- // ==UserScript==
- // @name 让MCN闪耀,让荣誉的勋章更容易看到!
- // @namespace mcn.is.very.very.good
- // @version 1.0.2
- // @description 发现更大的世界和更多的软广!
- // @author Dislike soft AD
- // @license MIT
- // @match https://www.zhihu.com/*
- // @grant unsafeWindow
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand
- // @grant GM_setClipboard
- // ==/UserScript==
- (async () => {
- 'use strict';
- // 请不要将这里改为 true,否则将会在机构前增加一个emoji表情,这可能会增加攻击性。
- const useIcon = false;
- const setCache = (name, data) => {
- const cache = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('mcnCache')) || {};
- cache[name] = data;
- localStorage.setItem('mcnCache', JSON.stringify(cache));
- updateMenu();
- }
- const getCache = (name) => {
- const cache = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('mcnCache')) || {};
- return cache[name];
- }
- const setNoMcn = (name) => {
- const noMcn = new Set(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('noMcn')) || []);
- noMcn.add(name);
- localStorage.setItem('noMcn', JSON.stringify(Array.from(noMcn)));
- }
- const isNoMcn = (name) => {
- const noMcn = new Set(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('noMcn')) || []);
- return noMcn.has(name);
- }
- const promiseMap = {};
- const getAuthorMcn = async (token, manual = false) => {
- const cache = getCache(token);
- if (cache?.mcn) return cache.mcn;
- if (isNoMcn(token)) return false; // false is no mcn, null is no record
- if (promiseMap[token]) {
- return promiseMap[token];
- }
- const autoLoad = localStorage.getItem('mcnAutoLoad') || false;
- if (!autoLoad && !manual) {
- return null;
- }
- promiseMap[token] = new Promise(async (resolve) => {
- const url = `https://www.zhihu.com/people/${token}`;
- const html = await fetch(url)
- .then(response => response.text());
- const parser = new DOMParser();
- const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
- const initialData = doc.querySelector('#js-initialData');
- const json = initialData.textContent;
- const data = JSON.parse(json);
- console.log(token);
- const mcn = data?.initialState?.entities?.users?.[token]?.mcnCompany;
- if (mcn) {
- setCache(token, {
- mcn,
- nickname: data?.initialState?.entities?.users?.[token]?.name ?? token,
- });
- } else {
- setNoMcn(token);
- }
- resolve(mcn || false);
- promiseMap[token] = null;
- });
- return promiseMap[token];
- }
- const clearBadge = (mcnBadge) => {
- mcnBadge.onclick = null;
- mcnBadge.style.cursor = null;
- mcnBadge.style.border = null;
- mcnBadge.style.backgroundColor = null;
- mcnBadge.className = 'mcn-badge';
- mcnBadge.textContent = 'Loading...';
- mcnBadge.style.marginLeft = '5px';
- mcnBadge.style.display = 'inline-block';
- mcnBadge.style.color = '#DDD';
- mcnBadge.style.fontSize = '12px';
- mcnBadge.style.padding = '2px';
- mcnBadge.style.borderRadius = '3px';
- }
- const updateBadge = (mcnBadge, token, mcn) => {
- clearBadge(mcnBadge);
- if (mcn) {
- mcnBadge.textContent = mcn;
- mcnBadge.style.marginLeft = '5px';
- mcnBadge.style.display = 'inline-block';
- mcnBadge.style.color = '#FFFFFF';
- mcnBadge.style.backgroundColor = '#FF0000';
- if (useIcon) {
- mcnBadge.textContent = '🐕🦺' + mcn;
- mcnBadge.style.backgroundColor = null;
- mcnBadge.style.color = "#FF0000";
- }
- mcnBadge.title = "如果是被包养了,就不要谈独立人格"
- } else if (mcn === false) {
- mcnBadge.textContent = "No MCN";
- } else {
- mcnBadge.textContent = "点击加载MCN";
- mcnBadge.style.cursor = 'pointer';
- mcnBadge.style.color = '#aaa';
