This modifies your post renewal links in your account, to popup in a new window. I was annoyed that CL would use the same window, and then I would have to click back, and click the next renew link, etc etc.
// ==UserScript== // @name Craigslist Post Renew in New Window // @namespace Craigslist Post Renew in New Window // @description This modifies your post renewal links in your account, to popup in a new window. I was annoyed that CL would use the same window, and then I would have to click back, and click the next renew link, etc etc. // @include // @include // @version // ==/UserScript== var autoclick = "no"; //Change this to yes (and make sure you allow popups from if you want it to click the links for you /* DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW */ for (i=0; i<document.forms.length; i++) { var form = document.forms[i]; var counter = 0; if(form.elements.namedItem("go")){ var input = form.elements.namedItem("go"); var go_val = input.value; if(go_val == "renew"){ document.forms[i].setAttribute('target','_blank'); autoclick = autoclick.toLowerCase(); if(autoclick == "yes"){ counter = 1; document.forms[i].submit(); } } } } if(counter == 1){ //this will cause the page to refresh to display the renewed posting location.reload(true); }