Adds helpful keyboard shortcut keys to
// ==UserScript== // @name shortcut keys // @namespace Barefoot Monkey // @description Adds helpful keyboard shortcut keys to // @include* // @include* // @require // @version 2.2 // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @noframes // ==/UserScript== var version = '2.2' add_menu_entry() $('<style>') .text( '.BarefootMonkey-popup-bg {' +' background: #3C424D;' +' position: fixed;' +' top: 0;' +' bottom: 0;' +' left: 0;' +' right: 0;' +' opacity: 0.85;' +' z-index: 9988;' +' cursor: pointer;' +'}' +'.BarefootMonkey-popup ul {' +' list-style: inside;' +'}' +'.BarefootMonkey-popup p {' +' margin: 0.7em 0;' +'}' +'.BarefootMonkey-popup h1 i {' +' font-size: 0.5em;' +' font-weight: bold;' +'}' +'.BarefootMonkey-popup a {' +' color: #4B72D4;' +' font-weight: bold;' +'}' +'.BarefootMonkey-popup h1 {' +' font-size: 1.5em;' +' margin: 0px 0px 0.5em;' +' border-bottom: 1px solid #6B7A8C;' +' padding-bottom: 0.5em;' +'}' +'.BarefootMonkey-popup key, .BarefootMonkey-popup b {' +' font-weight: bold;' +'}' +'.BarefootMonkey-popup {' +' background: #F0F2F5 none repeat scroll 0% 0%;' +' z-index: 9999;' +' position: fixed;' +' left: calc(50vw - 18em);' +' top: 20vh;' +' border-radius: 4px;' +' color: #6B7A8C;' +' font: 300 17px "Open Sans",sans-serif;' +' padding: 1em;' +' width: 36em;' +' max-height: calc(80vh - 3em);' +' overflow: auto;' +'}' ) .appendTo(document.head) function cmpVersion(a, b) { var i, cmp, len, re = /(\.0)+[^\.]*$/; a = (a + '').replace(re, '').split('.'); b = (b + '').replace(re, '').split('.'); len = Math.min(a.length, b.length); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { cmp = parseInt(a[i], 10) - parseInt(b[i], 10); if( cmp !== 0 ) { return cmp; } } return a.length - b.length; } function close_popup() { $('.BarefootMonkey-popup-bg, .BarefootMonkey-popup').fadeOut(500, function() { $(this).remove() }) } function open_popup() { var bg = $('<div class="BarefootMonkey-popup-bg">') .hide() .appendTo(document.body) .click(close_popup) var popup = $('<aside class="BarefootMonkey-popup">') .hide() .html('<h1> shortcut keys <i>version '+version+'</i></h1>' +"<p>A userscript which adds several helpful keyboard shortcuts to</p>" +"<p>On the main page or giveaway list search r###lts:</p>" +"<ul>" +"<li><key>Ctrl</key> + <key>E</key>: focus on the search box</li>" +"<li><key>Ctrl</key> + <key>Right</key>: next page</li>" +"<li><key>Ctrl</key> + <key>Left</key>: previous page</li>" +"</ul>" +"<p>On a giveaway:</p>" +"<ul>" +"<li><key>Ctrl</key> + <key>E</key>: enter the giveaway</li>" +"<li><key>Ctrl</key> + <key>Shift</key> + <key>E</key>: remove your entry</li>" +"</ul>" +"<p>On a comment, support or discussion page:</p>" +"<ul>" +"<li><key>Ctrl</key> + <key>Space</key>: focus on the \"new comment\" text area</li>" +"<li><key>Ctrl</key> + <key>Enter</key>: submit your comment</li>" +"<li><key>Alt</key> + <key>R</key> or <key>Alt</key> + <key>R</key>: Insert the name of the user to whom you typing a reply</li>" +"<li><key>Alt</key> + <key>O</key>: Insert the name of the user who created this discussion or giveaway</li>" +"</ul>" +'<p>This popup appears the first time you load after <a href="" target="_blank"> shortcut keys</a> is installed or updated. To see it again, look in your <b>Account</b> menu at the top-right of the page.</p>' +"<h1>latest changes</h1>" +"<ul>" +"<li>Added support for HTTPS</li>" +"<li>Tidied up the list of shortcut keys</li>" +"</ul>" ) .appendTo(document.body) $('.BarefootMonkey-popup-bg, .BarefootMonkey-popup').fadeIn(500) } // in progress function add_menu_entry() { var menu = document.querySelector('[href="/account"] ~ .nav__relative-dropdown .nav__absolute-dropdown') var row = document.createElement('a') row.setAttribute('class', 'nav__row') var child child = document.createElement('i') child.setAttribute('class', 'fa fa-fw') row.appendChild(child) var summary = document.createElement('div') summary.setAttribute('class', 'nav__row__summary') row.appendChild(summary) child = document.createElement('p') child.setAttribute('class', 'nav__row__summary__name') child.textContent = ' shortcut keys' summary.appendChild(child) child = document.createElement('p') child.setAttribute('class', 'nav__row__summary__description') child.textContent = 'Configure this user script' summary.appendChild(child) menu.appendChild(row) = 'pointer' row.addEventListener('click', open_popup) } try { var OP_name var is_giveaway, is_forum, is_support // determine where on the site we are visiting var path_matches = location.pathname.match(/^\/([^\/]*)\/([^\/]*)\/.