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MDA library

my JS library

This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/524553/1525219/MDA%20library.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name         MDA library
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.2.1
// @description  my JS library
// @author       mr-d-r
// ==/UserScript==
// @require  file://D:\...\_MDAlib_tampermonkey.js ВСЕГДА добавляет в самое начало скрипта, где он использован
// т.о. переменные объявленные здесь всегда глобальные !!!
// try to make global functions as in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27680230/how-do-i-make-functions-added-by-tampermonkey-be-available-in-console-after-the
// пробовать делать библиотеку, которая запускается на каждой странице
var MDAlib="included",  dbg;  // real global vars !!!  // dbg - отладка    // verb - немного расширенные сообщения
// localStorage.setItem("MDAlib", "loaded @"  +Date.now());
// !!! в скриптах можно проверять так:
//  MDAlib=${(typeof MDAlib == "undefined") ? "absent" : MDAlib}
// 	if(typeof MDAlib  == 'undefined') 	console.log("MDAlib 1212 is NOT defined in _MDAlib_tampermonkey");  	else console.log("MDAlib 1212 DEFINED in _MDAlib_tampermonkey = " +MDAlib);
// 	if(typeof dbg  == 'undefined') 		console.log("dbg 1212 is NOT defined in _MDAlib_tampermonkey");  		else console.log("dbg 1212 DEFINED in _MDAlib_tampermonkey = " +dbg);
// !!! пользовать tampermonkey storage для persistent vars и обмена между скриптами !!!
// TRY !!! from https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/14782-facebook-event-exporter/code
var	err = console.error.bind(console),
log = console.log.bind(console),
function anyActiveInput () {
if( Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("input,textarea")).includes(document.activeElement) ) 	return true;
if( document.activeElement.contentEditable == 'true' )							return true; 	// for stupid youtube reply mini-window  // !!! warning:  MUST BE: document.activeElement.contentEditable == true
if( document.activeElement.querySelector('span[data-lexical-text="true"]') ) 	return true; 	// for stupid facebook input fields
//if ((aaBB = document.activeElement) && (editable(a) || (a.tagName === "INPUT") || (a.tagName === "TEXTAREA"))) return;
} // anyActiveInput()
function ttout (delay, func) {  // wrap for setTimeout()  // WORKS
setTimeout(() => { 		func();		}, delay);
} // ttout()
var  tTO=ttout;
function ttoutSMART (delay=1000, label, cmd='new', func) {  // wrap for setTimeout()  // static массив всех вызванных таймеров с метками
let a, b, hnd, min=10000, max=99999,   fn=fnName();
if ( typeof ttout.arr == 'undefined' ) {    ttout.arr = [];  if(dbg && dbg>5) log(`${fn}: static arr init`); }
if( ! isNumber(delay) ) {  console.error(`${fn}: delay is not a number: ${delay}`);   return;  }  // isNumeric:function(a){return!isNaN(parseFloat(a))&&isFinite(a)
switch (cmd) {
case 'chk':     case 'exists':      case 'exist':
if(  a=ttout.arr.find( (el) => el.label == label )  )   return a;  // a.hnd
else                                                    return false;
case 'list':    showArrQvTyIk();
case 'del':     // delete by label from array
case 'delete':  delQvTyIk(label);
default:        // create new or update existing
case 'new':
case 'set':     if( !label ) label=`lbl_${Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min}`;  // если label пуста, то сгенерировать случайную !!!
delQvTyIk(label);  // ищет в массиве существующий таймер, делает ему clear и удаляет его из массива
//log(`creating new: ${label}`);
hnd=setTimeout(() => { 		func();		}, delay);
b=setTimeout(()=>{  //log(`deleting on TIMEOUT ${label}`);
delQvTyIk(label);              		}, delay+3);  // по истечении таймера удалить его из массива !!!
ttout.arr.push( { label: label,  hnd: hnd,  hnd2: b,  delay: delay } );
} // switch
function showArrQvTyIk() {   for( let i in ttout.arr )  log(ttout.arr[i]);   console.log('---');    }
function delQvTyIk(ll)   {   let a=ttout.arr.findIndex( (el) => el.label == ll );
// log(`${fn}: deleting ${ll} at ${a}`);
if(a>=0) {   clearTimeout(ttout.arr[a].hnd);
ttout.arr.splice(a, 1);           } // splice here deletes the element!!!
