelReset": "Restore default settings", "adjustPanelPlaceholder": "Currently ", "exportList": "Export Watch Later List", "exportSuccess": "Export successful! The file has been saved to your downloads folder.", "noVideosFound": "No videos found in the Watch Later list." }, "zh-CN": { "notificationMessage": "全部视频已成功重定向!", "enableNotification": "启用提示框", "disableNotification": "禁用提示框", "adjustNotificationStyle": "调整提示框样式", "resetDefaults": "恢复默认设置", "confirmSave": "确定要保存修改吗?此操作不可撤销!", "confirmReset": "确定要恢复默认设置吗?此操作不可撤销!", "savedMessage": "设置已保存,点击确定刷新页面以生效。", "resetMessage": "默认设置已恢复,点击确定刷新页面以生效。", "enableNotificationMessage": "提示框已启用,点击确定刷新后生效。", "disableNotificationMessage": "提示框已禁用,点击确定刷新后生效。", "adjustPanelH2Title": "调整提示框样式(留空则不修改)", "adjustPanelPosition": "选择提示框位置", "adjustPanelWidth": "提示框宽度(可以填auto)", "adjustPanelHeight": "提示框长度(可以填auto)", "adjustPanelHideAfter": "提示框显示时间(毫秒,输入数字即可)", "adjustPanelCustomMessage": "自定义提示词", "adjustPanelSave": "保存", "adjustPanelCancel": "取消", "adjustPanelReset": "恢复默认设置", "adjustPanelPlaceholder": "当前为", "exportList": "导出稍后观看列表", "exportSuccess": "导出成功!文件已保存到下载文件夹。", "noVideosFound": "稍后观看列表中未找到视频。" }, "zh-TW": { "notificationMessage": "全部影片已成功重新導向!", "enableNotification": "啟用提示框", "disableNotification": "禁用提示框", "adjustNotificationStyle": "調整提示框樣式", "resetDefaults": "恢復預設設定", "confirmSave": "確定要保存修改嗎?此操作不可撤銷!", "confirmReset": "確定要恢復預設設定嗎?此操作不可撤銷!", "savedMessage": "設定已保存,點擊確定刷新頁面以生效。", "resetMessage": "預設設定已恢復,點擊確定刷新頁面以生效。", "enableNotificationMessage": "提示框已啟用,點擊確定刷新後生效。", "disableNotificationMessage": "提示框已禁用,點擊確定刷新後生效。", "adjustPanelH2Title": "调整提示框样式(留空则不修改)", "adjustPanelPosition": "選擇提示框位置", "adjustPanelWidth": "提示框寬度(可以填auto)", "adjustPanelHeight": "提示框長度 (可以填auto)", "adjustPanelHideAfter": "提示框顯示時間 (毫秒,輸入數字即可)", "adjustPanelCustomMessage": "自定義提示詞", "adjustPanelSave": "保存", "adjustPanelCancel": "取消", "adjustPanelReset": "恢復默認設置", "adjustPanelPlaceholder": "當前爲", "exportList": "導出稍後觀看列表", "exportSuccess": "導出成功!文件已保存到下載文件夾。", "noVideosFound": "稍後觀看列表中未找到影片。" } }; // 根据用户语言设置获取翻译 const lang = userLanguage.startsWith('zh-TW') ? 'zh-TW' : userLanguage.startsWith('zh') ? 'zh-CN' : 'en'; const t = translations[lang]; // 主函数 (function() { 'use strict'; /* 先判断当前是否为稍后再看页面 */ let lastUrl = window.location.href; // 保存上一次的 URL // 初次加载时初始化 if (window.location.href == "") { redirector(); } const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { mutations.forEach(mutation => { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => { if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // 检查 Shadow DOM 中的元素 if (node.shadowRoot) { const targetElement = node.shadowRoot.querySelector(''); if (targetElement) { targetElement.addEventListener('click', () => { //console.log('YouTube稍后再看脚本 - 点击了“稍后观看”按钮'); redirector(); }); } } // 处理非 Shadow DOM 元素 if (node.matches('')) { node.addEventListener('click', () => { //console.log('YouTube稍后再看脚本 - 点击了“稍后观看”按钮'); redirector(); }); } } }); }); }); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); // 监听 URL 变化 (pushState 和 popstate) const originalPushState = history.pushState; history.pushState = function() { originalPushState.apply(this, arguments); onUrlChange(); }; window.addEventListener('popstate', onUrlChange); // 处理前进和后退按钮 /* 对稍后再看页面作重定向处理 */ // 重定向 function redirector() { const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => { // 查询稍后再看列表中的视频元素 const items = document.querySelectorAll(''); if (items.length > 0) { showNotification(items.length); observer.disconnect(); items.forEach(item => { if (!item.dataset.redirectBound) { item.dataset.redirectBound = true; // 获取缩略图和标题区域 const thumbnail = item.querySelector('ytd-thumbnail#thumbnail'); const metaArea = item.querySelector('div#meta'); if (thumbnail && metaArea) { // 处理缩略图区域 const videoTitle = metaArea.querySelector('a#video-title'); if (videoTitle) { const href = videoTitle.getAttribute('href'); if (href && href.includes('list=WL')) { const videoId = href.match(/v=([^&]+)/)[1]; const originalUrl = `${videoId}`; // 存储原始URL到缩略图元素 thumbnail.setAttribute('data-original-url', originalUrl); // 为缩略图内的所有可点击元素添加事件处理 thumbnail.querySelectorAll('a, img, .yt-core-image').forEach(element => { // 左键点击缩略图 element.addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation();, '_blank'); return false; }); // 中键点击缩略图 element.addEventListener('auxclick', function(event) { if (event.button === 1) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation();, '_blank'); return false; } }); }); } } // 处理标题区域 metaArea.addEventListener('mouseover', function() { const videoTitle = metaArea.querySelector('a#video-title'); if (videoTitle) { const href = videoTitle.getAttribute('href'); if (href && href.includes('list=WL')) { const videoId = href.match(/v=([^&]+)/)[1]; const originalUrl = `${videoId}`; videoTitle.setAttribute('data-original-url', originalUrl); } } }); // 左键点击标题 metaArea.addEventListener('click', function(event) { handleLinkClick(event); }); // 中键点击标题 metaArea.addEventListener('auxclick', function(event) { if (event.button === 1) { handleLinkClick(event); } }); } } }); } }); // 监听 DOM 变化 observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } function handleLinkClick(event) { // 处理左键和中键点击稍后再看视频的行为 const target =; if (target.hasAttribute('href') && target.getAttribute('href').includes('@')) { return; // 点击的是作者主页链接,直接跳转,不重定向 } const linkElement = target.closest('').querySelector('a#video-title'); if (linkElement) { const originalUrl = linkElement.getAttribute('data-original-url'); if (originalUrl) { event.preventDefault(); // 阻止默认跳转行为 event.stopPropagation(); // 阻止事件冒泡, '_blank'); // 在新标签页中打开原视频链接 return false; // 防止进一步的默认跳转行为 } } } // 页面跳转或 URL 变化时触发重新初始化脚本 function onUrlChange() { if (window.location.href !== lastUrl) { //console.log('YouTube稍后再看脚本 - 检测到 URL 变化: ', window.location.href); if (window.location.href == "") { redirector(); } lastUrl = window.location.href; // 更新 lastUrl } } /* 提示框及其菜单 */ // 默认设置 const defaultSettings = { showNotification: true, position: 'bottom-right', width: 'auto', height: 'auto', hideAfter: 3000, customMessage: t.notificationMessage // 默认提示词 }; // 注册菜单项 function registerMenuCommands() { if (!getSettings().showNotification) { GM_registerMenuCommand(t.enableNotification, toggleNotification); } else { GM_registerMenuCommand(t.disableNotification, toggleNotification); GM_registerMenuCommand(t.adjustNotificationStyle, createStyleAdjustmentPanel); } // 添加导出列表菜单项 GM_registerMenuCommand(t.exportList, exportWatchLaterList); } // 打开提示框开关菜单 function toggleNotification() { const settings = getSettings(); const newShowNotification = !settings.showNotification; saveSettings({ ...settings, showNotification: newShowNotification }); // 更新菜单项显示状态 updateMenuCommands(); } // 更新菜单项显示状态 function updateMenuCommands() { const settings = getSettings(); const newShowNotification = !settings.showNotification; alert(`${newShowNotification ? t.enableNotificationMessage : t.disableNotificationMessage}`); location.reload(); // 刷新页面 } // 初次注册菜单项 registerMenuCommands(); // 创建样式调整面板并使用 Shadow DOM function createStyleAdjustmentPanel() { const settings = getSettings(); // 创建容器,并为其附加 Shadow DOM const panelContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'fixed'; = '0'; = '0'; = '100vw'; = '100vh'; = '10001'; = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; // 添加遮罩效果 const shadowRoot = panelContainer.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); shadowRoot.innerHTML = ` <style> #panel { position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); padding: 20px; background-color: #f9f9f9; border: 1px solid #ccc; box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); z-index: 10002; width: 300px; height: auto; } button { margin-top: 15px; } #reset { position: absolute; bottom: 10px; right: 10px; } </style> <div id="panel"> <h2>${t.adjustPanelH2Title}</h2> <label> ${t.adjustPanelPosition}(now at ${settings.position}):<br> <select id="position-select"> <option value="bottom-right">bottom-right</option> <option