This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/523349/1521970/baidujs.js
- auto.waitFor();
- global.AppName = "百度极速版";
- global.packageName = "com.baidu.searchbox.lite";
- global.running = false; //是否正在刷视频中
- global.working = false; //是否正在刷视频中
- global.pause = false; //是否暂停
- global.startSec = Date.now();//刷视频计时
- global.ver = 'v1.0';//版本号
- if (!auto.service || device.width == 0) {
- console.warn("2.请重新开启无障碍服务");
- auto.service.disableSelf();
- app.startActivity({ action: "android.settings.ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS" });
- android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid());
- }
- if (device.fingerprint + '/' + ver != storages.create("baidu").get('device_info')) { setTimeout(function () { update(); }, 60 * 1000); }
- engines.all().map((ScriptEngine) => { if (engines.myEngine().toString() !== ScriptEngine.toString()) { ScriptEngine.forceStop(); } });
- //判断签到层
- function singlecheck() {
- toastLog('判断签到提示');
- var popup=className('TextView').text('直接领取').visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if(popup){
- click(popup.bounds());sleep(1000);
- var btn = className('TextView').text('我知道了').visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if(btn){click(btn.bounds());}
- toastLog('今天已完成签到');
- }
- toastLog('没有签到提示');
- }
- function gotask() {
- let taskbtn = idMatches(/.*\/obfuscated/).textMatches(/任务/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if (taskbtn) {
- click(taskbtn.parent().bounds());
- sleep(2000);
- //关闭弹出层
- var popup=className('TextView').textMatches(/任务完成|可以提现啦/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if(popup){popup.parent().parent().child(1).click();}
- //签到层
- singlecheck();
- }else{
- gohome();
- sleep(2000);
- gotask();
- return;
- }
- }
- //装载任务列表
- function tasklist() {
- toastLog('查找任务页tasklist');
- if(!textMatches(/金币收益|去提现/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000)){
- gotask();
- sleep(8000);
- //看文章视频领金币
- className('TextView').text('可领').clickable(true).find().forEach(function (tv) {
- tv.click();
- sleep(1000);
- });
- //开宝箱
- moneybox();
- }
- var temparr = [];
- var TempArray = new Array();
- if(textMatches(/金币收益|去提现/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000)){
- toast('装载任务');
- idMatches(/.*task-item-.*/).find().forEach(function (tv) {
- let list = tv.children();
- //log(list);
- for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- if (list[i].text().match(/看广告赚钱|今日签到|搜索赚金币.*/)) {
- //log(list[i].text());
- temparr.push(list[i].text());
- let temp = [list[i].text(), tv.child(list.length-1)];
- TempArray.push(temp);
- }
- }
- });
- console.error('装载完成:', temparr);
- toast('装载完成');
- }else{
- toastLog('没有找到任务页tasklist');
- }
- return TempArray;
- }
- //点击右下角宝箱函数
- function moneybox() {
- toastLog('查找右下角宝箱moneybox');
- var xbox = textMatches(/开宝箱得金币|点我减\d+秒/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if(xbox){
- click(xbox.parent().bounds());
- sleep(2000);
- let tip = textMatches(/恭喜获得宝箱奖励/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if(tip)click(tip.parent().parent().child(1).bounds());
- }
- //如果进入看视频赚金币则观看视频
- let advedio = className('ImageView').idMatches(/.*\/obfuscated/).boundsInside(device.width - 500, 0, device.width, 500).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if (advedio ) {
- playvideo('宝箱');
- console.error('宝箱任务结束moneybox');
- } else {
- toastLog('1.未进入宝箱视频');
- }
- }
- //判断进入看广告视频赚金币
- function playvideo(m) {
- function stopvideo(n) {
- sleep(1000);
- //操作弹出提示
- var okbtn = className('TextView').textMatches(/再看[0-9]+秒.*/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if (okbtn) {
- click(okbtn.bounds());
