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Crowdsource Workstation Monitor

Monitors your CrowdSource work center for favorite tasks

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I'm using this 'clickhappier-archive' account to post archival copies of old MTurk-related userscripts from userscripts-mirror.org (which is itself an archive of the defunct site userscripts.org) and forum posts, which their authors or others haven't re-posted on Greasyfork yet. Some of these may no longer be all that interesting as more recent scripts may do what they do better, but some remain very useful.

This script was archived from http://masteroftheuniverse.com/misc/#crowdsource

Author: mralaska

Script Name: Crowdsource Workstation Monitor

Last update ? (mralaska has been mostly inactive since April 2014)

Script Summary: I felt the need to modify a version of the DCI Hit Monitor to monitor the CrowdSource workstation. This version is set up to use the Alert by default because lately their keyword resets have been small, sporadic, and disappear quickly. ... This is only if you have specific tasks you want to watch for from CrowdSource.
This script is still experimental. It was adapted by modifying the DCI Hit Monitor script.
* ALERT mode (default) is activated by setting SOUND_DELAY with any positive number greater than zero (2 should be plenty unless speed is limited). Best when working this script solely, or have it running in another browser. When an alert pops you stop what you are doing and visit the link from the frozen page. It is best to freeze the page using SLEEP_DELAY for a long enough time to investigate the link.
* LINK mode can be activated by setting SOUND_DELAY to 0 (sound delay is not needed in link mode). Best when multitasking or if you have a lot of search queries and wish to ignore some alerts. The script will continue adding links to the capture page but will not force immediate action. You can still set SLEEP_DELAY to give you time to investigate from the search page or set it similar to RELOAD_TIME to keep searching.
* To activate this script simply log into your account at https://work.crowdsource.com . This script will refresh the page at your specified interval using seach queries reflecting your favorite tasks.

Version: 0.1

For many more MTurk-related userscripts, see the Turking Scripts set.