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Planets.nu - Open Slot Filter Plugin

Adds race filters to the 'Game List' menu which allow to sort the list of new and open games by race. Additionally, for each race the player rank and tenacity is used to prune games for which the player is not eligible.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name           Planets.nu - Open Slot Filter Plugin
// @namespace      kedalion/openSlotFilter
// @description    Adds race filters to the 'Game List' menu which allow to sort the list of new and open games by race. Additionally, for each race the player rank and tenacity is used to prune games for which the player is not eligible.
// @include        http://planets.nu/*
// @include        http://play.planets.nu/*
// @include        http://test.planets.nu/*
// @resource      userscript https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/6010-planets-nu-open-slot-filter-plugin
// @homepage      http://planets.nu/#/activity/1296415
// @author         kedalion
// @version        0.22
// ==/UserScript==
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0.22  Fixed description text for mentor games [2014-10-25]
0.21  Moved script location to greasyfork.org [2014-10-25]
0.2   Moved script location to monkeyguts.com [2014-05-30]
0.16  fixed rank filters for cross race eligibility
0.14  allows to sort filtered games, added more filters
0.13  race selections can be cleared again.
0.1   initial alpha release
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function wrapper() { // wrapper for injection
var plugin_version = 0.22;
console.log("Open Slot Filter plugin version: v" + plugin_version );
html["GamesFilter"] = " <div id=\"egames\"> <div id=\"etitlearea\">  <div id=\"emaintitle\"> {{t.publicgames}} - Game Slot Filter Plugin </div> {{t.gamesdescription}} <br> This page is augmented by the <a href=\"http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/447749\">\"Open Slot Filter Plugin\"</a> (<a href=\"http://planets.nu/discussion/utility-script-open-slot-filter-plugin\">Forum Thread</a>). The found open slots can filtered by race and are automatically filtered according to eligibility with respect to rank and to required tenacity. Games are organized in groups: Classic 11 player games, Mentor & Midshipman Games, Team Games, and Giant Melee Games.</div>        <div>     </div>    <ul id=\"etabs\">                <li id=\"echampionships\" data-tab=\"\">            {{t.championships}}        </li>                <li id=\"ejoining\" data-tab=\"/new\">            {{t.newgames}}        </li>                <li id=\"eopen\" data-tab=\"/open\">            {{t.open}}        </li>                <li id=\"eblitz\" data-tab=\"/blitz\">            {{t.blitz}}        </li>                <li id=\"efull\" data-tab=\"/full\">            {{t.full}}        </li>                <li id=\"efinished\" data-tab=\"/finished\">            {{t.finished}}        </li>        </ul> <div id=\"efiltertools\" class=\"etabcontent\" style=\"padding: 15px 0 15px 0;  margin: 0px auto; border-bottom: solid 1px #333; \" > </div><div id=\"etabcontent\" class=\"etabcontent\">    </div> </div>";
html["ExtendedGameList"] = "{{#title}}<div id=\"etitlearea\">  <div id=\"emaintitle\" style=\"font-size: 20px\"> {{title}} - {{count}} Game(s) </div> {{subtitle}} <br>    </div> {{/title}}   <div><div style=\"padding: 0 0 20px 0;text-align:center;\">{{#startblitz}}<div id=\"ecreategamemenu\" style=\"float: right;\">            <a id=\"estartblitz\" title=\"Start a new blitz game.\" style=\"float:right;\">{{t.startblitz}}</a>  </div>{{/startblitz}}{{#hostedby}} {{t.hostedby}} <span style=\"text-transform: capitalize;\">{{hostedby}}</span>.