Currency converter to USD and some translations
// ==UserScript== // @name Nuuvem Enhancer // @namespace sharkiller_nuuvem_enhancer // @author sharkiller // @version 1.2 // @description Currency converter to USD and some translations // @homepage // @match* // @match* // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_addStyle // @copyright 2015 // ==/UserScript== var BRL2USD = GM_getValue('BRL2USD', false); // Currency conversion last update var BRL2USD_LU = GM_getValue('BRL2USD_LU', false); // Older than 1 day var older = new Date().getTime() - (1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); if(!BRL2USD || !BRL2USD_LU || older > BRL2USD_LU){ console.log('%c[Nuuvem Enhancer] Updating currency converter ', 'background: #222; color: #ffffff;'); BRL2USD = 3.1266; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "", synchronous: true, onload: function(response) { var re = /<meta itemprop="price"[\s]+content="([\d.]+)" \/>/; var m = re.exec(response.response); if(!isNaN(m[1])){ console.log('%c[Nuuvem Enhancer] Currency converter updated to: '+m[1], 'background: #222; color: #ffffff;'); GM_setValue('BRL2USD', m[1]); GM_setValue('BRL2USD_LU', new Date().getTime()); } } }); } console.log('%c[Nuuvem Enhancer] Using currency converter: '+BRL2USD, 'background: #222; color: #ffffff;'); function updatePrices(recurrent){ $('.mod-price.product-price').each(function(){ if($( this ).find('.currency-symbol').text() != 'U$D'){ var price = $(this).data('price'); var price_usd = (parseFloat((price.v/100) / BRL2USD).toFixed(2)+"").split('.'); var base_price = $(this).data('base-price'); $( this ).find('.integer').text(price_usd[0]).attr('title','R$'+(price.v/100)); $( this ).find('.decimal').text('.'+price_usd[1]).attr('title','R$'+(price.v/100)); $( this ).find('.currency-symbol').text('U$D').attr('title','R$'+(price.v/100)); if(base_price){ var base_price_usd = parseFloat((base_price.v/100) / BRL2USD).toFixed(2); $( this ).find('.product-price--old').text('U$D'+base_price_usd).attr('title','R$'+(base_price.v/100)); } } }); $('.nvm-mod.mod-price-simple').each(function(){ if($( this ).find('.currency-symbol').text() != 'U$D'){ var price = $( this ).find('.integer').text()+$( this ).find('.decimal').text().replace(',','.'); var price_usd = (parseFloat(price / BRL2USD).toFixed(2)+"").split('.'); $( this ).find('.integer').text(price_usd[0]).attr('title','R$ '+price); $( this ).find('.decimal').text(','+price_usd[1]).attr('title','R$ '+price); $( this ).find('.currency-symbol').text('U$D').attr('title','R$ '+price); if( $( this ).find('.price-old').text() !== '' ){ var price_old = $( this ).find('.price-old').text().replace(',','.'); var price_old_usd = parseFloat(price_old / BRL2USD).toFixed(2); $( this ).find('.price-old').text('U$S '+price_old_usd).attr('title','R$ '+price_old); } } }); $('.header-cart-nav--item-price,.header-cart-nav--price-total').each(function(){ if( $( this ).text().startsWith('R$') ){ var price = $( this ).text().replace(',','.').replace('R$ ','').replace('R$',''); var price_usd = parseFloat(price / BRL2USD).toFixed(2); $( this ).text('U$S '+price_usd).attr('title','R$ '+price); } }); $("#product [data-load-url]").each(function() { if(recurrent === true) return; var t = $(this), e ="load-url"); e && (t.addClass("loading"), $.ajax({ url: e, dataType: "jsonp json", success: function(e) { updatePrices(true); } })); }); } $( document ).ready(function() { updatePrices(); setInterval(function(){updatePrices(true);},500); });