Adds a block button to tweets excluding your own, using native Twitter block
// ==UserScript== // @name X Block // @namespace // @version 0.4 // @description Adds a block button to tweets excluding your own, using native Twitter block // @author adamlproductions // @match* // @run-at document-start // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; let myScreenName = null; function extractUserInfo() { const profileLink = document.querySelector('a[href^="/"][aria-label*="Profile"]'); if (profileLink) { myScreenName = profileLink.getAttribute('href').slice(1).toLowerCase(); } else { console.log('Profile link not found.'); } } function waitForProfile() { if(null !== myScreenName){ return; } const profileLink = document.querySelector('a[href^="/"][aria-label*="Profile"]'); if (profileLink) { extractUserInfo(); } else { setTimeout(waitForProfile, 1000); } } function triggerNativeBlock(screenName, tweetElement) { console.log("tweetElement:", tweetElement); const menuButton = tweetElement.querySelector('button[aria-label="More"][role="button"]'); if (!menuButton) { console.error('Context menu not found for tweet'); return; }; setTimeout(() => { const blockOption = document.querySelector(`div[role="menuitem"][data-testid="block"]`); if (blockOption) {; } else { console.error('Block option not found in menu'); } }, 500); } function addBlockButton(tweet) { const actions = tweet.querySelector('div[role="group"]'); if (actions && !actions.querySelector('.block-button')) { const usernameLink = tweet.querySelector('a[href^="/"]'); if (usernameLink) { const screenName = usernameLink.getAttribute('href').slice(1).toLowerCase(); if (screenName !== myScreenName) { const blockButton = document.createElement('button'); blockButton.textContent = 'Block'; blockButton.className = 'block-button'; = '10px'; = 'pointer'; blockButton.addEventListener('click', () => { triggerNativeBlock(screenName, tweet); }); actions.appendChild(blockButton); } } } } function scanAndAddButtons() { waitForProfile(); document.querySelectorAll('article').forEach(article => { addBlockButton(article); }); } let pageObserver; function observePage() { if (pageObserver) pageObserver.disconnect(); const contentArea = document.querySelector('main') || document.body; pageObserver = new MutationObserver(() => { scanAndAddButtons(); }); pageObserver.observe(contentArea, { childList: true, subtree: true }); scanAndAddButtons(); } let lastPath = ''; function checkNavigation() { const currentPath = window.location.pathname; if (currentPath !== lastPath) { lastPath = currentPath; if (/\/status\/\d+/.test(currentPath)) { observePage(); } else { if (pageObserver) { pageObserver.disconnect(); pageObserver = null; } } } } setInterval(checkNavigation, 500); checkNavigation(); })();