{{/hostedby}}</div><table class=\"estandardgamelist ecleantable\" style=\"width: 100%;\">    <tbody>        <tr>            <th>{{t.name}}</th>            <th>{{t.type}}</th>            <th>{{t.open}}</th>            <th>{{t.schedule}}</th>        </tr>        {{#games}}        <tr class=\"erendergamerow\" data-id=\"{{id}}\">            <td style=\"width:220px;\" class=\"egamedescription\">                {{#imgurl}}                <img src=\"{{imgurl}}\" style=\"width:60px;height:70px;float:left;margin:0 10px 0 0;\" />                {{/imgurl}}                {{^imgurl}}                <div style=\"background-image: url(http://play.planets.nu/img/nuplanets/planetimages30px.png);background-position: -{{picoffset}}px 0px;width:30px;height:30px;float:left;margin:0 10px 0 0;\"></div>                {{/imgurl}}                <a href=\"#/sector/{{id}}/players\">{{name}}</a>                <span>{{statusname}} - {{t.Turn}} {{turn}}</span>                          </td>            <td style=\"width:150px;\" class=\"egamedescription\">                {{shortdescription}}                <span>{{t.minrank}}: {{minlevelname}}</span>                 <span>{{t.maxrank}}: {{maxlevelname}}</span>                 <span>{{t.tenacity}}: {{mintenacity}}</span>             </td>            <td class=\"egamedescription\">                {{openslots}}/{{slots}} {{t.open}}                <span>{{openslotstext}}</span><div class=\"egamedescription\">Difficulty: {{difficulty}} </div>                 </td>            <td style=\"width:150px;\" class=\"egamedescription\">                {{hostdays}}                <span>{{schedule}}</span>            </td>        </tr>        {{/games}}    </tbody></table></div>";
var openSlotFilterPlugin =
* processload: executed whenever a turn is loaded: either the current turn or
* an older turn through time machine
processload: function() {
* loaddashboard: executed to rebuild the dashboard content after a turn is loaded
loaddashboard: function() {
* showdashboard: executed when switching from starmap to dashboard
showdashboard: function() {
* showsummary: executed when returning to the main screen of the dashboard
showsummary: function() {
* loadmap: executed after the first turn has been loaded to create the map
* as far as I can tell not executed again when using time machine
loadmap: function() {
* showmap: executed when switching from dashboard to starmap
showmap: function() {
* draw: executed on any click or drag on the starmap
draw: function() {
* loadplanet: executed a planet is selected on dashboard or starmap
loadplanet: function() {
* loadstarbase: executed a planet is selected on dashboard or starmap
loadstarbase: function() {
* loadship: executed a planet is selected on dashboard or starmap
loadship: function() {
version: plugin_version,
//other variables
plugin_name: "OpenSlotFilterPlugin",
enabled: true,
oldViewGamesShow: null,
minTurnsPerWeek: 0,
maxTurnsPerWeek: 7,
turnsPerWeek: [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true],
allowFastStart: true,
openSlotsPerRace: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
raceSelection: 0,
//winCondition: 1,
filterForOwnRank: true,
filterForOwnTenacity: true,
requireMinTenacity: false,
sortGamesBy: 0,  //0 game turn, 1 id, 2 difficulty, 3 turns per week, 4 min rank
sortGamesText: ["Game Turn", "Game ID", "Difficulty", "Turns/week", "Req. Rank"],
sortReverse: false,
sortGames: function(g_in) {
switch (this.sortGamesBy) {
case 1: g_in.sort(function(a,b) {return a.id - b.id;}); break;
case 2: g_in.sort(function(a,b) {return a.difficulty - b.difficulty;}); break;
case 3: g_in.sort(function(a,b) {return a.turnsperweek - b.turnsperweek;}); break;
case 4: g_in.sort(function(a,b) {return a.requiredlevelid - b.requiredlevelid;}); break;
default: g_in.sort(function(a,b) {return a.turn - b.turn;}); break;
if (this.sortReverse) {
return g_in;
selectSortMethod: function(m) {
if (m < 0 || m > 4) {
if (this.sortGamesBy == m) {
this.sortReverse = !this.sortReverse;
} else {
this.sortGamesBy = m;
this.sortReverse = false;
//console.log("Sort games: " + this.sortGamesBy + " reversed: " + this.sortReverse + ".");
vgap.registerPlugin(openSlotFilterPlugin, "openSlotFilterPlugin");
vgap.plugins["openSlotFilterPlugin"].oldViewGamesShow = ViewGames.prototype.show;
ViewGames.prototype.show = function () {
if (!vgap.plugins["openSlotFilterPlugin"].enabled) {
console.log("Plugin not enabled: execute original game listing code!");
var plugin = vgap.plugins["openSlotFilterPlugin"];
//empty the content area
//load the screen
