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Redirect to Opener

Allow you to redirect customizable urls to the iOS Opener app.

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Redirect to Opener


Redirect to Opener is a userscript designed to enhance the browsing experience on iOS devices by redirecting customizable URLs to the Opener app. With this script, you can define specific websites or patterns, and the script will automatically redirect matching URLs to the Opener app for deeper linking with other apps on your device. This was tested with Orion Browser using Violent Monkey from FireFox addons store, on iOS 18, your mileage may vary.


  • Add customizable URL patterns to redirect.
  • Manage and remove existing URL patterns via a menu interface.
  • Automatically detects matching URLs and redirects them to the Opener app.
  • Easy-to-use configuration menu for managing URL patterns.

How to Use

Opener App

  1. This userscript requires the Opener app for iOS, you must have it installed for it to work.
  2. This works by redirecting to the Opener apps deeplink on user specified urls and letting it handle the deeplinking for any other apps, so yes it is mandatory!

Add a Website to the Redirect List

  1. Open the userscript menu provided by your userscript manager.
  2. Click on "Add Website to Redirect List".
  3. Enter a URL or part of a URL (e.g., youtube.com) when prompted.
  4. The URL will be added to the redirect list.

Manage the Redirect List

  1. Open the userscript menu provided by your userscript manager.
  2. Click on "Manage Website List".
  3. A list of currently added URLs will be displayed.
  4. Enter the number corresponding to a URL to remove it from the list.

Automatic Redirect

  • Whenever you visit a URL that matches an entry in the redirect list, the script will redirect you to the Opener app with the URL encoded as a deep link.

Technical Details

  • Deep Link Format: The script constructs a URL for the Opener app using the format:
  • Data Storage: The list of URLs is stored locally using the GM_setValue API.
  • Permissions Required:
    • @grant GM_setValue - For storing the redirect list.
    • @grant GM_registerMenuCommand - For adding menu commands to manage the script.