Scope Autofire,Sniper Mode for Snipers,Player Rank Search(ingame) & FPS Booster
By Vortex Forge
Exclusive: Realtime FPS Display and Booster
Exclusive: Player Rank Search- Allows to find ranks of players in leaderboard(Top 1000)
Exclusive: Sniper Mode for Snipers
Removed: Space bar respawn lock/unlock Toggle,
Note:Current version only supports scope auto firing.Modifying without developer's consent is strictly prohibited
What's New?
- Realtime FPS Display and Booster
- Player rank search-search player ranks in leaderboard
- Removed
Space bar lock/unlock toggle (locks respawn using spacebar)- Use ctrl to toggle on/off - Sniper Mode: Right click for scope and release rmb to fire
- Native settings On/Off Toggle
- Autoshoot on scoping the weapon(Improved for Shotgun)
- Lag Fix
To install,add Tampermonkey extension and click on install the script
Use settings to enable or disable
Vortex Forge V2.5 by NOOB,Omicron & the Freak.All rights reserved
Contact on Discord: @ dev.vish