*/) if (path_matches) { switch (path_matches[1]) { case 'giveaway': is_giveaway = true; break // case 'support': is_support = true; break case 'discussion': is_forum = true; break } } // discover the name of the author of the thread/giveaway if (is_giveaway) { var name_element = document.querySelector('.featured__summary .featured__column a') if (name_element) { OP_name = name_element.textContent.trim() } } else if (is_forum) { var name_element = document.querySelector('.comment__username>a') if (name_element) { OP_name = name_element.textContent.trim() } } // catch keypress events document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { try { // ctrl shortcut keys to focus or submit the textbox if (event.ctrlKey && !event.repeat) { // ctrl+enter if (event.which == 13) { var active = document.activeElement if (active && active === document.querySelector('.comment--submit div.comment__description>form>textarea[name=description]')) { var button = document.querySelector('.comment--submit .comment__submit-button') if (button) { if ( else { button.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent('click', { 'view': window, 'bubbles': true, 'cancelable': true }) ) } event.preventDefault() } } } // ctrl+space else if (event.which == 32) { // find the comment textarea var textbox = document.querySelector('.comment--submit div.comment__description>form>textarea[name=description]') // give focus to the comment textarea if (textbox) { textbox.focus() event.preventDefault() } } } if (!event.repeat) { // ignore case var which = event.which|32 var search_page_regexp = '^\\?(?:.*&)?page=([0-9]+)(?:&.*)?$' // left if (event.ctrlKey && which == 37) { if (location.pathname == '/giveaways/search') { var regexp = new RegExp(search_page_regexp) var matches = regexp.exec( if (matches.length > 1) { page = parseInt(matches[1]) if (!isNaN(page) && page > 1) { location = '/giveaways/search?page='+(page-1) } } } // right } else if (event.ctrlKey && which == 39) { if (location.pathname == '/') { location = '/giveaways/search?page=2' } else if (location.pathname == '/giveaways/search') { var regexp = new RegExp(search_page_regexp) var matches = regexp.exec( if (matches.length > 1) { page = parseInt(matches[1]) if (!isNaN(page)) { location = '/giveaways/search?page='+(page+1) } } } // ctrl+e } else if (event.ctrlKey && which == 101) { if (is_giveaway) { var button if (event.shiftKey) { button = document.querySelector('.sidebar__entry-delete:not(.is-hidden)') } else { button = document.querySelector('.sidebar__entry-insert:not(.is-hidden)') } if (button) { if ( else { button.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent('click', { 'view': window, 'bubbles': true, 'cancelable': true }) ) } } event.preventDefault() } else { var offset = 100 var search = document.querySelector('.sidebar__search-input') if (search) { search.focus() window.scroll(0, search.offsetTop - offset) } event.preventDefault() } // handle comment-editing shortcuts } else { var active = document.activeElement if (active && active === document.querySelector('.comment--submit div.comment__description>form>textarea[name=description]')) { // alt+o = original poster's name if (event.altKey && which == 111) { // insert OP's name it into the comment if (OP_name) { // take note of the cursor position var cursor_pos = active.selectionStart // insert the name var text = active.value active.value = (text.substring(0, cursor_pos) + OP_name + text.substring(active.selectionEnd)) // move the cursor cursor_pos += OP_name.length active.setSelectionRange(cursor_pos, cursor_pos) // prevent the browser from handling this event event.preventDefault() } // alt+p or alt+r = parent poster's name } else if (event.altKey && (which == 112 || which == 114)) { // prevent ctrl+alt+p because of reported conflict with Puush if (event.ctrlKey && event.altKey && which == 112) return; // traverse up the DOM tree to find name of the parent post's author var PP_name = OP_name { var parent = active while (parent = parent.parentNode) { if (parent.classList && parent.classList.contains('comment') && !parent.classList.contains('comment--submit')) { var name_e = parent.querySelector('.comment__username>a') if (name_e) PP_name = name_e.textContent.trim() break } } } // insert PP's name it into the comment if (PP_name) { // take note of the cursor position var cursor_pos = active.selectionStart // insert the name var text = active.value active.value = (text.substring(0, cursor_pos) + PP_name + text.substring(active.selectionEnd)) // move the cursor cursor_pos += PP_name.length active.setSelectionRange(cursor_pos, cursor_pos) // prevent the browser from handling this event event.preventDefault() } } } } } } catch (exception) { console.log(exception) } }, true) } catch (exception) { console.log(exception) } // version check var prev_version = GM_getValue('prev_version', null) if (prev_version != version) { GM_setValue('prev_version', version) open_popup() }