Find the specified element and execute subsequent code after finding it. This code is rewritten by BrockA's waitForKeyElements.js and uses the native js environment.
This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require
// ==UserScript== // @name WaitForKeyElements3 // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @description Find the specified element and execute subsequent code after finding it. // @author Zero // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // Example usage: // waitForKeyElements("div.comments", {"textContent":"xxx"}, commentCallbackFunction); // function commentCallbackFunction(node) { // node.textContent = "This comment changed by waitForKeyElements()."; // } function waitForKeyElements( selectorTxt, // Required: The CSS selector string that specifies the desired element(s). actionFunction, // Required: The code to run when elements are found. It is passed the matched element. attributeFilter,// Optional: Filter the element by target attribute(s). bWaitOnce, // Optional: If false, will continue to scan for new elements even after the first match is found. iframeSelector // Optional: If set, identifies the iframe to search. ) { var targetNodes, btargetsFound = false; function querySelectorAllInIframe(iframe, selector) { var doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; return doc.querySelectorAll(selector); } if (typeof iframeSelector !== "undefined") { var iframe = document.querySelector(iframeSelector); if (iframe) { targetNodes = querySelectorAllInIframe(iframe, selectorTxt); } } else { targetNodes = document.querySelectorAll(selectorTxt); } if (targetNodes && targetNodes.length > 0) { btargetsFound = true; // Found target node(s). Go through each and act if they are new. targetNodes.forEach(function (node) { if (attributeFilter){ for (let attr of Object.keys(attributeFilter)){ if(node[attr] != attributeFilter[attr]){ return ; } } } var alreadyFound = node.dataset.alreadyFound || false; if (!alreadyFound) { // Call the payload function. var cancelFound = actionFunction ? actionFunction(node) : console.log(node); if (cancelFound) { btargetsFound = false; } else { node.dataset.alreadyFound = true; } } }); } // Get the timer-control variable for this selector. var controlObj = waitForKeyElements.controlObj || {}; var controlKey = selectorTxt.replace(/[^\w]/g, "_"); var timeControl = controlObj[controlKey]; // Now set or clear the timer as appropriate. if (btargetsFound && bWaitOnce && timeControl) { // The only condition where we need to clear the timer. clearInterval(timeControl); delete controlObj[controlKey]; } else { // Set a timer, if needed. if (!timeControl) { timeControl = setInterval(function () { waitForKeyElements(selectorTxt, actionFunction, attributeFilter, bWaitOnce, iframeSelector); }, 300); controlObj[controlKey] = timeControl; } } waitForKeyElements.controlObj = controlObj; };