} // ttoutSMART()
var  tTS=ttoutSMART;
function showMSGsimple (msg, duration, hook, styl)  { 	// one line showmsg ()	// - hook in querySelector form, i.e. "#smth" or "div[id='smth']"
//  looks GOOD and debugged
let aa, mydiv, pareFou, fn=fnName();									// - if msg="" - then mydiv will be removed
let mydivBase="showMSGsimple",   mydivTitle="sshowMSGsimple_title";		// - is styl starts with + then add style,  if no + then replace mydiv.style
if( !duration )             duration=2000_000;              // НЕ переносить в декларацию (... , duration, ...)
if( !hook )                 hook=document.body;             // НЕ переносить в декларацию (... , hook, ...)
if( hook!=document.body ) 	pareFou=document.querySelector(hook);
else					    pareFou=document.body;	                    // log(fn +": hook= ", hook, "\n", "pareFou= ", pareFou);
if(  !pareFou  ) {	    log(fn +": hook is not found");  	return; 	}
aa=pareFou.querySelector('#' +mydivBase);
if(aa)	{	mydiv = aa;		if(!msg)  { aa?.remove(); 	return;	}
} else	{ 	if(!msg)  		return;  									// if (msg="" или undefined)
mydiv = document.createElement("div");                      if(dbg && dbg>5) log(fn +": append child  hook= ", hook, "\n", "pareFou= ", pareFou);
pareFou.insertBefore(mydiv, pareFou.firstChild); //pareFou.appendChild(mydiv);     // pareFou.insertBefore(mydiv, pareFou.firstChild);
mydiv.innerHTML = msg;      // mydiv.style.zIndex=100; 					// border: solid 5px Red;
mydiv.id=mydivBase;		    mydiv.title=mydivTitle; 	// mydiv.style.position="absolute";
if(styl)    if( styl.startsWith("+") )	mydiv.style.cssText	= `${mydiv.style.cssText} ${styl.replace(/^\+/,'')}`;	// trim '+' & add ещ styles
else 						mydiv.style.cssText	=  styl; 		// replace style
setTimeout(() => {  if(dbg && dbg>5)  log(fn +" removing", mydiv);      mydiv?.parentNode?.removeChild(mydiv);  }, duration);
}  // end of showMSGsimple()
async function mySaveAs (fname, url, opt1 )  {  // WORKS FINE  // usage: (async() => {	ww=await mySaveAs("filename", "http://abc", '');	})();
if(!opt1) opt1={ suggestedName: fname,  types: [      {	description: 'Images',		accept: {    'image/*': ['.png', '.gif', '.jpeg', '.jpg']      }	},    ],  };
if(dbg) log("mySaveAs(): " +fname, url, opt1, "---");
// если с opt1 что-то не то, window.showSaveFilePicker молча обламывается
var fhnd = await window.showSaveFilePicker(opt1);	if (!fhnd) 	{ 	log("mySaveAs(): showSaveFilePicker() failed"); return null; 	}
var wr = await fhnd.createWritable();  				if (!wr) 	{ 	log("mySaveAs(): createWritable() failed"); 	return null; 	} 	// Create a FileSystemWritableFileStream to write to.
var re = await fetch(url); 							if (!re) 	{ 	log("mySaveAs(): fetch()"); 					return null; 	} 	// Make an HTTP request for the contents.
await re.body.pipeTo(wr);																												// Stream the response into the file.   // pipeTo() closes the destination pipe by default, no need to close it.
//console.log(DOMRegex(/^service\//)); // your regex here
function DOMRegex(regex) {  // try as function and as prototype
let output = [];
for (let i of document.querySelectorAll('*')) {
if (regex.test(i.type)) { // or whatever attribute you want to search
return output;
//getAllTagMatches(/^di/i); // Returns an array of all elements that begin with "di", eg "div"
function getAllTagMatches(regEx) {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('*')).filter(function (el) {
return el.tagName.match(regEx);
function showmsg578 (msg, duration)  {
var dbg=9, fn="showmsg578";           let mydivBase="showmsg",   mydivTitle="showmsgCOMMONtitle";   //,   myDivN=mydivBase;
let parents=[ mydivBase,  "styles_photo__",  "body" ];  // 'body' must be ALWAYS present !!!
