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Envato Marketplace CKEditor Support

This is a userscript to add the CKEditor to Envato comment and edit forms.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Envato Marketplace CKEditor Support
// @author          Adrian Moerchen
// @homepage        https://github.com/scrobbleme/Envato-CKEditor-Support
// @supportURL      https://github.com/scrobbleme/Envato-CKEditor-Support
// @contributionURL   http://codecanyon.net/user/scrobbleme/portfolio?ref=scrobbleme
// @namespace       scrobble.me
// @date            2014-12-14
// @version         1.1.0
// @include         http://activeden.net*
// @include         http://audiojungle.net*
// @include         http://themeforest.net*
// @include         http://videohive.net*
// @include         http://graphicriver.net*
// @include         http://3docean.net*
// @include         http://codecanyon.net*
// @include         http://photodune.net*
// @grant           none
// @description This is a userscript to add the CKEditor to Envato comment and edit forms.
// ==/UserScript==
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var script_to_load = document.createElement('script');
script_to_load.setAttribute('src', location.protocol + '//cdn.ckeditor.com/4.4.6/standard/ckeditor.js');
script_to_load.onload = function () {
var selector = '#description, #item_comment_content, #thread_message_content, .js-comment-new-reply-field';
var editors = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (var i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) {
style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = "a.cke_button {height: 25px !important; background: transparent !important;}";