Automatically sync userstyles by visiting the mirror URL with a selection UI
// ==UserScript==// @name Userstyle World - Auto Sync UserStyles with Selection UI// @namespace @version 2.0// @description Automatically sync userstyles by visiting the mirror URL with a selection UI// @author Nick2bad4u// @license Unlicense// @homepageURL @supportURL @icon @match *://*// @grant none// ==/UserScript==(function () {'use strict';/*** @constant {string} SYNC_STATUS_ID - The ID of the element displaying the sync status.*/const SYNC_STATUS_ID = 'sync-status';/*** @constant {string} UI_CONTAINER_ID - The ID of the UI container element.*/const UI_CONTAINER_ID = 'sync-ui-container';/*** @const {string} MINIMIZE_BUTTON_TEXT_COLLAPSE - The text used to represent the collapse action on a minimize button.*/const MINIMIZE_BUTTON_TEXT_COLLAPSE = '-';/*** @const {string} MINIMIZE_BUTTON_TEXT_EXPAND - The text used to represent the expand button when a section is minimized.*/const MINIMIZE_BUTTON_TEXT_EXPAND = '+';/*** @const {string} SELECT_ALL_BUTTON_TEXT_SELECT - The text for the "Select All" button.*/const SELECT_ALL_BUTTON_TEXT_SELECT = 'Select All';/*** @const {string} SELECT_ALL_BUTTON_TEXT_DESELECT - Text for a button that deselects all items.*/const SELECT_ALL_BUTTON_TEXT_DESELECT = 'Deselect All';/*** Extracts style IDs from the page.* @returns {string[]} An array of style IDs.*/function getStyleIDs() {return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a.card-header.thumbnail')).map((link) => link.getAttribute('href')).map((href) => href.match(/\/style\/(\d+)\//)).filter(Boolean) // Remove null => match[1]);}/*** Visits the mirror URL for a given style ID.* @param {string} styleID The style ID to visit.* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the mirror URL is visited successfully, or rejects if an error occurs.*/async function visitMirrorURL(styleID) {const mirrorURL = `${styleID}`;try {const response = await fetch(mirrorURL);if (!response.ok) {throw new Error(`Failed to visit ${mirrorURL}: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);}updateStatus(`Successfully visited mirror URL for style ID: ${styleID}`);} catch (error) {updateStatus(`Error visiting mirror URL for style ID: ${styleID}. Error: ${error.message}`);console.error(`Error visiting ${mirrorURL}:`, error);}}/*** Updates the status message in the UI.* @param {string} message The message to display.*/function updateStatus(message) {const statusElement = document.getElementById(SYNC_STATUS_ID);if (statusElement) {statusElement.textContent = message;}}/*** Creates a user interface for selecting and syncing styles.** @param {string[]} styleIDs An array of style IDs to be displayed as selectable options.** @returns {void} This function does not return a value. It creates and appends a UI container to the document body.** @description* This function dynamically generates a UI container with checkboxes for each style ID provided.* It includes features such as:* - A title bar with a minimize/expand button.* - Checkboxes for selecting individual styles.* - Shift-click functionality for selecting multiple checkboxes at once.* - A "Select All" button to toggle the selection of all styles.* - A "Sync Selected Styles" button to initiate the syncing process for selected styles.* - A status display to provide feedback on the syncing process.** The UI is appended to the document body as a fixed element, allowing users to interact with it regardless of page scrolling.** @fires syncButton.onclick - When the "Sync Selected Styles" button is clicked, it triggers the syncing process for the selected style IDs.* @fires selectAllButton.onclick - When the "Select All" button is clicked, it toggles the selection state of all checkboxes.* @fires checkbox.onclick - When a checkbox is clicked, it updates the visibility of the "Sync Selected Styles" button based on whether any checkboxes are selected. It also handles shift-click selection.* @fires minimizeButton.onclick - When the minimize button is clicked, it collapses or expands the form.*/function createUI(styleIDs) {const container = document.createElement('div'); = UI_CONTAINER_ID;Object.assign(, {position: 'fixed',bottom: '10px',right: '10px',width: '250px',backgroundColor: '#000',border: '1px solid #5a4ebc',borderRadius: '5px',padding: '15px',boxShadow: '0 2px 10px #0000001a',zIndex: '1000',maxHeight: '50vh',overflowY: 'auto',color: '#fff',});const titleContainer = document.createElement('div');Object.assign(, {display: 'flex',justifyContent: 'space-between',alignItems: 'center',});container.appendChild(titleContainer);const title = document.createElement('h3');title.textContent = 'Select Styles to Sync';Object.assign(, {marginBottom: '10px',fontSize: '16px',fontWeight: 'bold',});titleContainer.appendChild(title);const minimizeButton = document.createElement('button');minimizeButton.textContent = MINIMIZE_BUTTON_TEXT_COLLAPSE;Object.assign(, {background: 'none',border: 'none',cursor: 'pointer',fontSize: '16px',marginBottom: '10px',color: '#fff',});titleContainer.appendChild(minimizeButton);let isMinimized = false;let lastCheckedCheckbox = null;const form = document.createElement('form'); = 'none';const checkboxes = => {const label = document.createElement('label');Object.assign(, {display: 'flex',alignItems: 'center',marginBottom: '8px',});const checkbox = document.createElement('input');checkbox.type = 'checkbox';checkbox.value = styleID;Object.assign(, {marginRight: '10px',opacity: '1',});label.appendChild(checkbox);label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(` Style ID: ${styleID}`));form.appendChild(label);checkbox.addEventListener('click', (event) => {if (event.shiftKey && lastCheckedCheckbox !== null) {const currentIndex = checkboxes.indexOf(checkbox);const lastIndex = checkboxes.indexOf(lastCheckedCheckbox);const start = Math.min(currentIndex, lastIndex);const end = Math.max(currentIndex, lastIndex);for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {checkboxes[i].checked = lastCheckedCheckbox.checked;}}lastCheckedCheckbox = checkbox; = checkboxes.some((checkbox) => checkbox.checked) ? 'block' : 'none';});return checkbox;});const selectAllButton = document.createElement('button');selectAllButton.textContent = SELECT_ALL_BUTTON_TEXT_SELECT;selectAllButton.type = 'button';Object.assign(, {width: '100%',padding: '10px',backgroundColor: '#28a745',color: '#fff',border: 'none',borderRadius: '5px',cursor: 'pointer',fontSize: '14px',marginBottom: '10px',display: 'none',});selectAllButton.onclick = () => {const allChecked = checkboxes.every((checkbox) => checkbox.checked);checkboxes.forEach((checkbox) => (checkbox.checked = !allChecked));selectAllButton.textContent = allChecked ? SELECT_ALL_BUTTON_TEXT_SELECT : SELECT_ALL_BUTTON_TEXT_DESELECT; = checkboxes.some((checkbox) => checkbox.checked) ? 'block' : 'none';};container.appendChild(selectAllButton);const syncButton = document.createElement('button');syncButton.textContent = 'Sync Selected Styles';syncButton.type = 'button';Object.assign(, {width: '100%',padding: '10px',backgroundColor: '#007bff',color: '#fff',border: 'none',borderRadius: '5px',cursor: 'pointer',fontSize: '14px',marginTop: '10px',display: 'none',});syncButton.addEventListener('mouseover', () => { = '#0056b3';});syncButton.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { = '#007bff';});syncButton.onclick = () => {const selectedIDs = checkboxes.filter((checkbox) => checkbox.checked).map((checkbox) => checkbox.value);if (selectedIDs.length > 0) {updateStatus('Syncing selected styles...');const promises = (styleID) => {const mirrorURL = `${styleID}`;updateStatus(`Syncing from: ${mirrorURL}`);await visitMirrorURL(styleID);});Promise.all(promises).then(() => {updateStatus(`Syncing complete for styles: ${selectedIDs.join(', ')}`);});} else {updateStatus('No styles selected for syncing.');}};const status = document.createElement('div'); = SYNC_STATUS_ID;Object.assign(, {marginBottom: '10px',fontSize: '12px',color: '#fff',});container.insertBefore(status, titleContainer);container.appendChild(syncButton);container.appendChild(form);document.body.appendChild(container);/*** Toggles the visibility of the form and certain buttons based on the `isMinimized` state.* When minimized, the form, selectAllButton, and status are hidden, and the syncButton is shown only if any checkboxes are checked.* When not minimized, the form, selectAllButton, and status are shown, and the syncButton is hidden.* The minimizeButton's text content is also updated to reflect the current state.*/function toggleMinimize() {isMinimized = !isMinimized; = isMinimized ? 'none' : 'block'; = isMinimized ? 'none' : 'block'; = isMinimized && checkboxes.some((checkbox) => checkbox.checked) ? 'block' : 'none'; = isMinimized ? 'none' : 'block';minimizeButton.textContent = isMinimized ? MINIMIZE_BUTTON_TEXT_EXPAND : MINIMIZE_BUTTON_TEXT_COLLAPSE;}minimizeButton.onclick = toggleMinimize;toggleMinimize(); // Initialize to minimized state}/*** @function main* @description This is the main function that initializes the script. It retrieves style IDs from the page,* and if style IDs are found, it creates the user interface. If no style IDs are found, it logs a warning* to the console and updates the status message.* @returns {void}*/function main() {const styleIDs = getStyleIDs();if (styleIDs.length > 0) {createUI(styleIDs);} else {console.warn('No style IDs found on the page.');updateStatus('No style IDs found on the page.');}}// Execute main function after the page is fully loadedif (document.readyState === 'loading') {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main);} else {main();}})();