- var b = okbtn.text().match(/\d+/);
- var t = 1 * (b ? b[0] : 1) + random(9, 15);
- cutDownBySleep(t, '再看');
- }
- okbtn = className('TextView').textMatches(/再看一个.*/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if (okbtn) {
- click(okbtn.bounds());
- playvideo(n);
- return;
- }
- okbtn = className('TextView').textMatches(/返回继续.*/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if (okbtn) {
- var btn = className('TextView').text('残忍离开').visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if(btn)click(btn.bounds());
- }
- console.log(n+'.end');
- sleep(1000);
- }
- working = true;
- console.error('开始循环赚金币playvideo');
- let i=0;
- //搜索赚金币
- if(descMatches(/.*百度搜索,请输入.*/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000)){
- console.log('百度搜索,请输入');
- for(i=0;i<5;i++){
- var t=random(3, 6);
- cutDownBySleep(t, m);
- slidingByCurve();
- }
- gotask();
- }
- //看广告赚钱
- var okbtn = idMatches(/.*\/obfuscated/).boundsInside(0, 0, device.width, 500).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- while (okbtn) {
- i++;
- console.log(m+'.1.'+i);
- var b = idMatches(/.*\/obfuscated/).textMatches(/\d+/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- var t = 1 * (b ? b.text() : 1) + random(9, 15);
- cutDownBySleep(t, m);
- back();
- stopvideo(m);
- if(i>50){break;}
- okbtn = idMatches(/.*\/obfuscated/).boundsInside(0, 0, device.width, 500).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- }
- //返回
- var btn = className('TextView').text('残忍离开').visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if(btn){click(btn.bounds());sleep(1000);}
- if(!textMatches(/金币收益|去提现/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000)) {back(); sleep(1000); gotask(); sleep(1000);}
- var popup=className('TextView').text('任务完成').visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if(popup){popup.parent().parent().child(1).click();}
- console.error('循环赚金币结束playvideo');
- working = false;
- }
- //主程序函数===============================================================
- function Main(){
- var loopTimes = random(3,5); //work循环次数
- function work() {
- toastLog("开始工作work");
- var listArray = tasklist();
- if (listArray.length > 0) {
- sleep(3000);
- toastLog('开始做任务');
- for (i = 0; i < listArray.length; i++) {
- if (listArray[i][1]) {
- toastLog(i+'.'+listArray[i][0]);
- //点击任务,这里不可以用坐标点击,因为有的条目可能会在屏幕外面
- listArray[i][1].click();
- sleep(1000);
- playvideo(listArray[i][0]);
- }
- }
- }else{
- toastLog('任务装载失败,需要重启软件');
- sleep(2000);
- return;
- }
- //开宝箱
- moneybox();
- //回到首页准备刷视频
- console.error("开始刷视频模式+++++++++++++");
- gohome(); startSec = Date.now(); gogogo(999);
- console.error("刷视频模式结束+++++++++++++");
- }
- //打开快手App
- if (getPackageName(AppName)) {
- openApp(AppName);
- //等待进入主界面成功
- toastLog('进入主函数'+ver);
- gohome();
- sleep(3000);
- toastLog("刚启动先刷视频提高活跃度");
- gogogo(999);
- while (loopTimes > 0) {
- work();//开始工作
- sleep(5000);
- loopTimes--;
- }
- console.clear();
- console.warn('运行结束关闭应用');
- } else {
- console.warn("未安装:" + AppName);
- work_thread.interrupt();
- device.cancelKeepingAwake();
- engines.myEngine().forceStop();
- return;
- }
- console.show();
- console.warn('执行完成用时' + SecondsToHMS((Date.now() - starttime) / 1000));
- cutDownBySleep(5,'5秒后进入息屏挂机模式');
- console.hide();
- closeApp(AppName);
- sleep(3000);
- //oled(random(600,900));//熄屏挂机约10~15分钟左右
- }
- function cutDownBySleep(lasterSecend, message) {
- message = message || "";
- floaty.closeAll();
- var fwin = floaty.rawWindow(
- `<vertical id="frame" alpha="0" w="{{device.width-500}}px" h="150px">
- <card id="card" w="auto" h="auto" layout_gravity="center" cardCornerRadius="5dp" cardBackgroundColor="#eeeeee" >