var screen = html.get("GamesFilter", nu.data.games).appendTo(nu.frame.content);
//tab navigation to subscreens
screen.tabs.find("li").tclick(function () { window.location = "#/games" + $(this).data("tab"); });
nu.view.screen = screen;
var games;
var startblitz = false;
var filter_for_open_slots = true;
plugin.openSlotsPerRace = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
if (window.location.hash.indexOf("/open") >= 0) {
if (nu.data.opengames == null) {
nu.api.listGames("2", "2,3,4", "opengames");
games = nu.data.opengames;
else if (window.location.hash.indexOf("/full") >= 0) {
filter_for_open_slots = false;
if (nu.data.fullgames == null) {
nu.api.listGames("2", "2,3,4", "fullgames");
games = nu.data.fullgames;
else if (window.location.hash.indexOf("/blitz") >= 0) {
filter_for_open_slots = false;
if (nu.data.blitzgames == null) {
nu.api.listGames("1", "5", "blitzgames");
if (nu.apikey)
startblitz = true;
games = nu.data.blitzgames;
else if (window.location.hash.indexOf("/finished") >= 0) {
filter_for_open_slots = false;
if (nu.data.finishedgames == null) {
nu.api.listGames("3", "2,3,4", "finishedgames");
games = nu.data.finishedgames;
else if (window.location.hash.indexOf("/new") >= 0) {
if (nu.data.newgames == null) {
nu.api.listGames("1", "2,3,4", "newgames");
games = nu.data.newgames;
filter_for_open_slots = false;
if (nu.data.championships == null) {
nu.api.listGames("1,2,3", "6", "championships");
games = nu.data.championships;
var classic_games = [];
var team_games = [];
var melee_games = [];
var mentor_games = [];
if (filter_for_open_slots) {
//load officers
if ((plugin.filterForOwnRank || plugin.filterForOwnTenacity) && !nu.data.account.officers) {
//just go once over the games to fetch the game info
for (var i = 0; i < games.length; i++) {
//get game
var g = games[i];
//check if it contains open slots
if (g.openslots == 0) {
if (g.gametype != 2) {
if (!nu.data.games["game" + g.id]) {
for (var i = 0; i < games.length; i++) {
//marker if game has already been added if slots for all races are considered
var game_added = false;
//get game
var g = games[i];
//check if it contains open slots
if (g.openslots == 0) {
var isMentorGame = false;
if (g.gametype == 3 && (g.requiredlevelid > g.maxlevelid)) {
isMentorGame = true;
//console.log("Mentor game found.");
//check for open spots of each race
for (var r=1; r<12; r++) {
//check if the player rank for that race is eligible for game
if (plugin.filterForOwnRank && !isMentorGame) {
//get right own officer rank for race
var own_rank = 0;
var own_max_rank = 0;
for (var j=0; j<nu.data.account.officers.length; j++) {
if (nu.data.account.officers[j].levelid > own_max_rank) {
own_max_rank = nu.data.account.officers[j].levelid;
if (nu.data.account.officers[j].raceid == r) {
own_rank = nu.data.account.officers[j].levelid;
//console.log("Own rank: " + own_rank);
if (own_max_rank - 2 > own_rank) {
own_rank = own_max_rank - 2;
if (g.requiredlevelid > own_rank) {
//  console.log("Game #" + g.id + ": Not eligible. Own rank in race (" + own_rank + ") is lower than required rank (" + g.requiredlevelid + ").");
if (g.maxlevelid != 0 && g.maxlevelid < own_rank) {
//  console.log("Game #" + g.id + ": Not eligible. Own rank in race (" + own_rank + ") is higher than the maximum rank (" + g.maxlevelid + ").");
//check for tenacity eligibility
if (plugin.filterForOwnTenacity && g.mintenacity != 0 && nu.data.account.tenacity < (g.mintenacity/100.0)) {
//  console.log("Game #" + g.id + ": Not eligible. Tenacity of " + nu.data.account.tenacity + " is lower than the required " + g.mintenacity + ".");
//different game types need to be handled differently
var slot_for_race_found = false;
if (g.gametype == 2) { //standard 11 player games with one of each race
if (g.turnstatus[r-1] == 'o') {
slot_for_race_found = true;
} else {
if (!nu.data.games["game" + g.id]) {
for (var k=0; k<nu.data.games["game" + g.id].players.length; k++ ) {
var p = nu.data.games["game" + g.id].players[k];
if (p.status == 0) {
if (p.raceid == 0) {
slot_for_race_found = true;
if (r == plugin.raceSelection) {
g.openslotstext = nu.getRace(r).shortname + " (Free To Choose)";
