Import whatever model URLs you need - library that does the heavy lifting
This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Barclay's Library
- // @namespace
- // @grant none
- // @version 1.1.2
- // @author onlypuppy7
- // @description Import whatever model URLs you need - library that does the heavy lifting
- // @match *://*/*
- // ==/UserScript==
- //this library is based off LibertyMutual by onlypuppy7
- const BARCLAYS = {
- modelURLs: [],
- ss: null,
- H: {},
- log: function (...args) { //yeah, i got inspired. what about it?
- console.log(
- "%c%s",
- `color: white; font-weight: bold; background:rgb(0, 85, 128); padding: 2px 6px; border-radius: 5px; margin-right: 5px;`,
- `Barclay's`,
- ...args
- );
- },
- init: function () { //setup the script injection. separated out to enable users to put the injection code into their own scripts with different loading mechanisms.
- let originalReplace = String.prototype.replace;
- String.prototype.originalReplace = function() {
- return originalReplace.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- const originalXHROpen =;
- const originalXHRGetResponse = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(XMLHttpRequest.prototype, 'response');
- let shellshockjs
- = function(...args) {
- const url = args[1];
- if (url && url.includes("js/shellshock.js")) {
- shellshockjs = this;
- };
- originalXHROpen.apply(this, args);
- };
- Object.defineProperty(XMLHttpRequest.prototype, 'response', {
- get: function() {
- if (this===shellshockjs) {
- BARCLAYS.log("shellshock.js intercepted");
- return BARCLAYS.applyBarclays(;
- };
- return;
- }
- });
- },
- applyBarclays: function (js) {
- try {
- let F=[];
- let functionNames=[];
- //scrambled... geddit????
- const getScrambled=function(){return Array.from({length: 10}, () => String.fromCharCode(97 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 26))).join('')}
- const createAnonFunction=function(name,func){
- const funcName=getScrambled();
- window[funcName]=func;
- F[name]=window[funcName];
- functionNames[name]=funcName
- };
- const fetchTextContent = function(url) {
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
-'GET', url, false); // make the request synchronous
- xhr.send();
- if (xhr.status === 200) {
- return xhr.responseText;
- } else {
- console.error("Error fetching text content. Status:", xhr.status);
- return null;
- };
- };
- createAnonFunction("BARCLAYS", function(ss) {
- = ss;
- // window.globalBarclays = ss;
- BARCLAYS.replaceModels();
- });
- let clientKeys;
- onlineClientKeys = fetchTextContent(""); //credit: me :D
- if (onlineClientKeys == "value_undefined" || onlineClientKeys == null) {
- let userInput = prompt('Valid keys could not be retrieved online. Enter keys if you have them. Join the SFNetwork Discord server to generate keys!', '');
- if (userInput !== null && userInput !== '') {
- alert('Aight, let\'s try this. If it is invalid, it will just crash.');
- clientKeys = JSON.parse(userInput);
- } else {
- alert('You did not enter anything, this is gonna crash lmao.');
- };
- } else {
- clientKeys = JSON.parse(onlineClientKeys);
- };
- BARCLAYS.H = clientKeys.vars;
- let injectionString="";
- const modifyJS = function(find,replace) {
- let oldJS = js;
- js = js.originalReplace(find,replace);
- if (oldJS !== js) {
- console.log("%c[BARCLAYS] Replacement successful! Injected code: "+replace, 'color: green; font-weight: bold; font-size: 0.6em; text-decoration: italic;');
- } else {
- console.log("%c[BARCLAYS] Replacement failed! Attempted to replace "+find+" with: "+replace, 'color: red; font-weight: bold; font-size: 0.6em; text-decoration: italic;');
- };
- };
- BARCLAYS.log('%c[BARCLAYS] ATTEMPTING TO START BARCLAYS', 'color: magenta; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.5em; text-decoration: underline;');
- const variableNameRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_$,"]*$/; //prevent adding spooky code
- for (let name in BARCLAYS.H) {
- deobf = BARCLAYS.H[name];
- if (variableNameRegex.test(deobf)) {
- injectionString = `${injectionString}${name}: (() => { try { return ${deobf}; } catch (error) { return "value_undefined"; } })(),`;
- } else {
- alert("Message from the Barclays Devs: WARNING! The keys inputted contain non-variable characters! There is a possibility that this could run code unintended by the Barclays team, although possibly there is also a mistake. Do NOT proceed with using this, and report to the Barclays developers what is printed in the console.");
- const crashplease = "balls";
- crashplease = "balls2";
- };
- };
- BARCLAYS.log("Barclay's injectionString:", injectionString);
- modifyJS(`"Object meshes loaded"),`, `"Object meshes loaded"),window["${functionNames.BARCLAYS}"]({${injectionString}}),`);
- // BARCLAYS.log(js);
- return js;
- } catch (error) {
- console.error("Error applying Barclay's:", error);
- return js;
- };
- },
- replaceModels: function (modelURLs = BARCLAYS.modelURLs, noLog = false) {
- //you can call this function later if you want to replace models again
- //if you need to reinstate the original models, you will need to pass in the original mesh URLs
- //eg: /models/full/egg.glb
- function replaceMesh(sourceMesh, targetMesh) {
- if (sourceMesh && targetMesh) {
- const vertexData =;
- vertexData.applyToMesh(targetMesh);
- if (!noLog) BARCLAYS.log("Mesh geometry replaced successfully!",;
- } else {
- console.error("One of the meshes was not found!");
- };
- };
- BARCLAYS.log("Preparing to replace models...", modelURLs);
- modelURLs.forEach(function(url) {
- BARCLAYS.log("Loading model from URL:", url);
- "", // Empty string imports all meshes
- "", // Empty root URL uses the path provided
- url, // Path to GLB file
- undefined, // Scene to import into
- function (meshes, particleSystems, skeletons, animationGroups) {
- "meshes loaded:",
- meshes
- .filter(mesh => !== "__root__")
- .map(mesh =>
- );
- console.log("particleSystems loaded:", particleSystems);
- console.log("skeletons loaded:", skeletons);
- console.log("animationGroups loaded:", animationGroups);
- for (var m = 0; m < meshes.length; m++) {
- var mesh2 = meshes[m];
- if ( !== "__root__") {
- mesh2.setEnabled(false);
- mesh2.isPickable = false;
- mesh2.animations = animationGroups;
- let meshInGlobalScene =;
- if (meshInGlobalScene) {
- replaceMesh(mesh2, meshInGlobalScene);
- mesh2.animations.forEach((anim, index) => {
- let animName =;
- let animInGlobalScene = meshInGlobalScene.getAnimationByName(animName);
- if (animInGlobalScene) {
- let tempTargeted = anim._targetedAnimations;
- tempTargeted.forEach((targeted, index) => {
- tempTargeted[index].target =;
- });
- animInGlobalScene._targetedAnimations = tempTargeted;
- BARCLAYS.log(`Animation ${index + 1} (${animName}) replaced successfully!`);
- };
- });
- };
- mesh2.dispose(false, true);
- };
- };
- BARCLAYS.log("Meshes replaced successfully!");
- },
- );
- });
- },
- restoreModels: function () {
- BARCLAYS.log("Restoring models...");
- const models = BARCLAYS.H.meshesToLoad.split(",");
- //add /models/full/ to the start of each model
- const modelURLs = => `/models/full/${model.replaceAll('"','')}.glb`);
- modelURLs.push("/models/map.glb"); //add the map back in, as it's not in full
- BARCLAYS.replaceModels(modelURLs, true);
- },
- };
- BARCLAYS.log("Barclay's Library loaded. Built by onlypuppy7 :>");