- <text id="title" text="" w="auto" textColor="#333333" textSize="13sp" padding="12 8" />
- </card>
- </vertical>`
- );
- fwin.setTouchable(true);
- fwin.frame.on("click",()=>{
- pause=!pause;
- console.log(pause?'脚本暂停:'+message:'脚本继续:'+message);
- fwin.card.attr("cardBackgroundColor",pause?"#ff0000":"#eeeeee");
- });
- sleep(500);
- for (let i = lasterSecend; i > 0; i--) {
- if (!running && !working) { break; }
- if (!fwin || !fwin.title) { break; }
- i+=pause?1:0;
- ui.run(() => {
- fwin.title.setText(pause?'脚本已暂停,点击继续':message + "剩余" + i + "秒");
- fwin.frame.attr("alpha", 0.8);
- let x = parseInt((device.width - fwin.width) / 2);
- let y = device.height-550;
- fwin.setPosition(x, y);
- });
- sleep(1000);
- }
- fwin=null;
- floaty.closeAll();
- sleep(500);
- }
- function gohome() {
- function closediv(){
- //关闭弹出层
- var popdiv=className('Image').text('huge_sign_marketing_popup').findOne(1000);
- if(popdiv){
- click(popdiv.parent().parent().child(0).bounds());
- sleep(1000);
- }
- var liveing = idMatches(/.*live_close_container/).boundsInside(0, 0, device.width, 500).visibleToUser(true).findOne(2000);
- if (liveing) {
- click(liveing.bounds());
- sleep(1000);
- let okbtn = className('TextView').textMatches(/.*退出.*/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if (okbtn) {click(okbtn.bounds());sleep(1000);}
- }
- }
- toastLog('回到首页gohome');
- closediv();
- var homepage = idMatches(/.*\/obfuscated/).text('视频').boundsInside(0, device.height-300, device.width, device.height).findOne(1000);
- if(!homepage){
- var MaxLoop = 5;
- while (!homepage && MaxLoop > 0) {
- MaxLoop--;
- back(); sleep(3000); closediv();
- homepage = idMatches(/.*\/obfuscated/).text('视频').boundsInside(0, device.height-300, device.width, device.height).findOne(1000);
- }
- }
- if(homepage){
- click(homepage.parent().bounds());
- sleep(3000);closediv();
- }else{
- toastLog('需要重启软件');
- sleep(1000);
- device.wakeUp();//唤醒设备
- sleep(1000);
- left2right(1);
- sleep(1000);
- closeApp(AppName);
- sleep(5000);
- openApp(AppName);
- sleep(1000);
- }
- }
- function isvideoPage() {
- console.verbose("检测是否视频播放中isvideoPage");
- var isvideo = false;
- var homepage = idMatches(/.*\/obfuscated/).text('视频').selected(true).boundsInside(0, device.height-300, device.width, device.height).findOne(1000);
- if (homepage) {
- //关闭自动弹出的层
- isvideo=idMatches(/.*video_flow_cmp_list/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- //log(isvideo);
- }
- return isvideo;
- }
- function gogogo(n) {
- let gotime = random(15,20); //刷视频每n分钟结束一次
- for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
- let flashtime=parseInt((Date.now() - startSec) / 1000);
- console.log('第'+i+'次刷视频,累计用时:',flashtime,'秒');
- if( flashtime > gotime*60){console.warn(gotime+'分种超时,停止刷视频'); running = false; floaty.closeAll(); break;}
- if (isvideoPage()) {
- running = true;
- var videoDuration=random(6, 30);
- cutDownBySleep(videoDuration,'观看视频:');//每个视频随机时间 6-30s
- randomHeart();//拟人化
- } else {
- running = false;
- toastLog('not at the video page');
- var dialog = currentActivity();
- if (!dialog.match(/android\.app\.Dialog|android\.widget\.FrameLayout|.*creenCaptureRequestActivity/)) {
- console.info('【gogogo】',dialog);
- gohome();
- }
- sleep(3000);
- }
- }
- running = false;
- }
- function weightedRandom(weights) {
- let sum = 0;
- for (let key in weights) {
- sum += weights[key];
- }
- let randomNumber = Math.random() * sum;
- for (let key in weights) {
- randomNumber -= weights[key];
- if (randomNumber <= 0) {
- return key;
- }
- }
- }
- function randomHeart(num) {
- //if(idMatches(/.*center/).text('请完成安全验证').visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000)){return;}
- const weights = {
- 1: 0.01, 2: 0.02, 3: 0.03, 4: 0.04, 5: 0.05,