- mcnBadge.style.backgroundColor = '#FFFFFF';
- mcnBadge.style.border = '1px solid #aaa';
- mcnBadge.style.padding = '1px';
- mcnBadge.onclick = async () => {
- clearBadge(mcnBadge);
- const mcn = await getAuthorMcn(token, true);
- updateBadge(mcnBadge, token, mcn);
- };
- }
- }
- const addMcnBadge = async (authorDom) => {
- if (authorDom.querySelector('.mcn-badge')) return;
- const box = authorDom.querySelector('.AuthorInfo-head');
- const mcnBadge = document.createElement('span');
- box.appendChild(mcnBadge);
- const userLink = authorDom.querySelector('.UserLink-link');
- if (!userLink) return;
- const link = userLink.getAttribute('href');
- const token = link.split('/').pop();
- clearBadge(mcnBadge);
- const mcn = await getAuthorMcn(token);
- updateBadge(mcnBadge, token, mcn);
- }
- const addQuestionerMcnBadge = async (dom) => {
- console.log('addQuestionerMcnBadge', dom);
- if (!dom) return;
- if(dom.querySelector('.mcn-badge')) return;
- const link = dom.querySelector('.BrandQuestionSymbol-brandLink');
- if (!link) return;
- const token = link.getAttribute('href').split('/').pop();
- console.log('token', token);
- const mcnBadge = document.createElement('span');
- // push BrandQuestionSymbol-brandLink next
- dom.insertBefore(mcnBadge, link.nextSibling);
- clearBadge(mcnBadge, token, null);
- const mcn = await getAuthorMcn(token);
- updateBadge(mcnBadge, token, mcn);
- }
- const blockAuthor = async (name) => {
- const url = `https://www.zhihu.com/api/v4/members/${name}/actions/block`;
- const response = await fetch(url, {
- method: 'POST',
- credentials: 'include',
- });
- console.log(response);
- return response.status === 204;
- }
- const getMcnAuthorMap = () => {
- const cache = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('mcnCache')) || {};
- const m###ap = {};
- for (const [name, data] of Object.entries(cache)) {
- if (!m###ap[data.mcn]) {
- m###ap[data.mcn] = [];
- }
- m###ap[data.mcn].push({ token: name, ...data });
- }
- return m###ap;
- }
- if (typeof unsafeWindow === 'undefined') {
- window.unsafeWindow = window;
- }
- const mcn = unsafeWindow.mcn = () => {
- const m###ap = getMcnAuthorMap();
- console.group('MCN Map');
- for (const [mcn, list] of Object.entries(m###ap)) {
- console.groupCollapsed(mcn + ' (' + list.length + ')');
- for (const data of list) {
- console.log(data.token, "\t", data.nickname, "\t", `https://www.zhihu.com/people/${data.token}`);
- }
- console.groupEnd();
- }
- console.groupEnd();
- }
- const blockMcn = unsafeWindow.blockMcn = async (name) => {
- const m###ap = getMcnAuthorMap();
- const authors = m###ap[name] || [];
- if (!authors.length) {
- console.error('没有找到已记录的MCN作者 ' + name);
- return;
- }
- for (const author of authors) {
- const r###lt = await blockAuthor(author.token);
- if (r###lt) {
- console.log(`已屏蔽 ${author.token} ${author.nickname}`);
- } else {
- console.error(`屏蔽失败 ${author.token} ${author.nickname}`);
- }
- };
- console.log("全部完成");
- alert("全部完成");
- }
- const headDom = document.querySelector('head');
- const hiddenContent = unsafeWindow.hiddenContent = () => {
- const style = document.createElement('style');
- style.id = 'hiddenContent';
- style.textContent = `
- .RichContent {
- display: none !important;
- }
- .LabelContainer-wrapper {
- display: none !important;
- }
- `;
- headDom.appendChild(style);
- }
- const showContent = unsafeWindow.showContent = () => {
- const style = document.querySelector('style#hiddenContent');
