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await r.json(); if (j.error) return log(j.message), j; return j.body || j; } else return r.text(); }, async get(path, params) { return this.request( path + "?" + this.toParam({ ...params, lang: "zh" }), { method: "GET", } ); }, async _post(path, body, init) { if (!this.csrf) await this.init(); return this.request(path, { method: "POST", body, ...init, headers: { "content-type": "application/json", "x-csrf-token": this.csrf, ...init?.headers, }, }); }, async post(path, data, init) { return this._post(path, JSON.stringify(data), init); }, async postForm(path, data, init) { return this._post(path, this.toParam(data), { headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ...init?.headers, }, ...init, }); }, discovery() { let path = "/discovery/artworks"; let params = { mode: "all", limit: 100, }; return this.get(path, params); }, latest(p) { let path = "/follow_latest/illust"; let params = { p, mode: "all", }; return this.get(path, params); }, async bookmarks(uid, p) { let path = \`/user/\${uid}/illusts/bookmarks\`; let params = { tag: "", offset: 100 * (p - 1), limit: 100, rest: "show", }; return this.get(path, params); }, users() { let path = "/discovery/users"; let params = { limit: 100, }; return this.get(path, params); }, async following(uid, p) { let path = \`/user/\${uid}/following\`; let params = { offset: 100 * (p - 1), limit: 100, rest: "show", tag: "", acceptingRequests: 0, }; return this.get(path, params); }, user(uid) { let path = \`/user/\${uid}\`; let params = { full: 1, }; return this.get(path, params); }, useIds(uid) { let path = \`/user/\${uid}/profile/all\`; let params = { sensitiveFilterMode: "userSetting", }; return this.get(path, params); }, userIllusts(uid, ids) { let path = \`/user/\${uid}/profile/illusts\`; let params = { ids, work_category: "illustManga", is_first_page: 0, sensitiveFilterMode: "userSetting", }; return this.get(path, params); }, illust(id) { let path = \`/illust/\${id}\`; let params = {}; return this.get(path, params); }, recommendIds(id) { let path = \`/illust/\${id}/recommend/init\`; let params = { limit: 100, }; return this.get(path, params); }, recommendIllusts(illust_ids) { let path = "/illust/recommend/illusts"; let params = { illust_ids, }; return this.get(path, params); }, search(params, p) { params = { ...params, p, csw: 0 }; let pathname = { all: "artworks", illust_and_ugoira: "illustrations", illust: "illustrations", manga: "manga", ugoira: "illustrations", }[params.type]; let path = \`/search/\${pathname}/\${params.word}\`; return this.get(path, params); }, like(id) { let path = "/illusts/bookmarks/add"; let data = { illust_id: id, restrict: 0, comment: "", tags: [], }; return this.post(path, data); }, unLike(bid) { let path = "/illusts/bookmarks/delete"; let data = { bookmark_id: bid }; return this.postForm(path, data); }, follow(uid) { let url = this.host + "/bookmark_add.php"; let data = { mode: "add", type: "user", user_id: uid, tag: "", restrict: 0, format: "json", }; return this.postForm(url, data); }, unFollow(uid) { let url = this.host + "/rpc_group_setting.php"; let data = { mode: "del", type: "bookuser", id: uid, }; return this.postForm(url, data); }, ugoiraMeta(id) { let path = \`/illust/\${id}/ugoira_meta\`; let params = {}; return this.get(path, params); }, getPrompts(keyword) { let path = this.host + "/rpc/cps.php"; let params = { keyword, }; return this.get(path, params); }, ranking(mode, date, p) { let path = this.host + "/ranking.php"; let params = { mode, date, p, format: "json", }; return this.get(path, params); }, }; } //显示 { let loading = 0; g.imgHeight = 300; function formatUrl(u, q = enums.size.large, p = 0, [w, h] = [1920, 1080]) { let hash = u.match(/\\/img\\/(.