Auto-expands truncated comments on Rock Paper Shotgun, and optionally auto expand replies as well
These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.
Changed the default BATCH_DELAY to 5 seconds. It's not a real queue that can detect when it's finished loading, there usually was a lot more than 10 replies being fetched at the same time. Adding a 5sc delay is still a good reading experience, and the performance is much better
Add + and - buttons to all threads to collapse and expands threads, making it easier to read
On the WATPW threads, running the script could overload the servers by fetching hundreds of posts at the same time which triggered a lot of errors and warnings.
Now, instead of fetching all replies at the same time, there is now a queue of replies it loads, by default 10 at a time with a 1sc delay between each batch. It prioritizes fetching subreplies for posts at the top, so it should not make that much a difference in the reading experience, and it took 30sc to fully load the 480 posts on the last post.
The number of posts and the delay can be customized with a config option