Adds a button to export Steam Family Library as TSV
// ==UserScript== // @name Export Steam Family Games // @name:bg Експортиране на Steam семейни игри // @name:cs Exportovat Steam rodinné hry // @name:da Eksporter Steam familie spil // @name:de Steam-Familienbibliothek exportieren // @name:el Εξαγωγή παιχνιδιών οικογένειας Steam // @name:en Export Steam Family Games // @name:eo Eksporti Steam Familio Ludojn // @name:es Exportar Biblioteca Familiar de Steam // @name:es-la Exportar Biblioteca Familiar de Steam // @name:es-419 Exportar Biblioteca Familiar de Steam // @name:fi Vie Steam-perhepelit // @name:fr Exporter les Jeux de la Famille Steam // @name:fr-CA Exporter les Jeux de la Famille Steam // @name:he ייצוא משחקי משפחה של Steam // @name:hr Izvoz Steam obiteljskih igara // @name:hu Steam családi játékok exportálása // @name:id Ekspor Game Keluarga Steam // @name:it Esporta Giochi della Famiglia Steam // @name:ja Steamファミリーゲームをエクスポート // @name:ka ექსპორტი Steam ოჯახის თამაშები // @name:ko Steam 가족 게임 내보내기 // @name:nb Eksporter Steam familie spill // @name:nl Exporteer Steam familie spellen // @name:pl Eksportuj gry rodzinne Steam // @name:pt-BR Exportar Jogos da Família Steam // @name:ro Exportă jocurile de familie Steam // @name:sv Exportera Steam familjespel // @name:th ส่งออกเกมครอบครัว Steam // @name:tr Steam Aile Oyunlarını Dışa Aktar // @name:ug Steam ئائىلە ئويۇنلىرىنى ئېكسپورت قىلىش // @name:uk Експортувати сімейні ігри Steam // @name:vi Xuất trò chơi gia đình Steam // @name:zh-TW 匯出 Steam 家庭遊戲 // @namespace // @version 1.0.11 // @description Adds a button to export Steam Family Library as TSV // @description:bg Добавя бутон за експортиране на Steam семейната библиотека като TSV // @description:cs Přidá tlačítko pro exportování rodinné knihovny Steam jako TSV // @description:da Tilføjer en knap til at eksportere Steam-familiebiblioteket som TSV // @description:de Fügt eine Schaltfläche hinzu, um die Steam-Familienbibliothek als TSV zu exportieren // @description:el Προσθέτει ένα κουμπί για την εξαγωγή της οικογενειακής βιβλιοθήκης Steam ως TSV // @description:en Adds a button to export Steam Family Library as TSV // @description:eo Aldonas butonon por eksporti Steam Familio Bibliotekon kiel TSV // @description:es Agrega un botón para exportar como TSV la biblioteca familiar de Steam // @description:es-la Agrega un botón para exportar como TSV la biblioteca familiar de Steam // @description:es-419 Agrega un botón para exportar como TSV la biblioteca familiar de Steam // @description:fi Lisää painikkeen Steam-perhekirjaston viemiseksi TSV-muodossa // @description:fr Ajoute un bouton pour exporter la Bibliothèque Familiale Steam en TSV // @description:fr-CA Ajoute un bouton pour exporter la Bibliothèque Familiale Steam en TSV // @description:he מוסיף כפתור לייצוא ספריית המשפחה של Steam כ-TSV // @description:hr Dodaje gumb za izvoz Steam obiteljske biblioteke kao TSV // @description:hu Hozzáad egy gombot a Steam családi könyvtár TSV formátumban történő exportálásához // @description:id Menambahkan tombol untuk mengekspor Perpustakaan Keluarga Steam sebagai TSV // @description:it Aggiunge un pulsante per esportare la Libreria Familiare di Steam come TSV // @description:ja SteamファミリーライブラリをTSVとしてエクスポートするボタンを追加 // @description:ka ამატებს ღილაკს Steam ოჯახის ბიბლიოთეკის TSV ფორმატში ექსპორტისთვის // @description:ko Steam 가족 라이브러리를 TSV로 내보내는 버튼을 추가합니다 // @description:nb Legger til en knapp for å eksportere Steam-familiebiblioteket som TSV // @description:nl Voegt een knop toe om de Steam-familiebibliotheek als TSV te exporteren // @description:pl Dodaje przycisk do eksportowania biblioteki rodzinnej Steam jako TSV // @description:pt-BR Adiciona um botão para exportar a Biblioteca da Família Steam como TSV // @description:ro Adaugă un buton pentru a exporta biblioteca de familie Steam ca TSV // @description:sv Lägger till en knapp för att exportera Steam-familjebiblioteket som TSV // @description:th เพิ่มปุ่มเพื่อส่งออกคลังครอบครัว Steam เป็น TSV // @description:tr Steam Aile Kitaplığını TSV olarak dışa aktarmak için bir düğme ekler // @description:uk Додає кнопку для експорту сімейної бібліотеки Steam у форматі TSV // @description:ug Steam