Adds a button for open all selected submissiuns
// ==UserScript== // @name Furaffinity Open Selected // @namespaceтитан // @version 1.3 // @description Adds a button for open all selected submissiuns // @author Титан // @match* // @require // @icon // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; let openDelay; // increase timeout to get less often 503 error. Or set to 0 and install "503 reload" script let coloredButtons; const css = ` button[class="standard remove-checked"] { background-color:#ff000021 } button[class="standard invert-selection"] { filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg); } button[class="standard open-selected"] { background-color:#0803 } ` var arriveOptions = { fireOnAttributesModification: false, onceOnly: true, existing: true }; document.arrive(".section-options.actions", arriveOptions, function (newElem) {CreateButton(newElem)}); let menuCommand_ColoredButtons; let menuCommand_OpenDelay; RegisterMenuCommands().then(() => { ApplyColoredButtons(); }); async function RegisterMenuCommands() { coloredButtons = await GM.getValue('coloredButtons', true) openDelay = await GM.getValue('openDelay', 30); menuCommand_ColoredButtons = GM_registerMenuCommand( `Colored Buttons ${(coloredButtons? "✅":"❎")}`, async () => { coloredButtons = !coloredButtons; await GM.setValue('coloredButtons', coloredButtons); ApplyColoredButtons() ReInitializeMenuCommands(); }); menuCommand_OpenDelay = GM_registerMenuCommand( `Change Open Delay [${openDelay} ms]`, async () => { let delay = prompt("Set Open Delay (ms)", await openDelay); if (delay) { delay = parseInt(delay); if (isNaN(delay)) { alert("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number."); return; } openDelay = delay; await GM.setValue('openDelay', openDelay); } ReInitializeMenuCommands(); }); } function ApplyColoredButtons() { if (coloredButtons) ApplyCss(); else RemoveCss(); } function ReInitializeMenuCommands() { GM_unregisterMenuCommand(menuCommand_ColoredButtons); GM_unregisterMenuCommand(menuCommand_OpenDelay); RegisterMenuCommands(); } function ApplyCss() { const style = document.createElement("style"); style.textContent = css; = "coloredButtons"; document.head.appendChild(style); } function RemoveCss() { let style = document.getElementById("coloredButtons"); if (style) { style.remove(); } } openDelay = GM.getValue('openDelay', 30); function CreateButton(Panel) { let galleries = document.querySelectorAll(".gallery"); if(galleries) { let newButton = document.createElement('button'); newButton.classList.add('standard'); newButton.classList.add('open-checked'); newButton.setAttribute('type','button'); newButton.onclick = function() { let i = 0; for(let gallery of galleries) { for (let figure of gallery.children) { if (figure.classList.contains('checked')) { setTimeout(function () { }, openDelay * i++); } } } window.focus(); } newButton.append(document.createTextNode("Open Selected")); newButton.className = "standard open-selected"; Panel.lastElementChild.previousSibling.previousSibling.before(newButton) } } })();