value="top-right">top-right</option> <option value="top-left">top-left</option> <option value="bottom-left">bottom-left</option> </select> </label><br> <label> ${t.adjustPanelWidth}:<br> <input type="text" id="width" placeholder="${t.adjustPanelPlaceholder}${settings.width}"> </label><br> <label> ${t.adjustPanelHeight}:<br> <input type="text" id="height" placeholder="${t.adjustPanelPlaceholder}${settings.height}"> </label><br> <label> ${t.adjustPanelHideAfter}:<br> <input type="number" id="hideAfter" placeholder="${t.adjustPanelPlaceholder}${settings.hideAfter}ms"> </label><br> <label> ${t.adjustPanelCustomMessage}:<br> <input type="text" id="customMessage" placeholder="${t.adjustPanelPlaceholder}“${settings.customMessage}”"> </label><br> <button id="save">${t.adjustPanelSave}</button> <button id="cancel">${t.adjustPanelCancel}</button> <button id="reset">${t.adjustPanelReset}</button> <!-- 添加恢复默认设置按钮 --> </div> `; // 将面板插入到页面中 document.documentElement.appendChild(panelContainer); const positionSelect = shadowRoot.querySelector('#position-select'); window.selectedPosition = settings.position; // 监听 select 元素的 change 事件 positionSelect.addEventListener('change', function(event) { selectedPosition =; // 获取当前选择的值 console.log('稍后再看Selected position:', selectedPosition); // 将选择的值保存到一个变量或状态中 // 如果需要在点击保存按钮时使用 window.selectedPosition = selectedPosition; //console.log('稍后再看window.selectedPosition为:', window.selectedPosition); }); // 绑定事件到 Shadow DOM 中的元素 // shadowRoot.getElementById('save').addEventListener('click', () => saveSettingsByPanel(shadowRoot)); // 使用全局变量 window.shadowRoot = shadowRoot; shadowRoot.getElementById('save').addEventListener('click', () => { const confirmed = confirm(t.confirmSave); if (!confirmed) { return; } const settings = getSettings(); const newPosition = window.selectedPosition; // 获取其他设置值,如果为空则保持原值 const shadowRoot = window.shadowRoot; const newWidth = shadowRoot.getElementById('width').value || settings.width; const newHeight = shadowRoot.getElementById('height').value || settings.height; const newHideAfter = parseInt(shadowRoot.getElementById('hideAfter').value, 10) || settings.hideAfter; const newCustomMessage = shadowRoot.getElementById('customMessage').value; const newSettings = { ...settings, position: newPosition, width: newWidth, height: newHeight, hideAfter: newHideAfter, customMessage: newCustomMessage }; saveSettings(newSettings); // 提示并刷新页面 alert(t.savedMessage); location.reload(); // 刷新页面 }); shadowRoot.getElementById('cancel').addEventListener('click', () => { panelContainer.remove(); // 关闭面板 }); // 绑定恢复默认设置按钮的点击事件,并弹出确认框 shadowRoot.getElementById('reset').addEventListener('click', () => { const confirmed = confirm(t.confirmReset); if (confirmed) { restoreDefaultSettings(); alert(t.resetMessage); location.reload(); // 刷新页面 } }); } // 不想为了传递一个shadowRoot参数,而定义一个函数 // function saveSettingsByPanel(shadowRoot){ // const confirmed = confirm(t.confirmSave); // if (!confirmed) { // return; // } // //console.log("稍后再看selectedPosition为:", window.selectedPosition); // const settings = getSettings(); // const newPosition = window.selectedPosition; // // 获取其他设置值,如果为空则保持原值 // const newWidth = shadowRoot.getElementById('width').value || settings.width; // const newHeight = shadowRoot.getElementById('height').value || settings.height; // const newHideAfter = parseInt(shadowRoot.getElementById('hideAfter').value, 10) || settings.hideAfter; // const newCustomMessage = shadowRoot.getElementById('customMessage').value || settings.customMessage; // const newSettings = { // ...settings, // position: newPosition, // width: newWidth, // height: newHeight, // hideAfter: newHideAfter, // customMessage: newCustomMessage // }; // saveSettings(newSettings); // // 提示并刷新页面 // alert(t.savedMessage); // location.reload(); // 刷新页面 // } // 恢复默认设置的函数 function restoreDefaultSettings() { GM_setValue('position', defaultSettings.position); GM_setValue('width', defaultSettings.width); GM_setValue('height', defaultSettings.height); GM_setValue('hideAfter', defaultSettings.hideAfter); GM_setValue('customMessage', defaultSettings.customMessage); } // 