Optimize media playback by caching video segments to minimize user waiting time and maximize cache efficiency.
// ==UserScript== // @name Mediaplay缓存优化 // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 1.7 // @description Optimize media playback by caching video segments to minimize user waiting time and maximize cache efficiency. // @author KiwiFruit // @match *://*/* // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // 检查网络信息API是否可用 if (navigator.connection && navigator.connection.downlink) { const networkSpeed = navigator.connection.downlink; console.log(`Estimated download speed: ${networkSpeed} Mbps`); } else { console.log('Network Information API not supported or downlink property not available.'); // 尝试动态加载Speedtest by Ookla库 const script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/speedtest-net'; // Speedtest by Ookla的CDN地址 script.onload = function() { console.log('Speedtest by Ookla library loaded successfully.'); // 创建Speedtest实例并开始测试 const speedtest = new window.SpeedTest({ upload: true, // 是否测试上传速度 download: true, // 是否测试下载速度 ping: true // 是否测试延迟 }); speedtest.on('data', data => { console.log('Speedtest Data:', data); }); speedtest.on('error', err => { console.error('Speedtest Error:', err); }); speedtest.start(); }; script.onerror = function() { console.error('Failed to load Speedtest by Ookla library.'); }; document.head.appendChild(script); } // 初始化参数 const N = 10; // 假设每个视频有10个片段 const d = Array.from({ length: N }, () => Math.random()); // 下载时延模拟 const videoQuality = 720; // 假设视频分辨率为720p const userPreferences = { quality: true }; // 假设用户偏好高清视频 const D = 5; // 最大允许总时延 const C = 3; // 缓存容量限制 let lambda_val = 0; let mu_val = 0; const alpha = 0.1; const beta = 0.1; const tolerance = 1e-6; const max_iterations = 1000; // 效用函数 function u(x, di, videoQuality, userPreferences) { const qualityFactor = userPreferences.quality ? videoQuality : 1; return x === 1 ? (qualityFactor / Math.max(di, 0.06)) : 0; // Assuming 60ms as 0.06 seconds } // 下载时延 function getDownloadDelay(segmentSize) { const networkSpeed = navigator.connection ? navigator.connection.downlink : 15; // Default to 15Mbps if not available const bandwidth = networkSpeed * #### * ####; // Convert Mbps to bytes per second return segmentSize / bandwidth; // Calculate download delay } // 优化算法 (梯度下降法) function optimizeCache(d, D, C, alpha, beta, max_iterations, tolerance) { let x = new Array(N).fill(0); let iteration = 0; while (iteration < max_iterations) { // 梯度下降更新 const gradLambda = d.reduce((sum, di, idx) => sum + di * x[idx], 0) - D; const gradMu = x.reduce((sum, xi) => sum + xi, 0) - C; lambda_val -= alpha * gradLambda; mu_val -= beta * gradMu; // 更新决策变量 for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) { const utility = u(x[i], d[i], videoQuality, userPreferences) - lambda_val * d[i] - mu_val; x[i] = utility > 0 ? 1 : 0; } // 检查收敛条件 if (Math.abs(gradLambda) < tolerance && Math.abs(gradMu) < tolerance) { break; } iteration++; } return x; } // 缓存策略 function cacheSegments(mediaElement, optimalSolution) { const sources = mediaElement.querySelectorAll('source'); sources.forEach((source, index) => { if (optimalSolution[index] === 1) { const segmentUrl = source.src; fetch(segmentUrl) .then(response => response.blob()) .then(blob => { // 将片段存储在内存或本地存储中 console.log(`Cached segment ${index}:`, blob); }) .catch(error => console.error(`Failed to cache segment ${index}:`, error)); } }); } // 获取页面上的所有媒体元素(视频和音频) const mediaElements = document.querySelectorAll('video, audio'); // 对每个媒体元素进行处理 mediaElements.forEach(mediaElement => { // 监听播放事件 mediaElement.addEventListener('play', function() { console.log('Media element started playing:', mediaElement); // 启动缓存逻辑 const optimalSolution = optimizeCache(d, D, C, alpha, beta, max_iterations, tolerance); cacheSegments(mediaElement, optimalSolution); }); // 监听暂停事件 mediaElement.addEventListener('pause', function() { console.log('Media element paused:', mediaElement); // 在这里可以添加一些暂停时的处理逻辑,例如停止缓存或释放资源 }); // 监听结束事件 mediaElement.addEventListener('ended', function() { console.log('Media element ended:', mediaElement); // 在这里可以添加一些播放结束时的处理逻辑,例如清理缓存或重置状态 }); }); })();