let pareFou=0,     mydiv,    aa="n/a",  bb="n/a",   ddd1,   ddd2;
for (let x=0;x<2;x++) {
for (let i of parents) {    pareFou=document.querySelector(i);   					if(pareFou != null)  { aa=i; break; }
// потом допилить еще блее красивый поиск
pareFou=document.querySelector(`[class*="${i}"]`); 		if(pareFou != null)  { aa=i; break; }
pareFou=document.getElementById(i); 					if(pareFou != null)  { aa=i; break; }   }; 	if(dbg>5) log(`${fn}():  ${msg}`, `   found parent ${aa} pareFou=`, pareFou);
if (!pareFou) { console.log("showmsg(): can NOT add child to HTML");  return 11; }
if (pareFou.id != mydivBase) { 													if(dbg>5) log(`${fn}(): creating the anchor DIV !!!: `, aa);
mydiv = document.createElement("div");   mydiv.id=mydivBase;  	mydiv.style.position="absolute";   mydiv.title=mydivTitle + "_anchor";
bb=pareFou.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", mydiv);  // new way to appendChild !!! https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_node_insertadjacentelement.asp        https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2007357/how-to-set-dom-element-as-first-child
} // for x
mydiv = document.createElement("div"); 		mydiv.id=mydivBase + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); 	mydiv.style.position="relative";
mydiv.setAttribute("style",`width:auto; height:auto; top:10%; left:5%;  padding: 10px;  color:Silver; font-size:15px; background-color:#00008B; z-index:99;`); //	opacity:0.9;   text-shadow: 5px 5px 20px #00FF00;`);
mydiv.innerHTML = `<h2> ${msg} </h2>`;     		            // border: solid 5px Red;
bb=pareFou.appendChild(mydiv); 								if(dbg>5) log(`${fn}():  ---- new DIV=|${mydiv.id}|`, mydiv.id);
setTimeout(function() { 	if(pareFou!=null) mydiv.parentNode.removeChild(mydiv); 		}, duration);
if(dbg>5) {		log(`${fn}():  ${mydiv.id} appended to ${aa}  rc=${bb} <===`);
ddd1 = document.querySelector(mydiv.id);   ddd2 = document.getElementById(mydiv.id); 	log(`${fn}():  check ${mydiv.id} getElementById=${ddd1}  querySelector=${ddd2}`);  } //  !!!!!!  и querySelector и getElementById глючат и часто показывают null
}  // end of showmsg()
function WLH () {    let aa=window.location.href;   if (aa.match(/accounts.youtube/))   return "accounts.yotube";
return aa.replace(/http.*\/\/(www.)*(.*)\?.*/g,'$2');
var       fnName  = getFunctionsNameThatCalledThisFunction;  // get name of currently executing function       //function           gFNTCTF() { return gFNTCTF.caller.name;  }
function            getFunctionsNameThatCalledThisFunction() { return getFunctionsNameThatCalledThisFunction.caller.name;  }
var log = console.log;
//var originalLogger  = console.log;
//    var log = function() { for (var i of arguments)   originalLogger(i);  }   // писать одним аргументом, чтобы вывод был в пределах одного сообщения в логе !!! \n отрабатыват отлично!  log("1\n2", "3");
function sleepSYNC (millis)  {  // BLOCK execution of others threads!!!  ex.pausecomp
// выполнять блоками по 100-200 мс, чтобы не ставила все раком
let date = new Date(), curDate = null;   do { curDate = new Date(); }
while(curDate-date < millis);
function sleepASYNC (ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const repeatedGreetings = async () => {   // one more sleep ASYNC - WORKS !!!