if (p.raceid == r) {
slot_for_race_found = true;
if (r == plugin.raceSelection) {
g.openslotstext = nu.getRace(r).shortname;
if (!slot_for_race_found) {
//console.log("Game #" + g.id + ": No slots for desired race available.");
vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].openSlotsPerRace[r] += 1;
//if game does not match the desired turns per week, don't display it
if (g.turnsperweek > 7 || g.turnsperweek < 1 || (g.turnsperweek < 5 && !vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].turnsPerWeek[g.turnsperweek]) || (g.turnsperweek > 4 && !vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].turnsPerWeek[4]) ){
//if min tenacity is desired
if (plugin.requireMinTenacity && g.mintenacity == 0) {
//list all open slots or just the ones for the selected race
if (r == plugin.raceSelection || plugin.raceSelection == 0) {
//skip if slots for all races are considered and game has been added before for another race
if ( plugin.raceSelection == 0 && game_added) {
game_added = true;
if (g.gametype == 2) {
} else if (g.gametype == 3) {
//check if it is a mentor game
if (g.requiredlevelid > g.maxlevelid) {
} else {
} else if (g.gametype == 4) {
//use filtered subset as list to display
games = classic_games;
//generate HTML for sort buttons
var html_sort_begin = "<div style=\"width: 100%; padding: 15px 0 0 0;\"><table class=\"ecleantable\" \"><tbody><tr>";
var html_sort_buttons = "<td></td><td style=\"width: 170px; padding: 0 15px 0 15px; font-size: 16px;\">Sort found games by: </td>";
for (var s=0; s<5; s++) {
var cur_img_src = "http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/sort" + s + "_";
var over_img_src = cur_img_src;
if (s == plugin.sortGamesBy) {
if (plugin.sortReverse) {
cur_img_src += "up_g.png";
over_img_src += "down_o.png";
} else {
cur_img_src += "down_g.png";
over_img_src += "up_o.png";
} else {
cur_img_src += "down.png";
over_img_src += "down_o.png";
html_sort_buttons += "<td style=\"width: 120px; text-align: center;\" title=\"Sort filtered games by " + vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].sortGamesText[s] + ".\"><img src=\"" + cur_img_src + "\" height=\"25px\" onmouseover=\"this.src='" + over_img_src + "'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='" + cur_img_src + "'\" onclick=\"vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].selectSortMethod(" + s + "); nu.views['games'].show(); \"  /></td>";
var html_sort_button_end = "</tr></tbody></table></div>";
if (!filter_for_open_slots) {
//insert sort menu
html["GamesFilterTools"] = html_sort_begin + html_sort_buttons + html_sort_button_end;
//screen.filtertools = "<div> 12342423 </div>";
var filtercontent = html.get("GamesFilterTools", { title: "Classic Games", subtitle: "", count: games.length, games: games }).appendTo(screen.filtertools);
//sort games
games = vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].sortGames(games);
var tabcontent = html.get("ExtendedGameList", {  title: "", subtitle: "", startblitz: startblitz, count: games.length, games: games }).appendTo(screen.tabcontent);
$(".erendergamerow").tclick(function () { window.location = "#/sector/" + $(this).data("id") + "/players"; });
if (startblitz) {
tabcontent.startblitz.tclick(function () { nu.view.startBlitz(); });
} else {
//prepare html content for tool section
var html_turn_buttons_begin = "<div style=\"width: 100%; padding: 0 0 15px 0; \"><table class=\"ecleantable\" style=\"width: 100%; \"><tbody><tr>";
//turns per week selectors
var html_turn_buttons = "<td style=\"width: 110px; padding: 0 15px 0 15px; font-size: 16px;\">Turns per week:</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" width=\"50px\" title=\"Any number of turns per week\"><img src=\"http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/tany.png\" height=\"25px\" onmouseover=\"this.src='http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/tanyo.png'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/tany.png'\" onclick=\"for (var i=1; i<8; i++) {vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].turnsPerWeek[i] = true; } nu.views['games'].show(); \"  /></td>";
for (var t=1; t<5; t++) {
