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Scan your kindle or audible library and check if any are missing from myanonamouse database

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        myautonamouse
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @description Scan your kindle or audible library and check if any are missing from myanonamouse database
// @match       https://read.amazon.com/*
// @match       https://www.audible.com/*
// @version     0.0.7
// @author      andromda
// @require     https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@violentmonkey/dom@2
// @license     MIT
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
(function (VM) {
'use strict';
class Book {
constructor(parentElement) {
this.parent = parentElement;
static getBooks(type) {
const books = document.querySelectorAll(type.mainSelector);
books.forEach(book => {
Book.library.add(new type(book));
return Book.library;
getTitle(type) {
return this.parent.querySelector(type.titleSelector).textContent.trim();
getAuthors(type) {
const titles = new RegExp('\\b(Mr|Mrs|Ms|Miss|Dr|PhD|Professor|Prof)\\.?\\s?\\b', 'g');
return this.parent.querySelector(type.authorSelector).textContent.trim().replace(titles, '');
search(count = 0) {
method: 'POST',
url: 'https://www.myanonamouse.net/tor/js/loadSearchJSONbasic.php',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data: this.stringify(),
onloadend: response => {
// not authenticated
if (response.status != 200) return this.insertFailure();
response = JSON.parse(response.response);
// no r###lts returned
if (response.error) return this.withoutSubtitle(count);
// r###lts returned, no subtitle changes
else if (response.data && count === 0) return this.insertFound();
// r###lts returned, subtitle was removed
else if (response.data) return this.insertPossibleFound(response.data);
matchPercentage(text1, text2) {
const words1 = text1.split(/\s+/).sort();
const words2 = text2.split(/\s+/).sort();
let matchCount = 0;
// Count matching words ignoring order
let i = 0,
j = 0;
while (i < words1.length && j < words2.length) {
if (words1[i] === words2[j]) {
} else if (words1[i] < words2[j]) {
} else {
const longestLength = Math.max(words1.length, words2.length);
const percentage = matchCount / longestLength * 100;
return percentage.toFixed(2).toString() + '%';
createDivElement(...styles) {
const div = document.createElement('div');
styles.forEach(style => {
return div;
createParagraphElement(prefix, color, ...styles) {
const p = document.createElement('p');
p.textContent = prefix;
p.style.color = color;
styles.forEach(style => {
return p;
createListElement(...styles) {
const li = document.createElement('li');
styles.forEach(style => {
return li;
createSpanElement(text, textColor, ...styles) {
const span = document.createElement('span');
styles.forEach(style => {
span.style.color = textColor;
span.textContent = text;
return span;
createAnchorElement(text, href, textColor, ...styles) {
const anchor = document.createElement('a');
styles.forEach(style => {
anchor.style.color = textColor;
anchor.href = href;
anchor.textContent = text;
anchor.target = '_blank';
return anchor;
getAuthorString() {
return this.authors;
getTitleString() {
// remove all non-alphanumeric text
const withSpace = new RegExp('(?<=\\S)[;:,.\\-—](?=\\S)', 'g');
const withoutSpace = new RegExp('[;:,.\\-—]', 'g');
const specialCharacters = new RegExp('[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s]', 'g');
return this.title.replace(withSpace, ' ').replace(withoutSpace, '').replace(specialCharacters, '');
remov###btitle(delimiter) {
this.origTitle = this.title;
return this.title.split(delimiter)[0].trim();
hasSubtitle(text) {
// Define the possible delimiters that separate the title from the subtitle
const delimiters = [':', '-', '|'];
// Iterate through the delimiters and check if the title contains any of them
for (const delimiter of delimiters) {
if (text.includes(delimiter)) {
return delimiter;
return false;
withoutSubtitle(count) {
const delimiter = this.hasSubtitle(this.title);
// does not have subtitle
if (!delimiter) return this.insertNotFound();else this.title = this.remov###btitle(delimiter);
this.searchLink = this.createSearchLink();
// it does, try search again
createSearchLink() {
