Adds a link to the chapter navigation bar to go to the latest chapter of a work. Alternative method is to add `/latest` to the end of an AO3 work URL. e.g.{AO3_WORK_ID}/chapters/{AO3_CHAPTER_ID}#workskin/latest
// ==UserScript== // @name AO3: Go To to Latest Chapter // @namespace // @version 1.0.0-20241029_212556 // @description Adds a link to the chapter navigation bar to go to the latest chapter of a work. Alternative method is to add `/latest` to the end of an AO3 work URL. e.g.{AO3_WORK_ID}/chapters/{AO3_CHAPTER_ID}#workskin/latest // @author w4tchdoge // @homepage // @match *://*works/* // @match *://*works/*/latest // @exclude *://*works/*/bookmarks // @exclude *://*works/*/navigate // @license AGPL-3.0-or-later // @run-at document-start // @history 1.0.0 — Move the `latest_url` stuff to a function. Comment the code to the point where hopefully someone that doesn't know JS can understand what it's doing. Clean up old commented code that's no longer used. Add a description // @history 0.0.1 — Initial commit // ==/UserScript== (async function () { `use strict`; // modified from function waitForElm(selector, search_root = document) { return new Promise(resolve => { if (search_root.querySelector(selector)) { return resolve(search_root.querySelector(selector)); } const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { if (search_root.querySelector(selector)) { observer.disconnect(); resolve(search_root.querySelector(selector)); } }); // If you get "parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'" error, see observer.observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true }); }); } // Gets URL of the latest chapter of a work // Input is the work ID as a string // Output is the latest URL as a URL object async function getLatestURL(ao3_work_id) { // Define the URL to be fetched const fetch_url = `${ao3_work_id}/navigate`; // Fetch the URL as UTF-8 HTML and wait for the response from the server const fetch_resp = await fetch(fetch_url, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8', } }); // Save the Response stream as a UTF-8 string const resp_text = await fetch_resp.text(); // Create a new DOM parser const html_parser = new DOMParser(); // Parse the response text as HTML and saves the output const html = html_parser.parseFromString(resp_text, `text/html`); // Search the parsed HTML of the navigate page for all links that go to a chapter const chapter_links_arr = Array.from(html.querySelectorAll(`#main > li > a[href^="/works"]`)); // Get the href attribute of the last element in above array (which would be the latest chapter), and add the '#workskin' anchor that AO3 has for the buttons that take you to the next/prev chapter const latest_ch_href = `${`href`)}#workskin`; // Create a URL object from the latest chapter href const latest_url = new URL(latest_ch_href, ``); return latest_url; } // Get current page url as a URL object const curr_url = new URL(window.location); // Get AO3 work ID const work_id = (() => { // Split path of current URL on all forward slashes const pathname_segments = curr_url.pathname.split(`/`); // Get the index of the last element which is a string equal to 'works' // Add 1 to it to get the index of the work ID const wid_index = (pathname_segments.findLastIndex(elm => elm === `works`)) + 1; // Get work ID using the above index const wid =; return wid; })(); // Check if URL ends in latest if (curr_url.pathname.split(`/`).at(-1).toString().toLowerCase() == `latest`) { // If URL ends in latest // Stop further loading of webpage window.stop(); // Get URL for the latest chapter const latest_url = await getLatestURL(work_id); // console.log(`latest`, curr_url, work_id, latest_url); // Redirect to latest chapter window.location.replace(latest_url); } else { // If URL doesn't end in latest // Wait for the main content of the webpage to be loaded into the DOM const main = await waitForElm(`#main`); // Get the navbar where all the chapter navigation buttons are const work_nav_actions = main.querySelector(`.work.navigation.actions`); // Check to see if this is the latest chapter by checking for the presense of the 'Next Chapter →' button if (work_nav_actions.querySelector(``)) { // If not on latest chapter // Get URL for the latest chapter const latest_url = await getLatestURL(work_id); // Get next chapter elements const next_chapter_elm_arr = Array.from(main.querySelectorAll(`li`)).filter(elm => elm.textContent === `Next Chapter →`); // console.log(next_chapter_elm_arr); // Create latest chapter element using the next chapter element as a base const latest_chapter_elm = ((input_elm) => { // Clone the node so the original stays unmodified let base_elm = input_elm.cloneNode(true); // Add the latest class to the button base_elm.classList.add(`latest`); // Get the actual link element present in the main element let link = base_elm.querySelector(`a`); // Set the href of the link element to the pathname of the URL to the latest chapter link.setAttribute(`href`, latest_url.pathname); // Set the text of the link to indicate the button goes to the latest chapter link.textContent = `Latest ↠`; return base_elm; })(next_chapter_elm_arr[0]); // console.log(latest_chapter_elm); // Add latest chapter elm after the next chapter elms next_chapter_elm_arr.forEach(element => { // Clone the latest chapter element while adding it so it can be put in two separate places element.after(latest_chapter_elm.cloneNode(true)); }); } else { console.log(`\nYou are already on the latest chapter.`); } // If on latest chapter } })();