Allow Right-Click with Tampermonkey Menu Option

Allows right-clicking on websites that prevent it by clicking the menu button in the Tampermonkey extension.

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// ==UserScript==// @name         Allow Right-Click with Tampermonkey Menu Option// @namespace @version      1.7// @description  Allows right-clicking on websites that prevent it by clicking the menu button in the Tampermonkey extension.// @author       Nick2bad4u// @match        *://*/*// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand// @icon @license      UnLicense// @tag          all// ==/UserScript==(function () {'use strict';// Function to enable right-clickfunction enableRightClick() {document.addEventListener('contextmenu',function (event) {event.stopPropagation();},true,);document.addEventListener('mousedown',function (event) {if (event.button === 2) {event.stopPropagation();}},true,);document.addEventListener('mouseup',function (event) {if (event.button === 2) {event.stopPropagation();}},true,);alert('Right-click has been enabled!');}// Register the option in the Tampermonkey menuGM_registerMenuCommand('Enable Right-Click', enableRightClick);})();