// ==UserScript== // @name 抖音下载 // @namespace https://github.com/zhzLuke96/douyin-dl-user-js // @version 1.0.3 // @description 为web版抖音增加下载按钮 // @author zhzluke96 // @match https://*.douyin.com/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=douyin.com // @grant none // @license MIT // @supportURL https://github.com/zhzLuke96/douyin-dl-user-js/issues // ==/UserScript== (function () { "use strict"; /** * * @param node {HTMLElement} * @returns {HTMLElement} */ function findImage(node) { let img; while (node) { img = node.querySelector("img"); if (img) return img; node = node.parentNode; } return img; } /** * * @param html {string} * @returns {HTMLElement} */ function render_html(html) { const div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = html; return div.children[0]; } /** * * @param imgSrc {string} * @param filename_input {string} */ async function download_file(imgSrc, filename_input = "") { if (imgSrc.startsWith("//")) { const protocol = window.location.protocol; imgSrc = `${protocol}${imgSrc}`; } const url = new URL(imgSrc); const response = await fetch(imgSrc); if (!response.ok) { alert("Failed to fetch the file"); return; } const contentType = response.headers.get("content-type"); const fileExt = contentType.split("/")[1].toLowerCase() ?? ".jpeg"; let filename = filename_input || url.pathname.split("/").pop() || "download"; if (filename.endsWith(".image")) { // 去掉 .image 路由参数,一部分图片会走这个路由,去掉,我们使用从resp中拿到的 fileExt filename = filename.slice(0, -".image".length); } if (!filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(fileExt.toLowerCase())) { filename += `.${fileExt}`; } const blob = await response.blob(); const link = document.createElement("a"); link.style.display = "none"; link.download = filename; link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); document.body.appendChild(link); link.click(); document.body.removeChild(link); URL.revokeObjectURL(link.href); } // 创建一个 MutationObserver 来观察 DOM 变化 const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { mutations.forEach((mutation) => { // 遍历新增的节点 mutation.addedNodes.forEach( ( /** * @type {HTMLElement} */ node ) => { // 确保新增节点是 tooltip if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { return; } if (node.classList.contains("semi-portal")) { const tooltipNode = node.querySelector(".semi-tooltip-wrapper"); if (tooltipNode) { // 调用处理函数,添加按钮 setTimeout(() => { handleTooltip(tooltipNode); }); } } if ( node.parentElement === document.body && node.classList.length === 0 ) { // 全屏 modal setTimeout(() => { handleModal(node); }); } if (node.localName === "xg-controls") { handleXgControl(node); } } ); }); }); function handleModal(modalNode) { // 全屏 modal const close_icon = modalNode.querySelector("#svg_icon_ic_close"); const img = modalNode.querySelector("img"); const container = img?.parentElement; if (!close_icon || !img || !container) return; // 在 icon 前面增加一个下载按钮 const downloadButton = document.createElement("div"); downloadButton.textContent = "下载图片"; downloadButton.className = "LV01TNDE"; downloadButton.addEventListener("click", () => { const imgSrc = img.src; download_file(imgSrc); }); downloadButton.style.position = "absolute"; downloadButton.style.bottom = "35px"; downloadButton.style.right = "35px"; downloadButton.style.color = "#fff"; downloadButton.style.fontSize = "16px"; container.appendChild(downloadButton); } // 处理 tooltip 节点的逻辑 function handleTooltip(tooltipNode) { const tooltipContent = tooltipNode.querySelector(".semi-tooltip-content"); if (!tooltipContent) return; // 确认是否包含 "添加到表情" if (!tooltipContent.textContent.includes("添加到表情")) return; // 从父节点查找 img 节点 const imgNode = findImage(tooltipNode); if (!imgNode.src) return; // 如果按钮已存在,则不重复添加 if (tooltipContent.querySelector(".download-button")) return; // 创建下载按钮 const downloadButton = document.createElement("div"); downloadButton.textContent = "下载表情包"; downloadButton.className = "LV01TNDE"; // 添加下载事件 downloadButton.addEventListener("click", () => { const imgSrc = imgNode.src; download_file(imgSrc); }); // 将按钮添加到 tooltip tooltipContent.appendChild(downloadButton); } // 开始观察文档的 DOM 变化 observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true, }); console.log("[dy-dl]已启动"); /** * * @param {string} bigintStr */ function toShortId(bigintStr) { try { return BigInt(bigintStr).toString(36); } catch (error) { return bigintStr; } } /** * 文件名 * * [nickname] + [short_id] + [tags] + [desc] * max length: 64 * * @param {import("./types").DouyinMedia.MediaRoot} media */ function build_filename(media) { const { authorInfo: { nickname }, awemeId, desc, textExtra, } = media; const short_id = toShortId(awemeId); const tag_list = textExtra.map((x) => x.hashtagName); const tags = tag_list.map((x) => "#" + x).join("_"); let rawDesc = desc; // 去除 desc 中的 tag tag_list.forEach((t) => { rawDesc = rawDesc.replace(`#${t}`, ""); }); rawDesc = rawDesc.trim(); // NOTE: 这里没有关注特殊字符的原因是浏览器一般能自动处理 return `${nickname}_${short_id}_${tags}_${rawDesc}`.slice(0, 64); } // ========== 视频下载 ============= /** * @type {{ * player: import("./types").DouyinPlayer.PlayerInstance | null, * current_media: import("./types").DouyinMedia.MediaRoot | null * }} */ const downloader_status = { player: null, current_media: null, }; function bind_player_events() { const { player } = downloader_status; if (!player) return; const update = () => { // 更新当前视频 downloader_status.current_media = player.config.awemeInfo; }; update(); player.on("play", update); player.on("seeked", update); } async function start_detect_player_change() { while (1) { if (downloader_status.player !== window.player) { downloader_status.player = window.player; bind_player_events(); // console.log(`[dy-dl] player changed: ${downloader_status.player}`); } await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1000)); } } start_detect_player_change(); const download_current_media = async () => { if (!downloader_status.current_media) return; const { video, images } = downloader_status.current_media; const filename = build_filename(downloader_status.current_media); const video_url = video?.playerApi ?? video?.playerAddr ?? video.bitRateList?.[0]?.playApi; if (video_url) { // download video download_file(video_url, filename); return; } if (images) { // 下载图集 // TODO 要是能支持 zip 打包会更好一点 for (let idx = 0; idx < images.length; idx++) { const image = images[idx]; // 包含视频的图集 const video = image?.video; if (video) { const video_url = video?.playApi ?? video.playAddr?.[0]?.src ?? video.bitRateList[0]?.playApi; await download_file(video_url, `${filename}_${idx}`); continue; } // 单纯的图片图集 const img_url = image?.urlList?.[0]; if (!img_url) continue; await download_file(img_url, `${filename}_${idx}`); } return; } alert("[dy-dl]无法下载当前视频,尝试刷新、暂停、播放等操作后重试。"); }; /** * * @param {HTMLElement} xg_control_node * @returns */ function handleXgControl(xg_control_node) { const right_gird = xg_control_node.querySelector(".xg-right-grid"); if (!right_gird) return; const downloadButton = render_html(` <xg-icon class="xgplayer-playback-setting" data-state="normal" data-index="6"><div class="xgplayer-setting-playbackRatio">下载</div><div class="xgplayer-slider xgplayer-box-douyin "><div class="xgplayer-setting-content"><div class="xgplayer-playratio-wrap"><div data-id="0.75" class="xgplayer-playratio-item">0.75x</div><div data-id="1.0" class="select xgplayer-playratio-item">1.0x</div><div data-id="1.25" class="xgplayer-playratio-item">1.25x</div><div data-id="1.5" class="xgplayer-playratio-item">1.5x</div><div data-id="1.75" class="xgplayer-playratio-item">1.75x</div><div data-id="2.0" class="xgplayer-playratio-item">2.0x</div><div data-id="3.0" class="xgplayer-playratio-item">3.0x</div></div></div></div></xg-icon> `); downloadButton.addEventListener("click", download_current_media); right_gird.appendChild(downloadButton); } })();