Shows all the screenshots without the scrollbox and adds direct links for fullsized versions
// ==UserScript== // @name GooglePlay direct screenshot links // @description Shows all the screenshots without the scrollbox and adds direct links for fullsized versions // @include* // @version 1.0.10 // @author wOxxOm // @namespace wOxxOm.scripts // @license MIT License // @run-at document-body // ==/UserScript== const GALLERY_ATTR = 'data-slideable-portion-heuristic-width'; const GALLERY_SELECTOR = `[${GALLERY_ATTR}]`; const FULL_HEIGHT = 2160; const PREVIEW_HEIGHT = 418; const mo = new MutationObserver(onMutation); const observe = () => mo.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['style', 'jsdata'], }); let throttled; onMutation([{ addedNodes: [document.body], target: document.documentElement, }]); observe(); // addEventListener('pageshow', replaceGallery); async function onMutation(mutations) { if (!throttled) { throttled = true; // await 0; replaceGallery(); throttled = false; } } function replaceGallery() { const node = document.querySelector(GALLERY_SELECTOR); if (!node) return; mo.disconnect(); const container = $new('div', { style: 'text-align: center', }); const contWidth = node.getBoundingClientRect().width; for (const img of node.getElementsByTagName('img')) { if (img.nextElementSibling) { container.appendChild(img.parentNode); } else { const src = img.dataset.src || (img.srcset || '').match(/https:\S+|$/)[0] || img.src || ''; const width = img.height && Math.round(PREVIEW_HEIGHT / img.height * img.width); const a = $new('a', { style: 'margin: 0 4px 4px 0; display: inline-block;', href: src.replace(/=.*/, `=h${FULL_HEIGHT}`), target: '_blank', }, [ $new('img', Object.assign({ src: src.replace(/=.*/, `=w${contWidth}-h${PREVIEW_HEIGHT}-rw`), height: PREVIEW_HEIGHT, }, width && width < contWidth && { width, })), ]); container.appendChild(a); } } node.parentNode.replaceWith(container); observe(); } function $new(tag, props, children) { const el = document.createElement(tag); Object.assign(el, props); if (children) el.append(...children.filter(Boolean)); return el; }