- 6: 0.06, 7: 0.07, 8: 0.08, 9: 0.09, 0: 0.55
- };
- let randomIndex = num ? num : weightedRandom(weights);
- //随机下滑
- if (randomIndex == 1) {
- console.log('拟人:随机下滑');
- swipe(device.width / 2, device.height * 0.1 + randomIndex, device.width / 2, device.height * 0.9 - randomIndex, random(500, 1500));
- return;
- }
- //连续上滑
- if (randomIndex == 2) {
- console.log('拟人:连续上滑');
- var k = random(2, 4);
- for (var i = 0; i < k; i++) {
- var j = random(2, 5);
- if (j == 3) {
- swipe(device.width / j, device.height * 0.2 + j * k, device.width / j, device.height * 0.8 - j * k, j * 50);
- } else {
- swipe(device.width / j, device.height * 0.8 - j * k, device.width / j, device.height * 0.2 + j * k, j * 50);
- }
- sleep(j * 250);
- }
- return;
- }
- //随机恢复到首页
- if (randomIndex == 4) {
- console.log('拟人:随机回首页');
- gohome();
- return;
- }
- //加速播放
- if(randomIndex == 5) {
- var seekBar=className('android.widget.SeekBar').descMatches(/.*进度条.*/).findOne(1000);
- if(seekBar){
- let x1=random(90, 120);
- let y1=device.height/3;
- gestures([0, 1500, [x1,y1], [x1,y1]],[1400, 1500, [x1,y1], [1.1*x1, 2*y1]]);
- return;
- }
- }
- //随机收藏
- if (randomIndex == 7) {
- var comment = className('android.widget.RelativeLayout').longClickable(true).boundsInside(device.width-500, device.height/2, device.width, device.height).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if (collect) {
- console.log('拟人:随机收藏');
- click(comment.bounds().centerX(),comment.bounds().centerY()+comment.bounds().height());
- sleep(3000);
- slidingByCurve();
- return;
- }
- }
- //随机评论
- if(randomIndex == 8) {
- var comment = className('android.widget.RelativeLayout').longClickable(true).boundsInside(device.width-500, device.height/2, device.width, device.height).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if(comment){
- console.log('拟人:随机评论');
- //评论按钮
- click(comment.bounds());
- sleep(1000);
- var plugdiv=textMatches(/浅评一下/).boundsInside(0, device.height-500, device.width, device.height).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if(plugdiv){
- //log(plugdiv.parent().child(plugdiv.indexInParent()+1));
- let node = plugdiv.parent().child(plugdiv.indexInParent()+1);
- let emoji = node.find(className('RelativeLayout'));
- if(emoji.length>0){
- let icoY=plugdiv.bounds().centerY();
- let icoX=[
- emoji[0].bounds().centerX(),
- emoji[1].bounds().centerX()
- ];
- let index = random(1, icoX.length)-1;
- console.log(icoX[index],icoY);
- click(icoX[index],icoY);
- sleep(1000);
- slidingByCurve();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //随机点赞
- if (randomIndex == 9) {
- var comment = className('android.widget.RelativeLayout').longClickable(true).boundsInside(device.width-500, device.height/2, device.width, device.height).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if (comment) {
- console.log('拟人:随机点赞');
- click(comment.bounds().centerX(),comment.bounds().centerY()-comment.bounds().height());
- sleep(2000);
- slidingByCurve();
- return;
- }
- }
- //上滑
- slidingByCurve();
- }
- function getDouyinVideoDuration(durationStr) {
- if (durationStr) {
- //log('1',durationStr);
- var durationMatch = durationStr.match(/[0-9]+:[0-9]+/);
- if (durationMatch) {
- //log('2',durationMatch);
- var minutes = 0,seconds = 0;
- var parts = durationMatch[0].split(":");
- if (parts.length === 2) {
- //log('3',parts);
- let minutes = parseInt(parts[0], 10);
- let seconds = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
- return minutes * 60 + seconds;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- function percent(str){
- var strMatch = str.match(/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+/);
- if (strMatch) {