*?)_/)?.[1]; if (!hash) return u; let _p = u.includes("_p") ? \`_p\${p}\` : ""; switch (q) { case enums.size.large: return \`https://i.pximg.net/c/600x1200_90_webp/img-master/img/\${hash}\${_p}_master1200.jpg\`; case enums.size.master: return \`https://i.pximg.net/img-master/img/\${hash}\${_p}_master1200.jpg\`; case enums.size.original: if (!u.includes("_p")) return \`https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/\${hash}_ugoira0.jpg\`; let suffix = u.split(".").pop(); return \`https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/\${hash}\${_p}.\${suffix}\`; case enums.size.zip: return \`https://i.pximg.net/img-zip-ugoira/img/\${hash}_ugoira600x600.zip\`; case enums.size.origzip: return \`https://i.pximg.net/img-zip-ugoira/img/\${hash}_ugoira1920x1080.zip\`; case enums.size.auto: [w, h] = [(g.imgHeight * w) / h, g.imgHeight]; let sizes = [ "c/100x100", "c/128x128", "c/150x150", "c/240x240", "c/240x480", "c/260x260_80", "c/360x360_70", "c/400x250_80", "c/540x540_70", "c/600x600", "c/600x1200_90", "c/768x1200_80", ]; for (let size of sizes) { let [mw, mh, q] = size.match(/c\\/(\\d+)x(\\d+)(?:_(\\d+))?/).slice(1); if (q) [mw, mh] = [(mw * q) / 100, (mh * q) / 100]; if (w < mw && h < mh) { return \`https://i.pximg.net/\${size}/img-master/img/\${hash}\${_p}_master1200.jpg\`; } } return \`https://i.pximg.net/img-master/img/\${hash}\${_p}_master1200.jpg\`; } } let recur = 0; async function loadNext() { if ( loading || recur > 5 || del.scrollTop + del.clientHeight < del.scrollHeight - del.clientHeight ) return (recur = 0); if (!g.pageMgr || g.pageMgr.loadend) return; try { loading = 1; await g.pageMgr?.loadNext(); } finally { loading = 0; recur++; await loadNext(); } } function resize(wrap) { let illust = wrap.illust; let ratio = illust.width / illust.height; if (isNaN(ratio)) { let img = wrap.\$(".thumb"); ratio = img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight; } wrap.style.flexBasis = ratio * g.imgHeight + "px"; wrap.style.flexGrow = ratio; return wrap; } class PageMgr { constructor(frag, type, finite, getFlex) { this.\$_ = frag.\$.bind(frag); this.getFlex = getFlex; this.finite = finite; if (type === enums.imgbox) { this.flexbox = this.\$_(".imgbox"); this.wrapFlex = this.loadImgs; } else 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(v - a[i - 1] > 1 ? ["...", v] : [v])); pages.replaceChildren(...ps.map(i => nel("button", i))); } else if (p + n < tp - n) { let el = nel("button", p + n); pages.\$x(\`./*[text()='\${p + n - 1}']\`)[0].after(el); if (p + n === tp - n - 1) pages.\$x(\`./*[text()='\${p + n}']\`)[0].nextElementSibling.remove(); } pages.\$x(\`./*[text()='\${p}']\`)[0].classList.add("active"); } async loadPage() { let flexs = (await this.getFlex()) || []; if (!flexs.length) return (this.loadend = 1); let wraps = this.wrapFlex(flexs); if (this.finite) this.updateNav(); this.flexbox.append(...wraps); } async loadNext() { if (this.finite && this.p >= this.tp) return (this.loadend = 1); this.p++; await this.loadPage(); } reset(p = 1) { this.loadend = 0; this.p = p; this.flexbox.replaceChildren(); this.loadPage(); } wrapImg(illust) { let wrap = getTemplate("#wraps"); wrap.illust = illust; let \$_ = wrap.\$.bind(wrap); \$_(".thumb").src = formatUrl(illust.url, enums.size.auto, 0, [ illust.width, illust.height, ]); \$_(".avatar").src = illust.profileImageUrl; g.isFollowed?.