- if (style) {
- style.remove();
- }
- }
- let observer;
- function runObserver() {
- if (observer) observer.disconnect();
- const handle = (node) => {
- if (node.classList?.contains('AuthorInfo')) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- addMcnBadge(node);
- });
- }
- if (node.classList?.contains('BrandQuestionSymbol')) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- addQuestionerMcnBadge(node);
- });
- }
- }
- // MutationObserver
- observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
- for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
- if (mutation.type === "attributes") {
- handle(mutation.target);
- } else {
- for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) {
- handle(node);
- if (node.childNodes) {
- const nodeIterator = document.createNodeIterator(node);
- let childNode = nodeIterator.nextNode();
- while (childNode) {
- handle(childNode);
- childNode = nodeIterator.nextNode();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- const targetNode = window.document.documentElement;
- observer.observe(targetNode, { childList: true, subtree: true });
- }
- const m###enuId = [];
- let showMcnList = false;
- const updateMenu = () => {
- if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand === 'undefined') {
- return;
- }
- try {
- m###enuId.forEach(id => {
- GM_unregisterMenuCommand(id);
- });
- const isAuto = localStorage.getItem('mcnAutoLoad') || false;
- const autoLoadId = GM_registerMenuCommand(`自动加载MCN(当前:${isAuto ? '自动': '手动'})`, function (event) {
- localStorage.setItem('mcnAutoLoad', isAuto ? '' : '1');
- updateMenu();
- });
- const hasHCstyle = document.querySelector('style#hiddenContent');
- if (hasHCstyle) {
- m###enuId.push(GM_registerMenuCommand("显示回答正文(当前:隐藏)", function (event) {
- showContent();
- updateMenu();
- }));
- } else {
- m###enuId.push(GM_registerMenuCommand("隐藏回答正文(当前:显示)", function (event) {
- hiddenContent();
- updateMenu();
- }));
- }
- m###enuId.push(GM_registerMenuCommand("复制表格", function (event) {
- const m###ap = getMcnAuthorMap();
- const textList = [];
- for (const [mcn, list] of Object.entries(m###ap)) {
- for (const data of list) {
- textList.push(`${mcn}\t${data.token}\t${data.nickname}\thttps://www.zhihu.com/people/${data.token}`);
- }
- }
- GM_setClipboard(textList.join('\n'));
- }));
- m###enuId.push(GM_registerMenuCommand("清理缓存", function (event) {
- if (!confirm('确定要清理缓存吗?')) return;
- localStorage.removeItem('mcnCache');
- localStorage.removeItem('noMcn');
- updateMenu();
- }));
- m###enuId.push(GM_registerMenuCommand(`${showMcnList ? '▼' : '▶'} 显示MCN列表${showMcnList ? '' : ' (需再次打开菜单)'}`, function (event) {
- showMcnList = !showMcnList;
- updateMenu();
- }, { autoClose: true }));
- if (showMcnList) {
- const m###ap = getMcnAuthorMap();
- for (const [mcn, list] of Object.entries(m###ap)) {
- const id = GM_registerMenuCommand(`拉黑 ${mcn} (${list.length})`, async () => {
- if (!confirm(`确定要拉黑 ${mcn} (${list.length}) 吗?\n${list.map(v => v.nickname).join(', ')}`)) {
- return;
- }
- await blockMcn(mcn);
- });
- m###enuId.push(id);
- }
- }
- } catch (error) {
- console.error(error);
- }
- }
- if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand !== 'undefined') {
- updateMenu();
- }
- runObserver();
- addQuestionerMcnBadge();
- const authorDomList = document.querySelectorAll('.AuthorInfo');
- for (const authorDom of authorDomList) {
- await addMcnBadge(authorDom);
- }
- })();