적 공격 메시지를 중복 전송하여 kill 데이터를 부풀리는 스크립트 (슬라이더로 1~50000 조정)
Kill Multiplier*50000
Hi, I'm nBROLYn lol
tell me what script u want, i'll make it lol
Hey, here’s how you can use it:
1. First, install Tampermonkey on your browser. You can find it in the Chrome Web Store or for your specific browser.
2. Then, go to this link: https://greasyfork.org/ko/scripts/529650-swordmasters-io-kill-multiplier-via-ws-duplication
3. Click the green "Install Script" button.
4. After installing, reload the game page.
5. You should see a UI appear at the bottom-left of your screen where you can adjust the multiplier settings.
Let me know if you need more help!