(illust.userId) ? \$_(".avatar").classList.add("isfollowed") : null; \$_(".avatar").userId = illust.userId; illust.pageCount > 1 ? 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g.viewed?.getAll() : [] ); }, async user(uid) { let view = getTemplate("#user"); g.nav.push(view, "?user=" + uid, "用户 - " + uid); { let info = await g.apis.user(uid); let \$_ = view.\$.bind(view); \$_(".user").info = info; \$_(".bg").src = info.background?.url; \$_(".avatar").src = info.imageBig; \$_(".name").textContent = info.name; \$_(".uid").textContent = info.userId; info.isFollowed ? \$_(".follow").classList.add("isfollowed") : null; \$_(".followed").textContent = "已关注 " + info.following; \$_(".desc").innerHTML = info.commentHtml; } g.pageMgr = new PageMgr(view, enums.imgbox, true, async function () { if (!this.allIds) { let j = await g.apis.useIds(uid); this.allIds = Object.keys(j.illusts).reverse(); this.tp = Math.ceil(this.allIds.length / 100); } let offset = (this.p - 1) * 100; let ids = this.allIds.slice(offset, offset + 100); if (!ids.length) return []; let j = await g.apis.userIllusts(uid, ids); return Object.values(j.works).reverse(); }); }, async illust(id) { let view = getTemplate("#illust"); g.nav.push(view, "?illust=" + id, "插画 - " + id); { let illust = await g.apis.illust(id); illust.url = illust.urls.original; view.illust = illust; let \$_ = view.\$.bind(view); \$_(".avatar").src = Object.values(illust.userIllusts) .find(illust => illust?.profileImageUrl) ?.profileImageUrl.replace("_50", "_170"); \$_(".avatar").userId = illust.userId; \$_(".name").textContent = illust.userName; \$_(".uid").textContent = illust.userId; \$_(".pics").replaceChildren( ...Array(illust.pageCount) .fill() .map((_, p) => { let img = \$_(".orig").cloneNode(); img.src = formatUrl(illust.url, enums.size.master, p); return img; }) ); illust.illustType === 2 ? g .getUgoiraCanvas(illust.id) .then(canvas => \$_(".orig").replaceWith(canvas)) : null; illust.bookmarkData?.id ? \$_(".like").classList.add("liked") : null; \$_(".title").textContent = illust.illustTitle; \$_(".id").textContent = illust.illustId; \$_(".desc").innerHTML = illust.description; \$_(".tags").replaceChildren( ...illust.tags.tags.flatMap(tag => [ nel("span", tag.tag), nel("small", tag.translation?.en), ]) ); \$_(".stat").textContent = \`\${illust.isOriginal ? "原创" : ""} \${ illust.width }×\${illust.height} 🖒\${illust.likeCount} ♡\${illust.bookmarkCount} 👁︎\${ illust.viewCount }\`; \$_(".date").textContent = new Date(illust.uploadDate).toLocaleString(); } let onwheel = e => { if (e.deltaY > 0 && view.parentElement) { document.removeEventListener("wheel", onwheel); g.pageMgr = new PageMgr(view, enums.imgbox, true, async function () { let j; if (this.p === 1) { j = await g.apis.recommendIds(id); this.allIds = j.nextIds; this.tp = Math.ceil(this.allIds.length / 100 + 1); } else { let offset = (this.p - 2) * 100; let ids = this.allIds.slice(offset, offset + 100); if (!ids.length) return []; j = await g.apis.recommendIllusts(ids); } return j.illusts; }); } }; document.addEventListener("wheel", onwheel); }, async followed(uid) { let view = getTemplate("#followed"); g.nav.push(view, "?followed=" + uid, uid + " 的关注"); g.pageMgr = new PageMgr(view, enums.userbox, true, async function () { let j = await g.apis.following(uid, this.p); this.tp = Math.ceil(j.total / 100); j.users.forEach(user => (user.isFollowed = user.following)); return j.users; }); }, async bookmarked(uid) { let view = getTemplate("#bookmarked"); g.nav.push(view, "?bookmarked=" + uid, uid + " 的收藏"); g.pageMgr = new PageMgr(view, enums.imgbox, true, async function () { let j = await g.apis.bookmarks(uid, this.p); this.tp = Math.ceil(j.total / 100); return j.works; }); }, async ranking(frag) { let \$_ = frag.