Accurately sorts your anime list by progress, and displays correct progress percentages for each anime
- Adds a floating button on the bottom right corner of your screen
- Click it to cycle through a loop which will sort your anime list by progress accurately and accordingly: Default -> Descending order -> Ascending order
- Also displays your correct progress percentage for each anime, so you know how far you're into a series!
- Does so with pretty colors too, according to your progress! Green for high progress, orange for medium progress, and red for low progress
- [EXTRA!!!] Special behavior ONLY with Completed anime:
- They will never display a progress percentage (since we know it's always 100% for all of them)
- [EXTRA!!!] Special behavior ONLY while viewing the All Anime category AND sorting the list:
- Completed anime are moved to the top of the page when sorting in descending order, and to the bottom when sorting in ascending order
- Dropped anime are always moved to the bottom of the page, no matter the sorting
- Works on all anime list categories!!!
- Works with Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey, and Greasemonkey!!!
- Compatible with the MAL-Sync extension
For a full and error-free experience:
- Use the Modern List Design
- Enable the Episodes column on your Anime List Settings
Should other external tools (scripts, extensions, etc.) conflict with the script and cause it to not work, try disabling them!
Have suggestions? Encountered an error? Let me know in the feedback section! :)