Download YouTube videos in HD(1080P/2K), subtitles support, video/audio separate download, shorts download, completely free & no ads
一个简单易用的 YouTube 视频下载脚本。在播放详情页增加快速下载按钮 (订阅按钮旁边) A simple and easy-to-use YouTube video download script.
首先安装 Tampermonkey 浏览器扩展 First install the Tampermonkey browser extension
点击下面的安装链接安装脚本 Click the installation link below to install the script Install Script
访问任意 YouTube 视频页面 Visit any YouTube video page
视频播放器下方会出现下载按钮 A download button will appear below the video player
点击下载按钮选择需要的视频质量 Click the download button to select desired video quality
开始下载视频 Start downloading the video
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MIT License