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Google Searches Exactly What You Type

Google searches for exactly what you type in by inserting nfpr=1 into the url.

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name           Google Searches Exactly What You Type
// @version       1.0.1
// @namespace      null
// @description    Google searches for exactly what you type in by inserting nfpr=1 into the url.
// @include        http://*.google.*/
// @include        https://*.google.*/
// @include        http://*.google.*/*q=*
// @include        https://*.google.*/*q=*
// @exclude        http://*.google.*/*nfpr=*
// @exclude        https://*.google.*/*nfpr=*
// @exclude        https://*.google.*/imgres*
// @exclude        http://*.google.*/imgres*
// @exclude        http://books.google.com/*
// @exclude        https://books.google.com/*
// @exclude        http*maps.google.com/*
// @exclude        http://news.google.com/newspapers*
// @exclude        https://news.google.com/newspapers*
// ==/UserScript==
var sTargetURL = window.location.href;
var sTargetURL1 = window.location.href.replace(/&q=/, '&nfpr=1&q=');
var sTargetURL2 = window.location.href.replace(/\?q=/, '?nfpr=1&q=');
if(sTargetURL1 == sTargetURL)
if(sTargetURL1 != sTargetURL2)
window.location.replace( sTargetURL );
var searchForms = document.querySelectorAll('form[action="/search"]');
var searchFormsLength = searchForms.length;
if (searchFormsLength) {
var input   = document.createElement("input");
input.name  = "nfpr";
input.type  = "hidden";
input.value = 1;
var i = searchFormsLength;
while (i--) {