You can also try these related scripts:
- ZSMTurker's Combo Script - Combination script for common HITs
- Relevance Groupon on Mturk - Hides instructions, auto opens link, when radio is clicked new window closes and hit submits.
- mmmturkeybacon Brittany Graham Revenue - Turns company name into a manta search link.
- mmmturkeybacon Bad Link Fixer - Sometimes requesters will leave off the protocol at the beginning of a URL; for example, instead of This results in bad links that look like This script prepends "http://" to links that don't start with "http" or "/". I'm not sure if it makes sense for any HIT to use relative links. It's possible this script might break valid links. It's best to leave it disabled until you need it.
- Taste of the World Matching Task - A is Yes S is No D is unsure