console.log("First");        await sleepASYNC(1000)
console.log("Second");       await sleepASYNC(1000)
console.log("Third");        await sleepASYNC(1000)
} // repeatedGreetings()
//    function sleepQW (durat) {    setTimeout(function(){  log("sleepQW()");  },durat);    }
let mySleepInterim = (g) => (...args) => {      let f, res = () => f.next(),        sleep = (ms) => setTimeout(res, ms);    f = g.apply({sleep}, args); f.next();  };
let mySleepExample = mySleepInterim(function*() {   // https://developer.mozilla.org/ru/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Asynchronous/Promises
let sl=1200,  cnt;   let {sleep} = this;        // !!! в песочнице работало хорошо
console.log("Sleeping");     yield sleep(sl);
console.log("stage2");       yield sleep(sl);
console.log("stage3");       yield sleep(sl);
//mySleepExample();  // run step by step with delays // ВРОДЕ РАБОТАЕТ и НЕ жрет проц
function vsc_font(fntsz="") {  // change of Video Speed Controller (VSC) font size
//document.querySelector(".vsc-controller").shadowRoot.styleSheets[0].rules[0].styleSheet.cssRules[0].style.fontSize = '25px';
let font1=document.querySelector(".vsc-controller");
if (fntsz == "")     return font1?.shadowRoot?.styleSheets[0]?.rules[0]?.styleSheet?.cssRules[0]?.style?.fontSize;
if (font1?.shadowRoot?.styleSheets[0]?.rules[0]?.styleSheet?.cssRules[0]?.style?.fontSize) {
document.querySelector(".vsc-controller").shadowRoot.styleSheets[0].rules[0].styleSheet.cssRules[0].style.fontSize = fntsz;
if (dbg) console.log("vsc_font(): change " + font1?.shadowRoot?.styleSheets[0]?.rules[0]?.styleSheet?.cssRules[0]?.style?.fontSize + " -> " +fntsz);
return fntsz;
else console.error("vsc_font(): .vsc-controller....cssRules[0].style.fontSize is not found")
return 0;
//   fu nc tion waitElement(ele) {  // rc=1 - FOUND
function qS  (query, elem=document) {     return elem.querySelector(query);		}  // WORKS
//function qSA (que, elem=document) {     return elem.querySelectorALL(que); 	}  // FAILs если в que перечислены несколько критериев
function   queryElement(ele, doc=document) { // еще доделать, чтобы сначала искать указанный doc, а потом в нем искать ele
let aaa=doс?.querySelector(ele);      if(dbg>5) log("getEl(): " + aaa);      return aaa;
//const      qS            = queryElement;
//const      qSA           = document.querySelectorAll; // FAILs
//var	    qs = document.querySelector.bind(document),
var         qSA = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);  // WORKS
const       getEl         = queryElement;
const       queryEl       = queryElement; // !!! see also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13383886/making-a-short-alias-for-document-queryselectorall
function deleteElement (ele) {
let aaa=document.querySelector(ele);    if(aaa) aaa.remove();    if(dbg && dbg>=5) console.log("deleteElement(" +ele+ "): ", aaa);
function showmsg (msg, duration=2000, styl="", paren='n/a')  {   // ``` ёёё
let mydivBase="showmsg",   mydivTitle="showmsgCOMMONtitle";   //,   myDivN=mydivBase;
let sL1="n/a";      // static label
//      let parents=[   mydivBase,   "#player",    "body > div.container-fluid.inner-pages-banner > div",    "body > div.ribbon-container > div",  "body > header > div.container.less-margin",    "body > div.container-fluid.inner-pages-banner > div"];