if (vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].turnsPerWeek[t]) {
html_turn_buttons += "<td style=\"text-align: center;\" width=\"20px\" title=\"" + t + " turns per week\"><img src=\"http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/t" + t + "g.png\" height=\"25px\" onmouseover=\"this.src='http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/t" + t + "o.png'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/t" + t + "g.png'\" onclick=\"vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].turnsPerWeek[" + t + "] = !vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].turnsPerWeek[" + t + "]; nu.views['games'].show(); \"  /></td>";
} else {
html_turn_buttons += "<td style=\"text-align: center;\" width=\"20px\" title=\"" + t + " turns per week\"><img src=\"http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/t" + t + ".png\" height=\"25px\" onmouseover=\"this.src='http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/t" + t + "o.png'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/t" + t + ".png'\" onclick=\"vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].turnsPerWeek[" + t + "] = !vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].turnsPerWeek[" + t + "]; nu.views['games'].show(); \"  /></td>";
//end: turns per week selectors
//html for filtering for rank and tenacity
var html_filter_rank = "";
var cur_img_src = "http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/filter_";
var over_img_src = cur_img_src;
if (plugin.filterForOwnRank) {
cur_img_src += "rank_g.png";
over_img_src += "rank_o.png";
} else {
cur_img_src += "rank.png";
over_img_src += "rank_o.png";
html_filter_rank += "<td style=\"width: 120px; text-align: center;\" title=\"Filter games according to rank eligibility.\"><img src=\"" + cur_img_src + "\" height=\"25px\" onmouseover=\"this.src='" + over_img_src + "'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='" + cur_img_src + "'\" onclick=\"vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].filterForOwnRank = !vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].filterForOwnRank; nu.views['games'].show(); \"  /></td>";
cur_img_src = "http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/filter_";
over_img_src = cur_img_src;
if (plugin.filterForOwnTenacity) {
cur_img_src += "tenacity_g.png";
over_img_src += "tenacity_o.png";
} else {
cur_img_src += "tenacity.png";
over_img_src += "tenacity_o.png";
html_filter_rank += "<td style=\"width: 120px; text-align: center;\" title=\"Filter games according to tenacity eligibility.\"><img src=\"" + cur_img_src + "\" height=\"25px\" onmouseover=\"this.src='" + over_img_src + "'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='" + cur_img_src + "'\" onclick=\"vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].filterForOwnTenacity = !vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].filterForOwnTenacity; nu.views['games'].show(); \"  /></td>";
cur_img_src = "http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/filter_";
over_img_src = cur_img_src;
if (plugin.requireMinTenacity) {
cur_img_src += "req_tenacity_g.png";
over_img_src += "req_tenacity_o.png";
} else {
cur_img_src += "req_tenacity.png";
over_img_src += "req_tenacity_o.png";
html_filter_rank += "<td style=\"width: 120px; text-align: center;\" title=\"Filter out games which do not require a minimum tenacity to join.\"><img src=\"" + cur_img_src + "\" height=\"25px\" onmouseover=\"this.src='" + over_img_src + "'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='" + cur_img_src + "'\" onclick=\"vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].requireMinTenacity = !vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].requireMinTenacity; nu.views['games'].show(); \"  /></td>";
//end: html for filtering for rank and tenacity
var html_filter_heading = "<td style=\"width: 110px; padding: 0 15px 0 15px; font-size: 16px;\">Filter games:</td>";
var html_buttons_begin = "<div style=\"width: 100%; padding: 0 0 15px 0; border-bottom: solid 1px #333;\"><table class=\"ecleantable\" style=\"width: 100%; \"><tbody><tr>";
var html_buttons = "";
for (var b=1; b<12; b++) {