- var parts = strMatch[0].split("/");
- if (parts.length === 2) {
- let a = parseInt(parts[0], 10);
- let b = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
- return a == b;
- }
- }else{
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function slidingByLine() {
- // top X,Y范围
- tx = randomPointLoc(parseInt(device.width / 3), parseInt(device.width / 2));
- ty = randomPointLoc(parseInt(device.height / 5), parseInt(device.height / 4));
- // bottom X,Y 范围
- bx = randomPointLoc(parseInt(device.width / 3), parseInt(device.width / 2));
- by = randomPointLoc(parseInt(3 * device.height / 4), parseInt(4 * device.height / 5));
- slidingTime = randomRangeTime(0.8, 1.3);
- log("上滑:随机直线");
- //log("X: "+ Math.abs(bx-tx) + " Y: "+ Math.abs(by - ty));
- swipe(bx, by, tx, ty, slidingTime);
- }
- function left2right(direction) {
- var intX=parseInt(Math.random()*200+400);
- var intY=parseInt(Math.random()*200+200);
- var distance=parseInt(Math.random()*100+device.height/4);
- switch (direction) {
- case 1:
- //向上小距离
- sml_move(intX, intY + distance, intX, intY, 400);
- break;
- case 2:
- //向下小距离
- sml_move(intX, intY, intX, intY + distance, 400);
- break;
- case 3:
- //向左翻屏
- sml_move(
- device.width / 2 + parseInt(Math.random() * 100) + 300,
- device.height / 4 - parseInt(Math.random() * 200) + 100,
- 0 + parseInt(Math.random() * 100),
- device.height / 5 + parseInt(Math.random() * 100),
- 500
- );
- break;
- case 4:
- //向右翻屏
- sml_move(
- device.width / 2 - parseInt(Math.random() * 100) - 300,
- device.height / 5 - parseInt(Math.random() * 200) + 100,
- device.width - parseInt(Math.random() * 100),
- device.height / 4 + parseInt(Math.random() * 100),
- 500
- );
- break;
- }
- sleep(1000);
- }
- function slidingByCurve() {
- //if(idMatches(/.*center/).text('请完成安全验证').visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000)){log('正在完成安全验证');return;}
- // top X,Y范围
- tx = randomPointLoc(parseInt(device.width / 3), parseInt(device.width / 2));
- ty = randomPointLoc(200, 300);
- // bottom X,Y 范围
- bx = randomPointLoc(parseInt(device.width / 3), parseInt(device.width / 2));
- by = randomPointLoc(device.height-500, device.height-400);
- slidingTime = randomRangeTime(0.5, 0.9);
- log("上滑:仿真曲线");
- //log("X: "+ Math.abs(bx-tx) + " Y: "+ Math.abs(by - ty));
- sml_move(bx, by, tx, ty, slidingTime);
- }
- function randomPointLoc(start, end) {
- len = Math.abs(end - start);
- loc = Math.floor(Math.random() * len) + start;
- return loc;
- }
- function randomRangeTime(start, end) {
- len = Math.abs(end - start) * 1000;
- ms = Math.floor(Math.random() * len) + start * 1000;
- return ms;
- }
- function radmoRect(rect){
- let xy=rect;
- if(rect){
- xy.left=random(100,rect.width()-100);
- xy.top=random(100,rect.height()-100);
- xy.bottom=xy.top+120;
- xy.right=xy.left+120;
- }
- return xy;
- }
- function sml_move(qx, qy, zx, zy, time) {
- var xxy = [time];
- var point = [];
- var dx0 = {"x": qx,"y": qy};
- var dx1 = {"x": random(qx - 100, qx + 100),"y": random(qy, qy + 50)};
- var dx2 = {"x": random(zx - 100, zx + 100),"y": random(zy, zy + 50)};
- var dx3 = {"x": zx,"y": zy};
- for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- eval("point.push(dx" + i + ")");
- }
- // log(point[3].x)
- for (let i = 0; i < 1; i += 0.08) {
- let newPoint=bezier_curves(point, i);
- xxyy = [parseInt(newPoint.x), parseInt(newPoint.y)]
- xxy.push(xxyy);
- }
- try {
- gesture.apply(null, xxy);
- } catch (e) {
- log('error:',xxy);
- }
- }
- function bezier_curves(cp, t) {
- cx = 3.0 * (cp[1].x - cp[0].x);
- bx = 3.0 * (cp[2].x - cp[1].x) - cx;
- ax = cp[3].x - cp[0].x - cx - bx;
- cy = 3.0 * (cp[1].y - cp[0].y);
- by = 3.0 * (cp[2].y - cp[1].y) - cy;
- ay = cp[3].y - cp[0].y - cy - by;