\$.bind(frag); \$_("[value='daily']").checked = true; \$_("[value='_r18']").onclick = e => { \$_("[value='monthly']").disabled = \$_("[value='rookie']").disabled = \$_("[value='original']").disabled = e.target.checked; if ( e.target.checked && (\$_("[value='monthly']").checked || \$_("[value='rookie']").checked || \$_("[value='original']").checked) ) \$_("[value='daily']").checked = true; }; let maxDate = new Date(); maxDate.setDate(maxDate.getDate() - 1); \$_("[name='date']").value = \$_("[name='date']").max = maxDate .toISOString() .split("T")[0]; \$_(".menu").onclick = e => { let el = e.target; let i; if (el.matches(".prev")) i = -1; else if (el.matches(".next")) i = 1; if (!i) return; let date = new Date(\$_("[name='date']").value); date.setDate(date.getDate() + i); if (date >= maxDate) return; \$_("[name='date']").value = date.toISOString().split("T")[0]; g.pageMgr.reset(); }; frag.\$\$("input").forEach(el => (el.onchange = () => g.pageMgr.reset())); g.pageMgr = new PageMgr(frag, enums.imgbox, true, async function () { let mode = \$_("[name='mode']:checked").value + (\$_("[value='_r18']").checked ? "_r18" : ""); mode = mode.replace("daily_ai_r18", "daily_r18_ai"); let date = \$_("[name='date']").value.replaceAll("-", ""); let j = await g.apis.ranking(mode, date, this.p); this.tp = Math.ceil(j.rank_total / 50); j.contents.forEach(illust => { illust.id = illust.illust_id; illust.userId = illust.user_id; illust.userName = illust.user_name; illust.pageCount = illust.illust_page_count; illust.updateDate = illust.illust_upload_timestamp * 1000; illust.profileImageUrl = illust.profile_img; }); return j.contents; }); }, async vision(frag) { let p = 1; let currLi; let loadingIllusts = 0; let loadingArticles = 0; let imgbox = frag.\$(".imgbox"); let articlebox = frag.\$("#articlebox"); async function getArticles() { let doc = await parse( \`https://www.pixivision.net/zh/c/illustration/?p=\${p}\` ); return [...doc.\$\$(".article-card-container")] .map(el => ({ link: el.\$(".arc__title a").getAttribute("href"), title: el.\$(".arc__title a").textContent, preview: el .\$("._thumbnail") .style.cssText.match(/url\\("(.*?)"\\)/)[1], tags: [...el.\$\$("._tag-list a")].map(el => ({ link: el.getAttribute("href"), name: el.textContent, })), })) .filter(article => !article.title.includes("大合辑")); } async function loadArticles() { let articles = await getArticles(); let lis = articles.map(article => { let li = getTemplate("#article"); li.article = article; li.\$(".title").textContent = article.title; li.\$(".preview").src = article.preview; li.\$(".tags").replaceChildren( ...article.tags.map(tag => nel("span", tag.name)) ); return li; }); frag.\$("#articlebox").append(nel("div", \`第\${p}页\`), ...lis); } async function loadNextArticles() { if ( !loadingArticles && articlebox.scrollTop + 2 * articlebox.clientHeight >= articlebox.scrollHeight ) { loadingArticles = 1; await loadArticles(); p++; loadingArticles = 0; loadNextArticles(); } } async function getIllusts(link) { let doc = await parse("https://www.pixivision.net" + link); return [...doc.\$\$(".am__work")].map(el => ({ userId: el.\$(".am__work__user-name a").href.match(/\\d+/)[0], userName: el.\$(".am__work__user-name a").textContent, profileImageUrl: el.\$(".am__work__uesr-icon").src, id: el.