SGv2 Dark style with a settings menu to customize and and Compatible with most scripts found in the addon registry
These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.
Fixed spoiler text shadows showing due to text shadows being removed from steamgifts, GG-Deals-Everywhere support
Fanatical ads, Fanatical coupon event, ESGT giveaway icon fixes, footer fixes
Adjusted for steamtrades site changes, Added option for steamtrades page width, Added option to disable hotkeys, Removed border under ad sections
* Added fanatical savings to green buttons
Adjusted for site changes
Lightbox styled, Sgtools deals page navigation styled, Textarea re-add scrollbar above height threshold, Corrected ESGST Active Discussions On Top heading length, Updated Github Wiki Steamgifts Integration styling, Corrected ESGST Entry History
Holiday Event 2021
Ten years of Space Cat Event featured column hotfix
hot fix for color format
Ten years of Space Cat Event, ESGST fixes
Show all script versions