- tSquared = t * t;
- tCubed = tSquared * t;
- result = {"x": 0,"y": 0};
- result.x = (ax * tCubed) + (bx * tSquared) + (cx * t) + cp[0].x;
- result.y = (ay * tCubed) + (by * tSquared) + (cy * t) + cp[0].y;
- return result;
- }
- function SecondsToHMS(seconds) {
- const hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
- const minutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60);
- const remainingSeconds = Math.floor(seconds % 60);
- return (hours > 0 ? hours + "时" : "") + (minutes > 0 ? minutes + "分" : "") + remainingSeconds + "秒";
- }
- function getindexInParent(child) {
- var parent = child.parent();
- for (var i = 0; i < parent.childCount(); i++) {
- if (parent.child(i).find(className('CheckBox').checked(true).visibleToUser(true)).length > 0) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1; // 如果找不到子元素,则返回-1
- }
- function isRectInScreen(bounds) {
- var x = bounds.left, y = bounds.top,
- a = bounds.right, b = bounds.bottom;
- return (
- x >= 0 && x <= device.width &&
- y >= 0 && y <= device.height &&
- a > 0 && a <= device.width &&
- b > 0 && b <=device.height
- );
- }
- function openApp(appname){
- console.warn('启动应用:' + appname);
- var appstate = launchApp(appname);
- sleep(5000);
- if (appstate) {
- toastLog("应用正在运行");
- } else {
- toastLog("无法自启动,需模拟点击");
- home();//要启动的APP必须放在第一页中
- sleep(3000);
- var app = id("item_title").text(appname).visibleToUser(true).findOne(2000);
- if (app) {
- click(app.bounds().centerX(), app.bounds().top - 50);
- sleep(8000);
- }else{
- toastLog('要启动的APP必须放在首页,即按Home能看到的那一页');
- work_thread.interrupt();
- engines.myEngine().forceStop();
- exit();
- }
- }
- }
- function closeApp(appname) {
- let packageName = getPackageName(appname);
- // 使用ADB命令强行结束进程
- //shell("adb shell am force-stop " + packageName);
- console.warn('关闭应用:' + appname);
- app.openAppSetting(packageName);
- text(app.getAppName(packageName)).waitFor();
- let is_sure = textMatches(/.*强行停止.*/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if (is_sure&&is_sure.enabled()) {
- try {
- var btn = className("Button").text('强行停止').visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if (btn) btn.click();
- sleep(1000);
- btn = className("Button").text('强行停止').visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if (btn) btn.click();
- sleep(1000);
- btn = className("Button").text('确定').visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if (btn) btn.click();
- back(); back(); back();
- home();
- } catch (e) {
- log(app.getAppName(packageName) + "应用已被关闭");
- sleep(1000);
- back(); back(); back();
- home();
- }
- } else {
- log(app.getAppName(packageName) + "应用不能被正常关闭");
- back(); back(); back();
- home();
- }
- }
- function update(){
- http.get('https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/523350/%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6%E8%84%9A%E6%9C%AC.js', {}, function(res, err){
- if(res.statusCode == 200){
- var Source = res.body.bytes();
- if(Source){
- files.writeBytes(files.getSdcardPath() + '/脚本/百度脚本.js', Source);
- console.verbose('更新主程序:成功',ver);
- }else{
- console.verbose('更新主程序:错误',ver);
- }
- }else{
- console.verbose('更新主程序:失败',ver);
- }
- });
- }
- //===================================================================================
- requestScreenCapture(false);//请求截图权限
- runtime.getImages().initOpenCvIfNeeded();//初始化OpenCv
- global.starttime = Date.now();//程序运行开始时间
- var oledwin = null, win = null;
- function oled(i) {
- let j=i||3;
- floaty.closeAll();
- oledwin = floaty.rawWindow(
- `<frame bg="#000000">
- <card w="auto" h="auto" layout_gravity="center" cardBackgroundColor="#000000" >
- <vertical>
- <text id="texts" text="息屏挂机模式" textColor="#999999" textSize="13sp" />
