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Riristage Avatar Filter Star Moon

Filter avatars based on the attributes of star or moon, with passive automatic data updates via the web.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Riristage Avatar Filter Star Moon
// @namespace    https://github.com/weiduhuo/scripts
// @version      0.3
// @description  Filter avatars based on the attributes of star or moon, with passive automatic data updates via the web.
// @author       weiduhuo
// @match        *://gamewith.jp/riristage/462336
// @match        *://gamewith.jp/riristage/462324
// @match        *://gamewith.jp/riristage/460837*
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
let starAttrIdList = [];
if (['/riristage/462336', '/riristage/462324'].includes(location.pathname)) {
} else if (location.pathname === '/riristage/460837') {
function addFilter() {
if (!starAttrIdList || !starAttrIdList.length) {
console.log(`Failed to add filter due to data loss. Please updata!`)
return addUpdataButton();
const avatarDict = { star: [], moon: [] };
const parent = document.querySelector('#TierTable0');
const filter = parent.querySelector('div.w-tier-filter ol');
const avatars = parent.querySelectorAll('ol._tier-table a._item');
if (location.pathname === '/riristage/462336') {
const preCharaNumNotA = localStorage.getItem('GamewithRiristage_charaNumNotA');
console.log(`The number of charaters: ${avatars.length}`);
if (!preCharaNumNotA || preCharaNumNotA != avatars.length) {
console.log(`New charaters is added. Please updata!`);
return addUpdataButton(filter);
avatars.forEach((avatar) => {
const id = avatar.href.match(/\/(\d+)$/)[1];
if (starAttrIdList.includes(id)) {
} else {
const starCheckbox = createElement('input', { type: 'checkbox', id: 'star', value: '星' });
const moonCheckbox = createElement('input', { type: 'checkbox', id: 'moon', value: '月' });
function toggleOpacity(avatar, flag) {
if (flag) {
avatar.style.setProperty('opacity', '0.3');
} else {
starCheckbox.addEventListener('click', function () {
avatarDict.moon.forEach((avatar) => toggleOpacity(avatar, this.checked));
moonCheckbox.addEventListener('click', function () {
avatarDict.star.forEach((avatar) => toggleOpacity(avatar, this.checked));
const starCntr = createElement('li', null, [
starCheckbox, createElement('label', { htmlFor: 'star' }, '星')
const moonCntr = createElement('li', null, [
moonCheckbox, createElement('label', { htmlFor: 'moon' }, '月')
const span = createElement('li', null, ' ')
filter.append(span, starCntr, moonCntr);
function addUpdataButton(parent) {
if (!parent) parent = document.querySelector('#TierTable0 ol.w-tier-filter');
const button = createElement('input', { class: 'updata', type: 'button', id: 'updata', value: 'updata' }, null, {
click: () => {
let lastValue = localStorage.getItem('GamewithRiristage_charaNumNotA');
const newWindow = window.open('/riristage/460837');
setInterval(() => {
const newValue = localStorage.getItem('GamewithRiristage_charaNumNotA');
if (newValue !== lastValue) {
console.log(`Successfully updated!`);
}, 1000);
const buttonCntr = createElement('li', null, [
button, createElement('label', { class: 'updata', htmlFor: 'updata' }, 'Click to Updata')
const span = createElement('li', null, ' ')
parent.append(span, buttonCntr);
function getData() {
starAttrIdList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('GamewithRiristage_starAttrIdList'));
function saveData() {
const attrAvatars = document.querySelectorAll('.w-instant-database-list tbody > tr ~ tr');
const charaNumNotA = attrAvatars.length - 12
console.log(`The number of charaters: ${charaNumNotA} + 12`);
localStorage.setItem('GamewithRiristage_charaNumNotA', charaNumNotA);
attrAvatars.forEach((avatar) => {
if (avatar.classList.contains('star')) {
const id = avatar.querySelector('a').href.match(/\/(\d+)$/)[1];
starAttrIdList = starAttrIdList.slice(6); // top 6 A chara
localStorage.setItem('GamewithRiristage_starAttrIdList', JSON.stringify(starAttrIdList));
console.log(`Star attribute charaters excluded A:`);
function createElement(tagName, options, subElements, eventHandlers) {
const element = document.createElement(tagName);
if (options) {
for (let opt in options) {
if (opt === 'dataset' || opt === 'style') {
for (let key in options[opt]) {
element[opt][key] = options[opt][key];
} else if (opt === 'class') {
element.className = options[opt];
} else {
element[opt] = options[opt];
if (subElements) {
updat###bElements(element, subElements);
if (eventHandlers) {
for (let e in eventHandlers) {
element.addEventListener(e, eventHandlers[e]);
return element;
function updat###bElements(parent, subElements, isReplace = false) {
if (isReplace) parent.innerHTML = '';
if (!subElements) return parent;
if (typeof subElements === 'string') subElements = [subElements];
for (let e of subElements) {
parent.appendChild(typeof e === 'string' ? document.createTextNode(e) : e);
return parent;
function loadStyle() {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = `
.w-tier-table-ui.is-2column>._tier-table>._row ._item-wrap>._item:hover {
opacity: 0.7 !important;
input.updata {
display: none;
label.updata {
display: block;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: 700;
color: #fff;
background: linear-gradient(
to bottom,
#606060 0%,
#404040 50%,
#202020 51%,
#505050 100%
padding: 2px 6px;
border-radius: 2px;
cursor: pointer;
box-shadow: 0 0 2px #32323233 inset;