You can also try these related scripts:
- WME Junction Angle Info - Show the angle between two selected (and connected) segments
- WME Advanced Closures - Recurrent and imported closures in the Waze Map Editor
- WME URComments-Enhanced - URComments-Enhanced (URC-E) allows Waze editors to handle WME update requests more quickly and efficiently. Also adds many UR filtering options, ability to change the markers, plus much, much, more!
- WME Google Place Layer - Adds a Google Maps Place layer overlay to the Waze Map Editor. Syncs with WME’s map center and zoom level. - Shift+P: Toggle layer visibility. - Shift+L: Toggle interactivity (enable/disable pointer events).
- WME LiveMap Alerts Overlay - Overlay alerts from the Waze LiveMap