//        let parents=[   mydivBase,   "body > div.mfp-wrap.mfp-gallery.mfp-close-btn-in.mfp-auto-cursor.mfp-fade.mfp-ready > div",                     "#player",              "body > div.container-fluid.inner-pages-banner > div",    "body > div.ribbon-container > div",  "body > header > div.container.less-margin",    "body > div.container-fluid.inner-pages-banner > div"];
// терпимо, но когда картинка на весь экран, то showmsg не видно  "body > div.mfp-wrap.mfp-gallery.mfp-close-btn-in.mfp-auto-cursor.mfp-fade.mfp-ready > div"
let parents=[   mydivBase,   "body > div.mfp-wrap.mfp-gallery.mfp-close-btn-in.mfp-auto-cursor.mfp-fade.mfp-ready > div > div.mfp-content > div > button",                     "#player",              "body > div.container-fluid.inner-pages-banner > div",    "body > div.ribbon-container > div",  "body > header > div.container.less-margin",    "body > div.container-fluid.inner-pages-banner > div"];
let pareFou=0,     mydiv,    aa="n/a",  bb="n/a",   ddd1,   ddd2;
for (let i of parents) {    pareFou=document.querySelector(i);   if(pareFou != null)  { aa=i; break; }   // try add  id[i]
pareFou=document.getElementById(i);  if(pareFou != null)  { aa=i; break; }
};     if(dbg>5) log(`   showmsg():  ${msg}`, `   found parent ${aa} pareFou=`, pareFou);
mydiv = document.createElement("div");
//mydiv.setAttribute("style",`width:auto;  top:5%;  left:9%;         height:auto;  color:Silver; font-size: 20px; background-color:black; `);   // position & z-index можно и тут прописать
//mydiv.setAttribute("style",`width:800px;  top:5%;  left:9%;         height:auto;  color:Silver; font-size: 20px; background-color:black; `);   // position & z-index можно и тут прописать
if(styl)  mydiv.setAttribute("style",styl);
//mydiv.innerHTML = `<h1> ${msg} </h1>`;                          // border: solid 5px Red;  // padding later // padding: 15px;
mydiv.innerHTML = msg;
var qaz=pareFou.id;      //     qaz=pareFou.title;      //log(`   qaz=|${qaz}|  new DIV=|${mydiv.id}|`);
if(qaz==mydivBase) {
mydiv.id=mydivBase + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);    mydiv.style.position="relative";
if(dbg) log("found by title: ", aa);
else {   mydiv.id=mydivBase;   mydiv.style.position="absolute";   mydiv.title=mydivTitle; }
if(dbg>5) log(`   ---- new DIV=|${mydiv.id}|`);
//log(`   -------  cmp qaz==mydivBase ${qaz==mydivBase}  ${qaz===mydivBase}`); //  ${qaz.localeCompare(mydivBase)}`);
//var zx=new String(qaz);  log(zx.length);  var zy=new String(mydivBase);   log(zy.length);   log(zx==zy);  log(zx===zy);
//if ( aa=staticL('chk') )  // cmp ?
//    log(`mydivBase= ${aa}  already exists=${staticL('get')}`);
if(pareFou==null) { aa="document.body";  bb=document.body.appendChild(mydiv); }
else                                     bb=pareFou.appendChild(mydiv);
setTimeout(function() {  //if (mydiv.id=mydivBase) return;  // never delete base
if(pareFou!=null) mydiv.parentNode.removeChild(mydiv);
//     также восстановить staticLabel
}, duration);
if(dbg>5) log(`   showmsg(): ${mydiv.id} appended to ${aa}  rc=${bb} <===`);
ddd1 = document.querySelector(mydiv.id);   ddd2 = document.getElementById(mydiv.id);   if(dbg) log(`      showmsg(): check ${mydiv.id} getElementById=${ddd1}  querySelector=${ddd2}`);  //  !!!!!!  и querySelector и getElementById глючат и часто показывают null
}  // end of showmsg()
function deletemsg()  {
let what="showmsg";    let ddd1 = document.querySelector(what);    let ddd2 = document.getElementById(what);
if(dbg) log(`hidemsg(): ${what} getElementById=${ddd1}  querySelector=${ddd2}`);  // querySelector ВСЕГДА показывает null    // getElementById - WORKS FINE !!!