\$(".am__work__title a").href.match(/\\d+/)[0], url: el.\$(".am__work__illust").src, title: el.\$(".am__work__title a").textContent, pageCount: +el.\$(".mic__label")?.textContent || 1, })); } async function loadIllusts(article) { return new Promise(async r => { let illusts = await getIllusts(article.link); if (!illusts.length) r(); illusts.forEach(illust => { loadingIllusts++; let wrap = getTemplate("#wraps"); wrap.illust = illust; let \$_ = wrap.\$.bind(wrap); \$_(".thumb").loading = "eager"; \$_(".thumb").onload = () => { imgbox.append(resize(wrap)); --loadingIllusts || r(); }; \$_(".thumb").onerror = () => --loadingIllusts || r(); \$_(".thumb").src = illust.url; \$_(".avatar").src = illust.profileImageUrl; \$_(".avatar").userId = illust.userId; illust.pageCount > 1 ? (\$_(".page").textContent = illust.pageCount) : null; \$_(".name").textContent = illust.userName; \$_(".title").textContent = illust.title; \$_(".detail").innerText = illust.id; \$_(".tags").replaceChildren( ...article.tags.map(tag => nel("span", tag.name)), nel( "span", article.title .match(/(?: - |!|。|?|♡)+(.*?)(?:插画)?特辑/)?.[1] .replaceAll(/“|”| - /g, "") ) ); }); }); } async function loadNextIllusts() { let li = currLi.nextElementSibling; if (li && !li.matches(".article")) li = li.nextElementSibling; if (!li) return await loadArticles(); currLi = li; li.classList.add("active"); g.popup(li.article.title, 3000); await loadIllusts(li.article); } frag.\$("#articlebox").onclick = async e => { let li = e.target.closest(".article"); if (li) { frag.\$("#rightbar").hide(); frag .\$\$(".article.active") .forEach(el => el.classList.remove("active")); currLi = li; li.classList.add("active"); imgbox.replaceChildren(); await loadIllusts(li.article); loadNext(); } else frag.\$("#rightbar").classList.toggle("hide"); }; function jump() { p = +frag.\$(".pagenum").value; articlebox.replaceChildren(); loadNextArticles(); } frag.\$(".pagenum").onkeydown = e => e.key !== "Enter" || jump(); frag.\$(".goto").onclick = () => jump(); g.pageMgr = { loadNext: loadNextIllusts, flexbox: frag.\$(".imgbox"), }; articlebox.onscroll = () => loadNextArticles(); loadNextArticles(); frag.\$("#rightbtn").onclick = () => frag.\$("#rightbar").show(); document.addEventListener("keydown", e => { if (e.key === "CapsLock") frag.\$("#rightbar").toggle(); }); frag.\$("#closeright").onclick = () => frag.\$("#rightbar").hide(); if (g.VisonMode) imgbox.addEventListener("click", async e => { let el = e.target; let host = "https://www.pixiv.net/wtf"; if (el.matches(".like")) { let id = el.closest(".wrap,.view").illust.id; open(host + \`/?illust=\${id}\`, "_blank"); } else if (el.matches(".thumb")) { let id = el.closest(".wrap").illust.id; open(host + \`/?illust=\${id}\`, "_blank"); } else if (el.matches(".avatar")) { let uid = el.userId; open(host + \`/?user=\${uid}\`, "_blank"); } e.stopPropagation(); }); }, }; document.addEventListener("click", async e => { let el = e.target; if (el.matches(".like")) { let illust = el.closest(".wrap,.view").illust; if (!illust.bookmarkData?.id) { let j = await g.apis.like(illust.id); if (!j.error) illust.bookmarkData = { id: j.last_bookmark_id, }; el.classList.add("liked"); } else { let j = await g.apis.unLike(illust.bookmarkData.id); if (!j.error) delete illust.bookmarkData.id; el.classList.remove("liked"); } } else if (el.matches(".scroll")) { let works = el.closest(".works"); works.scrollTo({ left: works.scrollWidth, behavior: "smooth" }); } else if (el.matches(".follow")) { let info = el.closest(".user").info; if (info.isFollowed) { let j = await g.apis.unFollow(info.userId); info.isFollowed = false; g.followed.delete(info.userId); el.classList.remove("isfollowed"); } else { let j = await g.apis.follow(info.userId); info.isFollowed = true; g.followed.add(info.userId); el.classList.add("isfollowed"); 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"?" : ""); g.init[params[0]]?.