- <button id="button" text="退出挂机" margin="0 20" />
- </vertical>
- </card>
- </frame>`
- );
- oledwin.button.on("click", function () {
- console.info('手动停止挂机');
- floaty.closeAll();
- oledwin=null;
- running=false;
- });
- oledwin.setSize(-1, -1);
- oledwin.setTouchable(true);
- sleep(300);
- console.info('挂机模式开启……');
- //保持脚本运行
- while (j > 0 && oledwin) {
- if (oledwin.texts) {
- let t = parseInt(j / 60) + "分" + parseInt(j % 60) + "秒";
- ui.run(() => { oledwin.texts.setText("息屏挂机倒计时:" + t + "\n\n倒计时结束后重启主线程baidu") });
- }
- j--;
- sleep(1000);
- }
- floaty.closeAll();
- oledwin=null;
- running=false;
- console.show();
- console.info('挂机结束用时:',(parseInt((i-j) / 60) + "分" + parseInt((i-j) % 60) + "秒"));
- }
- function Observer() {
- function unique(arr) {
- let newArr = [arr[0]];
- for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
- let flag = false;
- for (var j = 0; j < newArr.length; j++) {
- if (arr[i] == newArr[j]) {
- flag = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!flag) {
- newArr.push(arr[i]);
- }
- }
- return newArr;
- }
- var currentActis = new Array();
- for (let c = 0; c < 30; c++) {//连续扫描60秒后返回结果,如果60秒停留在同一活动页面,则就要重启线程了
- //检测oled挂机模式结束,则重启main线程
- if (oledwin) { win = oledwin; return true; } else if (win) { win = null; return false; }
- currentActis[c] = currentActivity();
- //关闭自动弹出的层
- var btntxt = textMatches(/等待|忽略|同意|满意|关闭|关闭应用|不在提醒|我知道了|以后再说|暂不使用|忽略提醒|仍要退出|不感兴趣/).visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if (btntxt && btntxt.packageName() == packageName) {
- console.warn('点击:', btntxt.text());
- click(btntxt.bounds());
- sleep(1000);
- }
- // 验证账号重新登录
- var a = desc("未选中").visibleToUser(true).findOne(1000);
- if (a) {
- click(a.bounds());
- sleep(2000);
- click("一键登录");
- }
- sleep(1000);//这是每秒扫描一次活动页
- }
- //toastLog(currentActivity());
- let ac = unique(currentActis);
- let cc = currentActivity().match(/.*HomeActivity|.*PhotoDetailActivity|.*AwardVideoPlayActivity|.*AdKwaiRnActivity|.*app\.Dialog|android\.widget\.FrameLayout|.*ToastDialog|.*ScreenCaptureRequestActivity/);
- if (ac.length == 1 && !cc) {
- console.info('60秒卡顿:',ac[0]);
- //截图保存界面,以备后续查看
- captureScreen(files.getSdcardPath() + '/脚本/Observer2_' + currentActivity() + '.bmp');
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // 》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》 START
- work_thread = threads.start(function () {
- Main();
- });
- observer_thread = threads.start(function () {
- setInterval(function () {
- console.verbose('--------多线程安全检测---------');
- if(oledwin){if(oledwin.texts)console.verbose(oledwin.texts.getText().split("\n").shift());}
- if (running||oledwin) {
- let worktime = parseInt((Date.now() - starttime) / 1000);
- console.verbose("脚本连续运行:" + SecondsToHMS(worktime));
- //如果运行时间超过4小时,则关闭应用,停止脚本。
- if (worktime > 60 * 60 * 4) {
- device.cancelKeepingAwake();
- work_thread.interrupt();
- console.show();
- console.clear();
- console.warn("脚本连续运行超4小时,终止运行!");
- sleep(5000);
- console.hide();
- closeApp(AppName);
- sleep(5000);
- //熄屏
- runtime.accessibilityBridge.getService().performGlobalAction(android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService.GLOBAL_ACTION_LOCK_SCREEN);
- //停止本脚本
- //engines.myEngine().forceStop();
- //结束所有Autojx进程
- engines.stopAll();
- exit();
- }
- }
- if (!Observer()) {
- work_thread.interrupt();
- work_thread = threads.start(function () {
- toast("Main线程在5秒后重启!");
- console.show();
- console.clear();
- console.warn("Main线程在5秒后重启!");
- running = false;
- sleep(5000);
- console.hide();
- if(currentPackage() == packageName)closeApp(AppName);
- sleep(5000);
- Main();
- });
- }
- }, 3000);//这个时间是线程休息时间
- });