if(ddd1!=null) ddd1.parentNode.removeChild(ddd1);   if(ddd2!=null) ddd2.parentNode.removeChild(ddd2);
function staticL_example () {  // !!! for use as static variables // persistent
let aa;
aa=staticL('create',  "myLabel13",  "cr567");    log(`create:      rc=${aa}  exists: ${staticL('chk', "myLabel13")} value=${staticL('get', "myLabel13")}`);
aa=staticL('zero',    "myLabel13");              log(`zero:        rc=${aa}  exists: ${staticL('chk', "myLabel13")} value=${staticL('get', "myLabel13")}`);
aa=staticL('update',  "myLabel13",  "upd755");   log(`update:      rc=${aa}  exists: ${staticL('chk', "myLabel13")} value=${staticL('get', "myLabel13")}`);
aa=staticL('compare', "myLabel13",  "upd444");   log(`compare bad  rc=${aa}  exists: ${staticL('chk', "myLabel13")} value=${staticL('get', "myLabel13")}`);
aa=staticL('compare', "myLabel13",  "upd755");   log(`compare ok   rc=${aa}  exists: ${staticL('chk', "myLabel13")} value=${staticL('get', "myLabel13")}`);
aa=staticL('wrong',   "smr332");                 log(`wrong_cmd    rc=${aa}  exists: ${staticL('chk', "myLabel13")} value=${staticL('get', "myLabel13")}`);
}   // end of staticL_example()
//function staticL (cmd, staticLabel="sampleStatLabel111", txt="n/a") {  // !!! for use as static variables // persistent
//    let sLL="n/a", aa, staticLabel="showmsg_static1"
function staticL (cmd, staticLabel="sampleStatLabel111", txt="n/a") {  // !!! for use as static variables // persistent
let sLL="n/a", aa;  // staticLabel="showmsg_static1"
switch (cmd) {
case 'cr':  case 'create':    sLL=queryL();  // usage:   aa=staticL('cr|create', "myLabel13",  "init123");   log(`create:    rc=${aa}  exists: ${staticL('chk')} value=${staticL('get')}`);
if(sLL == null) {  sLL=document.createElement("LABEL");   sLL.htmlFor=staticLabel;
document.body.appendChild(sLL);        sLL.setAttribute("display","none");  }
return true;   break;
case 'get':                    // usage:   aa=staticL('get', "myLabel13");                      log(`get:       rc=${aa}  exists: ${staticL('chk')} value=${staticL('get')}`);
sLL=queryL();           if(sLL == null) return null;
return sLL.innerText;   break;
case 'zero':   case 'reset':   case 'upd':   case 'update':   // usage:   aa=staticL('zero|reset',  "myLabel13");               log(`zero:      rc=${aa}  exists: ${staticL('chk')} value=${staticL('get')}`);
// usage:   aa=staticL('upd|update',  "myLabel13",  "upd555") ;   log(`update:    rc=${aa}  exists: ${staticL('chk')} value=${staticL('get')}`);
sLL=queryL();                    if(sLL == null) return null;
(cmd=="zero" || cmd=="reset")  ? sLL.innerText=""  : sLL.innerText=txt;
return true;   break;
case 'cmp':   case 'compare':   // usage:   aa=staticL('cmp|compare',  "myLabel13", "upd555");   log(`compare    rc=${aa}  exists: ${staticL('chk')} value=${staticL('get')}`);
sLL=queryL();       if(sLL.innerText != txt) return null;
return true;   break;
case 'chk':   case 'exist':   case 'check':       // usage:   aa=staticL('chk|exist|check', "myLabel13");          log(`check      rc=${aa}  exists: ${staticL('chk')} value=${staticL('get')}`);
if (queryL()) return true;  else return null;
default:      log("staticL(): bad cmd=" + cmd);   // usage:   aa=staticL('wrong',  "smr332");         log(`wrong_cmd  rc=${aa}  exists: ${staticL('chk')} value=${staticL('get')}`);
return null; break;
function queryL() {  return document.querySelector( `label[for=${staticLabel}]` ); }
}   // end of staticL()
function isNumber(n){
return Number(n)=== n;
// see also function isNumber(val) {   return !isNaN(val);  }
//   // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18082/validate-decimal-numbers-in-javascript-isnumeric
//   // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20169217/how-to-write-isnumber-in-javascript
// [0, 1, 2, -1, 1.345e+17, Infinity, false, true, NaN, '1', '0'].map(function(itm){ 	return itm+'= '+isNumber(itm);	});
} // isNumber()
function TrustedHTMLworkaround () {
if (window.trustedTypes && window.trustedTypes.createPolicy)	{
window.trustedTypes.createPolicy('default', { 	createHTML: (string, sink) => string	});
} // TrustedHTMLworkaround()
function TrustedHTMLworkaround2 () {
// WORKAROUND: TypeError: Failed to set the 'innerHTML' property on 'Element': This document requires 'TrustedHTML' assignment.
if (window.trustedTypes) {
if (!window.trustedTypes.defaultPolicy) {
const passThroughFn = (x) => x;
window.trustedTypes.createPolicy('default', {
createHTML: passThroughFn,
createScriptURL: passThroughFn,
createScript: passThroughFn,
} // TrustedHTMLworkaround2()