批量下载ImgBB 相册图片
Recently ,I saw a lot of beautiful images been shared on ImgBB website, So I would like to download them, But we can download it one by one, andd there were no good batch download tools in the web, So I did my self.
I were not so familliar with Java,jQuery,HTML ,I learet it when I script the tool,Met lots of issue, but finially I made it,If you like the tool, just give me a faver, Thanks
There are 2 function for this tool
1. Add button with link to the Album of the image,if you see iamges you like, just click on it, you will go the the album directly;The location of the button showed below:
self mian page:another album icon will created
Other's main page:new album icon will created
2. Download all the iamges with only clicking on the button,The button showed below:
You need to choose the resolution and click it,download will start,then the button will be baned and will show the status.we always download the origin resolution(when guy uploaded),but others will have differernt requirement ,So I keep other resolution,Or you can just copy all the image link to clickboard
after download finished, the button will be enabled again for other action
The download position will be in "download folder,"ImgBB"folder will be created,then there will be a folder named with album name,all image will be inside it. Please note,if you download images twice ,images will be renamed,And if you download iamges with same name, it will be renamed also