
Kickass Torrents Yandex Browser Transparency

Adds the Transparency feature for Yandex Browser (currently Yandex Alpha only) on Kickass Torrents.

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==// @name     Kickass Torrents Yandex Browser Transparency// @description Adds the Transparency feature for Yandex Browser (currently Yandex Alpha only) on Kickass Torrents.// @author   FickX// @version  1.0// @include  http://kickass.to/*// @include	 http://www.kickass.to/*// @include	 https://kickass.to/*// @include	 https://www.kickass.to/*// @include  http://kickass.so/*// @include	 http://www.kickass.so/*// @include	 https://kickass.so/*// @include	 https://www.kickass.to/*// @include  http://kickass.so/*// @include	 http://www.kat.ph/*// @include	 https://kat.ph/*// @include	 https://www.kat.ph/*// @require  http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js// @grant    GM_addStyle// @domain	kickass.to// @domain	www.kickass.to// @domain	kickass.so// @domain	www.kickass.so// @domain	kat.ph// @domain	www.kat.ph// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/9805// ==/UserScript==/*- The @grant directive is needed to work around a design changeintroduced in GM 1.0.   It restores the sandbox.*/$("head").append ( '                \<meta name="viewport" content="ya-title=#594c2d,ya-dock=fade">             \</meta>                          \' );