if (b == vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].raceSelection) {
html_buttons += "<td style=\"text-align: center;\" title=\"" + vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].openSlotsPerRace[b] + " game(s) with open slot(s) for " + nu.getRace(b).shortname  +"\"><img src=\"http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/" + b + "g.png\" width=\"50px\" onmouseover=\"this.src='http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/" + b + "o.png'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/" + b + "g.png'\" onclick=\"vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].raceSelection = 0; nu.views['games'].show(); \"  /><br>" + vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].openSlotsPerRace[b] + "</td>";
} else {
html_buttons += "<td style=\"text-align: center;\" title=\"" + vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].openSlotsPerRace[b] + " game(s) with open slot(s) for " + nu.getRace(b).shortname  +"\"><img src=\"http://play.planets.nu/img/races/" + b + ".png\" width=\"50px\" onmouseover=\"this.src='http://planets.nu/_library/2014/4/" + b + "o.png'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='http://play.planets.nu/img/races/" + b + ".png'\" onclick=\"vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].raceSelection = " + b + "; nu.views['games'].show(); \"  /><br>" + vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].openSlotsPerRace[b] + "</td>";
var html_button_end = "</tr></tbody></table></div>";
html["GamesFilterTools"] = html_turn_buttons_begin + html_filter_heading + html_filter_rank + html_turn_buttons + "<td>&nbsp; </td>"+ html_button_end;
html["GamesFilterTools"] += html_buttons_begin + html_buttons + html_button_end;
//add sort menu to tools section
html["GamesFilterTools"] += html_sort_begin + html_sort_buttons + html_sort_button_end;
var filtercontent = html.get("GamesFilterTools", { title: "Classic Games", subtitle: "", count: games.length, games: games }).appendTo(screen.filtertools);
//sort games
games = vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].sortGames(games);
team_games = vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].sortGames(team_games);
mentor_games = vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].sortGames(mentor_games);
melee_games = vgap.plugins['openSlotFilterPlugin'].sortGames(melee_games);
var tabcontent = null;
if (games.length > 0) {
tabcontent = html.get("ExtendedGameList", {  title: "Classic Games", subtitle: "These are classic 11 player games. They maybe vary in their configuration: fully Classic, Stellar Cartography, and Campaign features.", startblitz: false, count: games.length, games: games }).appendTo(screen.tabcontent);
$(".erendergamerow").tclick(function () { window.location = "#/sector/" + $(this).data("id") + "/players"; });
if (mentor_games.length > 0) {
tabcontent = html.get("ExtendedGameList", { title: "Mentor Games", subtitle: "Two types of games mentor game: 1) Team games with 6 teams with 2 players each: a seasoned mentor partners up with a beginner to show him the ropes. 2) Team games with 11 beginners ganging up against 1 mentor. Full map visibility allows beginners to learn from the mentor's moves and the mentor can give advise to the beginners.", startblitz: false, count: mentor_games.length, games: mentor_games }).appendTo(screen.tabcontent);
$(".erendergamerow").tclick(function () { window.location = "#/sector/" + $(this).data("id") + "/players"; });
if (team_games.length > 0) {
tabcontent = html.get("ExtendedGameList", { title: "Team Games", subtitle: "Team games with 2, 3, or 4 players per team.", startblitz: false, count: team_games.length, games: team_games }).appendTo(screen.tabcontent);
$(".erendergamerow").tclick(function () { window.location = "#/sector/" + $(this).data("id") + "/players"; });
if (melee_games.length > 0) {
tabcontent = html.get("ExtendedGameList", { title: "Giant Melee Games", subtitle: "Giant Melee battles ", startblitz: false, count: melee_games.length, games: melee_games }).appendTo(screen.tabcontent);
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