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Zing Receipt Compare Script

Allows you to press one button on Zing's "Are these two receipts the same" HITs and it'll automatically pick that option and submit for you. There will be a confirm pop-up (to avoid errors), you can quickly press Enter on your keyboard to confirm & submit.

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I'm using this 'clickhappier-archive' account to post archival copies of old MTurk-related userscripts from userscripts-mirror.org (which is itself an archive of the defunct site userscripts.org) and forum posts, which their authors or others haven't re-posted on Greasyfork yet. Some of these may no longer be all that interesting as more recent scripts may do what they do better, but some remain very useful.

This script was archived from http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/469336

Author: Austin3600 aka WoLF

Script Name: MTurk Zing Receipt Compare Script

Last update Apr 19, 2014 — Installed 34 times.

Script Summary: Script for Zing's HIT: "Are these receipts the same?" It allows you to either press N (for no) or Y (for yes).
This script is MEANT to be used with: mmmturkeybacon's Scroll To Workspace script. mmmturkeybacon's script brings the HIT window completely into view [and gives the HIT content iframe keyboard focus]. It makes doing these HIT's extremely fast.
How to use this script:
Press "N" for NO, these receipts are NOT the same.
or Press "Y" for YES, these receipts ARE the same.
Once you press either button, a confirmation box will pop up asking if you're sure. Just press Enter to accept it.

Version: 1.0

Note from Clickhappier: There is at least one other script for these Zing HITs available ( https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/3239-zing-on-mturk ), but as this one does things differently, some people may prefer it.

For many more MTurk-related userscripts, see the Turking Scripts set.