从存储中获取设置 function getSettings() { return { showNotification: GM_getValue('showNotification', defaultSettings.showNotification), position: GM_getValue('position', defaultSettings.position), width: GM_getValue('width', defaultSettings.width), height: GM_getValue('height', defaultSettings.height), hideAfter: GM_getValue('hideAfter', defaultSettings.hideAfter), customMessage: GM_getValue('customMessage', defaultSettings.customMessage) }; } // 保存设置 function saveSettings(settings) { GM_setValue('showNotification', settings.showNotification); GM_setValue('position', settings.position); GM_setValue('width', settings.width); GM_setValue('height', settings.height); GM_setValue('hideAfter', settings.hideAfter); GM_setValue('customMessage', settings.customMessage); } // 创建或更新提示框 function createNotification() { const settings = getSettings(); const notification = document.getElementById('redirect-notification') || document.createElement('div'); = 'redirect-notification'; = 'fixed';[settings.position.split('-')[0]] = '20px';[settings.position.split('-')[1]] = '20px'; = settings.width; = settings.height; = '10px 20px'; = '#333'; = '#fff'; = '16px'; = '5px'; = '0px 0px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; = '10000'; = '0'; // 初始隐藏 = 'opacity 0.5s'; // 动画效果 document.body.appendChild(notification); return notification; } // 显示提示框,并在规定时间内自动消失 function showNotification(itemCount) { const settings = getSettings(); if (!settings.showNotification) return; const notification = createNotification(); notification.textContent = settings.customMessage; = '1'; // 显示提示框 // 在指定时间后自动隐藏提示框 setTimeout(() => { = '0'; // 隐藏提示框 }, settings.hideAfter); } // 导出稍后观看列表 function exportWatchLaterList() { // 确保当前页面是稍后观看列表 if (window.location.href !== "") {"", "_blank"); return; } // 等待页面加载完成 setTimeout(() => { const items = document.querySelectorAll(''); if (items.length === 0) { alert(t.noVideosFound); return; } let videoLinks = []; let videoTitles = []; let videoAuthors = []; let authorLinks = []; items.forEach(item => { const metaArea = item.querySelector('div#meta'); if (metaArea) { // 获取视频标题和链接 const videoTitle = metaArea.querySelector('a#video-title'); if (videoTitle) { const href = videoTitle.getAttribute('href'); if (href && href.includes('list=WL')) { // 获取视频链接及标题 const videoId = href.match(/v=([^&]+)/)[1]; const originalUrl = `${videoId}`; const title = videoTitle.textContent.trim(); videoLinks.push(originalUrl); videoTitles.push(title); // 获取作者信息 const authorElement = metaArea.querySelector(''); if (authorElement) { const authorName = authorElement.textContent.trim(); const authorUrl = `${authorElement.getAttribute('href')}`; videoAuthors.push(authorName); authorLinks.push(authorUrl); } else { videoAuthors.push('Unknown Author'); authorLinks.push(''); } } } } }); if (videoLinks.length > 0) { // 创建导出内容,添加视频总数信息 let exportContent = `Totally ${videoLinks.length} videos exported!\n\n`; // 添加带序号的视频信息 for (let i = 0; i < videoLinks.length; i++) { exportContent += `Video index: ${i + 1}\n${videoTitles[i]}\nauthor: ${videoAuthors[i]}, ${authorLinks[i]}\n${videoLinks[i]}\n\n`; } // 创建下载链接 const blob = new Blob([exportContent], { type: 'text/plain' }); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement('a'); const date = new Date(); const dateString = `${date.getFullYear()}-${(date.getMonth()+1).toString().padStart(2, '0')}-${date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0')}-${date.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0')}${date.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0')}${date.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2, '0')}`; a.href = url; = `YouTube-Watch-Later-List-${dateString}.txt`; = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(a);; document.body.removeChild(a); URL.revokeObjectURL(url); alert(t.exportSuccess); } else { alert(t.noVideosFound); } }, 2000); // 给页面加载留出足够时间 } })();