ئائىلە ئويۇنلىرىنى TSV شەكلىدە ئېكسپورت قىلىش ئۈچۈن كۇنۇپكا قوشىدۇ // @description:vi Thêm nút để xuất Thư viện Gia đình Steam dưới dạng TSV // @description:zh-TW 添加按鈕以 TSV 格式匯出 Steam 家庭遊戲庫 // @icon // @grant none // @author Jesús Lautaro Careglio Albornoz // @source // @match *://* // @license MIT // @compatible firefox // @compatible chrome // @compatible opera // @compatible safari // @compatible edge // @compatible brave // @supportURL // ==/UserScript== (async () => { const waitForElement = ( querySelector, timeout = null, parentElement = document ) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const observer = new MutationObserver(() => { const element = parentElement.querySelector(querySelector); if (element) { observer.disconnect(); resolve(element); } }); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); const element = parentElement.querySelector(querySelector); if (element) { observer.disconnect(); resolve(element); } if (timeout !== null) { setTimeout(() => { observer.disconnect(); reject( `Elemento con selector "${querySelector}" no encontrado dentro del tiempo límite de ${timeout}ms.` ); }, timeout); } }); }; const panelsContainer = await waitForElement("._3Pnf9j-DVi9cm7cJ383yI1"); const panels = panelsContainer.querySelectorAll("._1o7lKXffOJjZ_CpH1bHfY-"); const maxWaitingTime = 50000; // If this maxWaitingTime is reached, an error has occurred const exportAllGames = async (e) => { const allGames = []; const btnExport =; const panel = btnExport.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; const numGames = parseInt( panel.querySelector("._3x604kYqXRJbqWmeLWAHrj").innerText.match(/\d+/)[0] ); for (const p of panels) if (p != panel) p.remove(); const btnShowAll = panel.querySelector( "div:nth-child(2)._1ve5nrPCrUjlbKp1PXsiJD > button" );; let rowIndex = 0; let lastColIndex = 7; try { const firstRow = await waitForElement( ".-padb24TteB2RGJuMHdLn", maxWaitingTime, panel ); lastColIndex = firstRow?.childElementCount || 7; } catch (e) {} while (allGames.length < numGames) { let lastRow; try { lastRow = await waitForElement( `[data-index="${rowIndex}"]`, maxWaitingTime, panel ); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error procesando fila ${rowIndex}:`, error); break; } lastRow.scrollIntoView(); for ( let colIndex = 1; colIndex <= lastColIndex && allGames.length < numGames; colIndex++ ) { try { const gameSelector = `[data-index="${rowIndex}"] > div > [data-key]:nth-child(${colIndex})`; const game = await waitForElement( gameSelector, maxWaitingTime, lastRow ); const appId = game .querySelector("img") ?.src.match(/apps\/(\d+)\//)?.[1]; const verticalImgBanner = `${appId}/library_600x900.jpg`; const horizontalImgBanner = `${appId}/header.jpg`; const capsuleImg = `${appId}/capsule_231x87.jpg`; const title = game.querySelector("img")?.alt; const owners = game.querySelector(".OchtG0jyJQXcr2o0t34q7")?.innerText || "1"; allGames.push({ appId, title, owners, capsuleImg, verticalImgBanner, horizontalImgBanner, }); console.log( `Procesado juego ${allGames.length}/${numGames}: ${title}` ); } catch (error) { lastColIndex = colIndex - 1; console.log(`Tamaño máximo de columnas cambiado a ${lastColIndex}`); break; } } rowIndex++; } const headers = "App ID\tTitle\tOwners\tCapsule Image\tVertical Image Banner\tHorizontal Image Banner"; let tsvContent = allGames .map( (game) => `${game.appId}\t${game.title}\t${game.owners}\t${game.capsuleImg}\t${game.verticalImgBanner}\t${game.horizontalImgBanner}` ) .join("\n"); tsvContent = `${headers}\n${tsvContent}`; let blob = new Blob([tsvContent], { type: "text/tab-separated-values" }); let url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); let a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = url; = "steam_family_games.tsv"; document.body.appendChild(a);; document.body.removeChild(a); URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }; for (const panel of panels) { const btnShowAll = panel.querySelector( "div:nth-child(2)._1ve5nrPCrUjlbKp1PXsiJD" ); let btnExport = btnShowAll.cloneNode(true); btnExport.addEventListener("click", exportAllGames); btnExport.querySelector("button").innerText = "Export TSV"; btnShowAll.parentElement.appendChild(btnExport); } })();