Adds a projected earnings item to mturk dashboard
// ==UserScript== // @name Today's Projected Earnings // @namespace // @description Adds a projected earnings item to mturk dashboard // @include // @version 1 // ==/UserScript== // // We are on the dashboard page. We want to go to the status_detail // pages for today and add up the amount for all the hits done so far today // and paste that into the dashboard page like the current earnings script // does. We will use the XMLHttpRequest Object to get the pages and then // process them one by one until we have done them all. // // But first since we are on the dashboard page when we get invoked we search // for the Today link to get the encoded date and the number of hits submitted // so we know how many detailed status pages we have to fetch and how to encode // the links with today's date. // // 01/25/2011 Beta Version ready // // 01/31/2011 // Modified to save the subtotal calculated so far to avoid having to fetch // pages that have already been totalled. This is done by saving the subtotal // for complete pages in a cookie. Two auxillary cookies are needed also, one // for today's encoded date, and one for complete pages subtotalled so far. // Also optimized by changing the logic of the first if statement. // // 02/01/2011 // Fixed bug that occurred when you had no partial page and you ran the script // more than once, it would show zero earnings. Removed the CompletedSubtotal // var in the process of fixing that. Got rid of do it yourself // getElementsByClassName. // // 06/23/2011 // Fixed to handle new html that puts a <span class > around the reward amount // // 07/12/2011 // Changed to make it clickable to clear the cookies to start the subtotalling over // to account for out of sequence completion of HITs and for rejections that happen after // a page has been subtotalled. Basically this just makes it add everything up from scratch // to account for changes that have occurred. // // 07/12/2011 // Changed .onclick to .addEventListener so that the script works in FF also. var TodaysEarnings = 0; var NumberOfPages = 0; var todays_values = get_todays_data(); if(todays_values.length != 0) { // Extract Today's Date from link TodaysDate = todays_values[0].innerHTML; TodaysDate = TodaysDate.substr(,8); // Check whether the date has rolled over since the last time we were called if(TodaysDate != getCookie("MturkDate")) { setCookie("MturkDate",TodaysDate,1); setCookie("MturkSubtotal",0,1); setCookie("MturkPagesDone",0,1); } // Calculate Number of detailed status pages we have to add up // based on the fact there is a 25 hits/page limit. // We now only have to add in pages not already totalled and saved // in the MturkSubtotal cookie NumberOfPages = Math.ceil(todays_values[1].innerHTML/25); NumberOfCompletePages = Math.floor(todays_values[1].innerHTML/25); PagesDone = parseFloat(getCookie("MturkPagesDone")); TodaysEarnings = parseFloat(getCookie("MturkSubtotal")); if(NumberOfCompletePages > PagesDone) { for(page = PagesDone + 1; page <= NumberOfCompletePages; page++) // process each completed detailed status page one by one { detailed_status_page_link = "" + page + "&encodedDate=" + TodaysDate; TodaysEarnings += process_page(detailed_status_page_link); } setCookie("MturkSubtotal",TodaysEarnings,1); setCookie("MturkPagesDone",NumberOfCompletePages,1); } if(NumberOfPages > NumberOfCompletePages) // Handle partial pages { detailed_status_page_link = "" + NumberOfPages + "&encodedDate=" + TodaysDate; TodaysEarnings += process_page(detailed_status_page_link); } } // // Insert the Projected Earnings in the dashboard. // Copied from current_earnings script - Copyright (c) 2008, Mr. Berserk // // Modified to suit // var allTds, thisTd; allTds = document.getElementsByTagName('td'); for (var i = 0; i < allTds.length; i++) { thisTd = allTds[i]; if ( thisTd.innerHTML.match(/Total Earnings/) && thisTd.className.match(/metrics\-table\-first\-value/) ) { var row = document.createElement('tr'); row.className = "even"; var projectedEarningsLink = document.createElement('a'); projectedEarningsLink.href = ""; projectedEarningsLink.innerHTML = "Today's Projected Earnings"; projectedEarningsLink.addEventListener('click',clearCookies,false); var cellLeft = document.createElement('td'); cellLeft.className = "metrics-table-first-value"; cellLeft.appendChild(projectedEarningsLink); row.appendChild(cellLeft); var cellRight = document.createElement('td'); cellRight.innerHTML = "$" + TodaysEarnings.toFixed(2); row.appendChild(cellRight); thisTd.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(row,thisTd.parentNode.nextSibling); } } // // Functions // // // This will grab the data from the table for today. If today doesn't exist yet // we return an empty array so things still work. // function get_todays_data() { var tables = document.getElementsByClassName('metrics-table'); for (var m = 0; m < tables.length; m++) { var table_rows = tables[m].getElementsByTagName('tr'); for (var n = 0; n < table_rows.length; n++) { var table_data = table_rows[n].getElementsByTagName('td'); status_link = table_rows[n].getElementsByTagName('a'); if(status_link[0]) { if(table_data[0].innerHTML.match('Today')) { return table_data; } } } } no_today = []; return no_today; // If no Today found we have to return something else it dies silently } // // Process a detailed status page by added up the value of all the hits // function process_page(link) { // use XMLHttpRequest to fetch the entire page, use async mode for now because I understand it var page = getHTTPObject();"GET",link,false); page.send(null); return earnings_subtotal(page.responseText); } // // Add up all the hit values on this detailed status page // For the code to work we have to turn the responseText back // into a DOM object so we can get the values using the // getElementsByClassName function. We use the create div trick. // // Modified to not add in those hits that have already been rejected // function earnings_subtotal(page_text) { var sub_total= 0; var index = 0; var page_html = document.createElement('div'); page_html.innerHTML = page_text; var amounts = page_html.getElementsByClassName('statusdetailAmountColumnValue'); var statuses = page_html.getElementsByClassName('statusdetailStatusColumnValue'); for(var k = 0; k < amounts.length; k++) { if(statuses[k].innerHTML != 'Rejected') { index = amounts[k].innerHTML.indexOf('$'); sub_total = sub_total + parseFloat(amounts[k].innerHTML.substring(index+1)); } } return sub_total; } // // XMLHttpRequest wrapper from web // function getHTTPObject() { if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {} } return false; } // // Cookie functions copied from // function setCookie(c_name,value,exdays) { var exdate=new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays); var c_value=escape(value) + ((exdays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toUTCString()); document.cookie=c_name + "=" + c_value; } function getCookie(c_name) { var i,x,y,ARRcookies=document.cookie.split(";"); for (i=0;i<ARRcookies.length;i++) { x=ARRcookies[i].substr(0,ARRcookies[i].indexOf("=")); y=ARRcookies[i].substr(ARRcookies[i].indexOf("=")+1); x=x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); if (x==c_name) { return unescape(y); } } } function clearCookies() { setCookie("MturkSubtotal",0,1); setCookie("MturkPagesDone",0,1); return true; }