const query = new URLSearchParams([['tor[text]', this.toString()], ['tor[srchIn][author]', 'true'], ['tor[srchIn][description]', 'true'], ['tor[srchIn][filenames]', 'true'], ['tor[srchIn][narrator]', 'true'], ['tor[srchIn][series]', 'true'], ['tor[srchIn][tags]', 'true'], ['tor[srchIn][title]', 'true'], ['tor[searchIn]', 'torrents'], ['tor[searchType]', 'active'], ['tor[main_cat]', this.isAudiobook ? '13' : '14']]);
return new URL(`https://www.myanonamouse.net/tor/browse.php?${query}`).toString();
toString() {
return `${this.getAuthorString()} ${this.getTitleString()}`;
stringify() {
return JSON.stringify({
tor: {
text: this.toString(),
srchIn: {
author: 'true',
description: 'true',
filenames: 'true',
narrator: 'true',
series: 'true',
tags: 'true',
title: 'true'
searchType: 'active',
searchIn: 'torrents',
main_cat: this.isAudiobook ? ['13'] : ['14'],
browseFlagsHideVsShow: '0',
startDate: '',
endDate: '',
hash: '',
sortType: 'default',
startNumber: '0'
Book.loginURL = 'https://www.myanonamouse.net/login.php';
Book.library = new Set();
class Audible extends Book {
constructor(bookElement) {
this.isAudiobook = true;
this.title = this.getTitle(Audible);
this.authors = this.getAuthors(Audible);
this.searchLink = this.createSearchLink();
insertPossibleFound(data) {
const li = this.createListElement('bc-list-item', 'bc-list-item');
const span = this.createSpanElement('MAM Status: ', 'orange', 'bc-test', 'authorLabel', 'bc-color-secondary');
const anchor = this.createAnchorElement(`Possible Match Found (${this.matchPercentage(this.origTitle, data[0].title)})`, this.searchLink, 'orange', 'bc-link', 'bc-color-base');
// create element
// insert into ul
return this.parent.children[2].insertAdjacentElement('afterend', li);
insertFailure() {
const li = this.createListElement();
const span = this.createSpanElement('MAM ERROR: ', 'red');
const anchor = this.createAnchorElement('Are you logged in?', Book.loginURL, 'red');
// create element
// insert into ul
return this.parent.children[2].insertAdjacentElement('afterend', li);
insertNotFound() {
const li = this.createListElement();
const span = this.createSpanElement('MAM Status: ', 'red');
const anchor = this.createAnchorElement('Not Found!', this.searchLink, 'red');
// create element
// insert into ul
return this.parent.children[2].insertAdjacentElement('afterend', li);
insertFound() {
const li = this.createListElement();
const span = this.createSpanElement('MAM Status: ', 'green');
const anchor = this.createAnchorElement('Found!', this.searchLink, 'green');
// create element
// insert into ul
return this.parent.children[2].insertAdjacentElement('afterend', li);
Audible.mainSelector = '.adbl-library-content-row ul.bc-list.bc-list-nostyle';
Audible.titleSelector = 'li a span.bc-text';
Audible.authorSelector = 'li span.authorLabel a';
class Kindle extends Book {
constructor(bookElement) {
this.isAudiobook = false;
this.title = this.getTitle(Kindle);
this.authors = this.getAuthors(Kindle);
this.searchLink = this.createSearchLink();
insertPossibleFound() {
return this.parent.appendChild(this.createInsertElement('MAM Status: ', 'Possible Matches Found', this.searchLink, 'orange'));
insertFailure() {
return this.parent.appendChild(this.createInsertElement('MAM ERROR: ', 'Are you logged in?', Book.loginURL, 'red'));
insertNotFound() {
return this.parent.appendChild(this.createInsertElement('MAM Status: ', 'Not Found!', this.searchLink, 'red'));
insertFound() {
return this.parent.appendChild(this.createInsertElement('MAM Status: ', 'Found!', this.searchLink, 'green'));
createInsertElement(prefix, inner, href, color) {
const div = this.createDivElement();
const p = this.createParagraphElement(prefix, color);
const anchor = this.createAnchorElement(inner, href, color);
// anchor.classList.add(Kindle.anchorStyle);
// create element
// insert into ul
return this.parent.appendChild(div);
Kindle.mainSelector = '[id^="tooltip-parent"]';
Kindle.titleSelector = 'div[id^="title-"]';
Kindle.authorSelector = 'div[id^="author-"] p';
Kindle.divStyle = 'author-B008QLXSG8';
Kindle.pStyle = '_33h88ogkqT8qrfT1uutvBI';
Kindle.anchorStyle = '';
VM.observe(document.body, () => {
const loc = window.location.href.toLowerCase();
if (loc.includes('audible')) Book.getBooks(Audible);else if (loc.includes('read.amazon.com')) Book.getBooks(Kindle);
return true;