(params[1]); if (!location.search && !location.hash) leftbar.show(); //图高 { let heightinput = \$("#heightinput"); heightinput.oninput = () => (\$("#heightvalue").textContent = heightinput.value); heightinput.onchange = () => { g.imgHeight = +heightinput.value; del.style.setProperty("--height", heightinput.value + "px"); localStorage.setItem("height", heightinput.value); if (g.pageMgr?.flexbox?.matches(".imgbox")) \$\$(".wrap").forEach(wrap => g.resize(wrap)); }; heightinput.value = localStorage.getItem("height") || g.imgHeight; heightinput.oninput(); heightinput.onchange(); } } //缩放 { g.viewed = new IDB("viewd"); g.fails = []; let cover = \$("#cover"); let zoom = \$("#zoom"); function toggleZoom(src) { if (g.fails.includes(src)) zoom.src = src.replace(".jpg", ".png"); else zoom.src = src; zoom.onerror = () => { g.fails.push(zoom.src); let src = zoom.src.replace(".jpg", ".png"); if (zoom.src !== src) zoom.src = src; }; zoom.style = ""; zoom.scale = 1; g.nav.cover(cover); 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p = illust.pageCount - 1; } } toggleZoom(g.formatUrl(illust.url, enums.size.original, p)); g.viewed.put(illust.id, illust); } document.addEventListener("contextmenu", e => { let el = e.target; if (el.matches(".thumb")) { e.preventDefault(); wrap = el.closest(".wrap"); p = 0; let illust = wrap.illust; toggleZoom(g.formatUrl(illust.url, enums.size.original, p)); g.viewed.put(illust.id, illust); } else if (el.matches(".orig")) { e.preventDefault(); wrap = el.closest(".view"); let illust = wrap.illust; p = el.src.match(/_p(\\d+)_/)?.[1] || 0; toggleZoom(g.formatUrl(illust.url, enums.size.original, p)); } }); document.addEventListener("keydown", e => { if (!cover.hided()) { if (["ArrowRight", "d", "D"].includes(e.key)) navZoom(1); else if (["ArrowLeft", "a", "A"].includes(e.key)) navZoom(0); } }); cover.onwheel = e => zoomImg(e); cover.onmousemove = e => moveImg(e); cover.onclick = e => { let btn = e.target; if (btn.matches(".next")) navZoom(1); else if (btn.matches(".prev")) navZoom(0); else g.nav.uncover(); 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let frame = frames[index]; ctx.drawImage(frame.image, 0, 0); await sleep(frame.delay); } looping = 0; } canvas.onclick = async () => render((pause = !pause)); let obs = new IntersectionObserver(es => render((intersecting = es.at(-1).isIntersecting)) ); obs.observe(canvas); document.onvisibilitychange = () => render((visible = document.visibilityState === "visible")); render(); return canvas; }; } //补全 { let searchinput = \$("#searchinput"); let ul = \$("#prompts"); let lastWord = ""; let index = 0; function getSE() { let text = searchinput.value; let start = searchinput.selectionStart; let end = searchinput.selectionEnd; while (start > 0 && !' |"'.includes(text[start - 1])) start--; while (end < text.length && !' |"'.includes(text[end])) end++; return [start, end]; } let updatePrompt = debounce(async word => { let j = await g.apis.getPrompts(word); let tags = j.candidates; ul.replaceChildren( ...tags.map(tag => { let li = nel("li"); li.replaceChildren( nel("span", tag.tag_name), nel("small", tag.tag_translation) ); 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